
来源:互联网 发布:redis mysql同步 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:22


  • mybatis事务的分类
    1)JDBC :直接简单使用了JDBC 的提交和回滚设置。

  • 配置mybatis事务管理器

<environments default="mysql_environment">        <environment id="mysql_environment">        <!-- 配置mybatis的事务 -->            <transactionManager type="JDBC" />            <dataSource type="POOLED">        <property name="driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" /><property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" />                <property name="username" value="zhangdd" />                <property name="password" value="zd1991.." />            </dataSource>        </environment></environments> 


  • mybatis创建事务
    public Environment(String id, TransactionFactory transactionFactory, DataSource dataSource) {,从这个构造器签名中我们可以看到,事务(Transaction)是由事务工厂(TransactionFactory)创建的。


JDBC Transaction是创建如下:

public class JdbcTransactionFactory implements TransactionFactory{public void setProperties(Properties props) {}  public Transaction newTransaction(Connection conn) {    return new JdbcTransaction(conn);  }  public Transaction newTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {    return new JdbcTransaction(ds, level, autoCommit);  }}


public class JdbcTransaction implements Transaction {  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcTransaction.class);  protected Connection connection;  protected DataSource dataSource;  protected TransactionIsolationLevel level;  protected boolean autoCommmit;  public JdbcTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel desiredLevel, boolean desiredAutoCommit) {    dataSource = ds;    level = desiredLevel;    autoCommmit = desiredAutoCommit;  }  public JdbcTransaction(Connection connection) {    this.connection = connection;  }  public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {    if (connection == null) {      openConnection();    }    return connection;  }  public void commit() throws SQLException {    if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) {      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Committing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");      }      connection.commit();    }  }  public void rollback() throws SQLException {    if (connection != null && !connection.getAutoCommit()) {      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Rolling back JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");      }      connection.rollback();    }  }  public void close() throws SQLException {    if (connection != null) {      resetAutoCommit();      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Closing JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");      }      connection.close();    }  }  protected void setDesiredAutoCommit(boolean desiredAutoCommit) {    try {      if (connection.getAutoCommit() != desiredAutoCommit) {        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {          log.debug("Setting autocommit to " + desiredAutoCommit + " on JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");        }        connection.setAutoCommit(desiredAutoCommit);      }    } catch (SQLException e) {      throw new TransactionException("Error configuring AutoCommit.  "          + "Your driver may not support getAutoCommit() or setAutoCommit(). "          + "Requested setting: " + desiredAutoCommit + ".  Cause: " + e, e);    }  }  protected void resetAutoCommit() {    try {      if (!connection.getAutoCommit()) {        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {          log.debug("Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [" + connection + "]");        }        connection.setAutoCommit(true);      }    } catch (SQLException e) {      log.debug("Error resetting autocommit to true "          + "before closing the connection.  Cause: " + e);    }  }  protected void openConnection() throws SQLException {    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {      log.debug("Openning JDBC Connection");    }    connection = dataSource.getConnection();    if (level != null) {      connection.setTransactionIsolation(level.getLevel());    }    setDesiredAutoCommit(autoCommmit);  }}



public class ManagedTransactionFactory implements TransactionFactory {  private boolean closeConnection = true;  public void setProperties(Properties props) {    if (props != null) {      String closeConnectionProperty = props.getProperty("closeConnection");      if (closeConnectionProperty != null) {        closeConnection = Boolean.valueOf(closeConnectionProperty);      }    }  }  public Transaction newTransaction(Connection conn) {    return new ManagedTransaction(conn, closeConnection);  }  public Transaction newTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {    return new ManagedTransaction(ds, level, closeConnection);  }}


public class ManagedTransaction implements Transaction {  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ManagedTransaction.class);  private DataSource dataSource;  private TransactionIsolationLevel level;  private Connection connection;  private boolean closeConnection;  public ManagedTransaction(Connection connection, boolean closeConnection) {    this.connection = connection;    this.closeConnection = closeConnection;  }  public ManagedTransaction(DataSource ds, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean closeConnection) {    this.dataSource = ds;    this.level = level;    this.closeConnection = closeConnection;  }  public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {    if (this.connection == null) {      openConnection();    }    return this.connection;  }  public void commit() throws SQLException {    // Does nothing  }  public void rollback() throws SQLException {    // Does nothing  }  public void close() throws SQLException {    if (this.closeConnection && this.connection != null) {      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Closing JDBC Connection [" + this.connection + "]");      }      this.connection.close();    }  }  protected void openConnection() throws SQLException {    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {      log.debug("Openning JDBC Connection");    }    this.connection = this.dataSource.getConnection();    if (this.level != null) {      this.connection.setTransactionIsolation(this.level.getLevel());    }  }}


public void commit() throws SQLException {    // Does nothing  }  public void rollback() throws SQLException {    // Does nothing  }


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