
来源:互联网 发布:超级基因优化液第二部 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:31

jquery的makeArray 函数可以将一个类数组对象转成数组,官方API解释和测试例子在这里(Convert an array-like object into a true JavaScript array.)那么什么是类数组对象呢?( array-like object ) 这是Arrary-Like的定义

Array-Like Object

Either a true JavaScript Array or a JavaScript Object that contains a nonnegative integer length property and index properties from 0 up to length - 1. This latter case includes array-like objects commonly encountered in web-based code such as the arguments object and the NodeList object returned by many DOM methods.

When a jQuery API accepts either plain Objects or Array-Like objects, a plain Object with a numeric length property will trigger the Array-Like behavior.


// results is for internal usage only result是jquery内部使用的参数,如果不为空则把array并到resuls上makeArray: function( array, results ) {var ret = results || [];if ( array != null ) {// The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'// Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930var type = jQuery.type( array );//array没有length属性,或者为string类型,function类型,window类型,或者黑莓中正则对象,黑莓中正则对象也含有length对象,则push到resultif ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {push.call( ret, array );} else {//调用merge把类数组array合并到retjQuery.merge( ret, array );}}return ret;}
其中调用的jquery.type 在这里

jquery.isWindow() 1.7.1是根据是否包含setInterval属性来判断的"setInterval" in obj,而以后版面是通过window属性来判断的obj == obj.window

isWindow:function(obj){return obj && typeof obj === "object" && "setInterval" in obj;//1.7.2: return obj != null && obj == obj.window;},

 调用的jQuery.merge(frist,second) 官方解释在这里 ,该函数的作用是把第二个数组或类数组对象合并到第一个中去

merge: function( first, second ) {var i = first.length,j = 0;//length属性为数字,则把second当做数组处理,没有length属性或者不为数字当做含有连续整型的属性对象处理{0:"HK",1:"CA"}if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];}} else {while ( second[j] !== undefined ) { //把不为undefined的都合并到first中first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];}}first.length = i; //修正length属性,fisrt可能不为真正的数组类型return first;},

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