
来源:互联网 发布:家纺品牌 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 03:51

--创建包头create or replace package jlc_zfh_package2  as--定义jlc_zfh_student中字段的集合类型type tab_stuId   is table of jlc_zfh_student.stuId%type index by binary_integer;-- jlc_zfh_student.stuId为表名称type tab_stuName is table of jlc_zfh_student.stuname%type index by binary_integer;type tab_stuHome is table of jlc_zfh_student.stuhome%type index by binary_integer;type tab_stuSex  is table of jlc_zfh_student.stusex%type index by binary_integer;type tab_flag    is table of char(1) index by binary_integer;  --更新jlc_zfh_student信息  function update_jlc_zfh_student(                            para_stuId         in tab_stuId,                            para_stuName       in tab_stuName,                            para_stuHome       in tab_stuHome,                            para_stuSex        in tab_stuSex,                            para_flag          in tab_flag)return varchar2;end jlc_zfh_package2 ;

--创建包体create or replace package body jlc_zfh_package2  as function update_jlc_zfh_student(   para_stuId         in tab_stuId,                            para_stuName       in tab_stuName,                            para_stuHome       in tab_stuHome,                            para_stuSex        in tab_stuSex,                            para_flag          in tab_flag    )return varchar2  is  execute_result varchar2(200);  begin    execute_result := 'to execute';    for idx in 1 .. para_flag.count loop      case  --标识位为‘1’时 执行insert 操作        when  para_flag(idx) = '1' then          insert into jlc_zfh_student          values            (             para_stuId(idx),             para_stuName(idx),             para_stuHome(idx),             para_stuSex(idx)            );          --标识位为‘2’时 执行update操作        when  para_flag(idx) = '2' then          update jlc_zfh_student             set jlc_zfh_student.stuId= para_stuId(idx),                 jlc_zfh_student.stuName= para_stuName(idx),                 jlc_zfh_student.stuHome= para_stuHome(idx),                 jlc_zfh_student.stuSex= para_stuSex(idx)           where jlc_zfh_student.stuId= para_stuId(idx);      --标识位为‘3’时 执行delete操作        when  para_flag(idx) = '3' then          delete from jlc_zfh_student           where jlc_zfh_student.stuId= para_stuId(idx);      end case;    end loop;    commit;    execute_result := 'succeed';    return execute_result;  exception    when others then      execute_result := sqlerrm;      return execute_result;      commit;  end update_jlc_zfh_student;end;

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