
来源:互联网 发布:php字符串查找函数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:08




#ifndef __AVL_H#define __AVL_H#include<stddef.h>#include<vector>template< class T>struct AvlNode{    T data;    int height;    AvlNode* left;    AvlNode* right;    AvlNode(T value):data(value),left(NULL),right(NULL),height(1){};};template< class T >class AvlTree{    public:        AvlTree():pTree(NULL){};        ~AvlTree();        int height(AvlNode<T>* node)const;        int max_height(int a, int b);        //order        void PreOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const;        void InOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const;        void PostOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const;        // rotate        void SingleRotateL(AvlNode<T>* &parent);        void SingleRotateR(AvlNode<T>* &parent);        void DoubleRotateLR(AvlNode<T>* &parent);        void DoubleRotateRL(AvlNode<T>* &parent);        // find        void find_min(AvlNode<T>* node);        void find_max(AvlNode<T>* node);        // insert        void insert(AvlNode<T>* &root, T value);        AvlNode<T>* pTree;};#endif


#include "Avl.h"#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;template< class T>void AvlTree<T>::insert(AvlNode<T>* &root, T value){    if ( NULL == root)    {        root = new AvlNode<T>( value );        if ( NULL == root )        {            cout << "init failed"<<endl;        }    }    else if ( value < root-> data ){        insert( root-> left, value );        if ( 2 == height(root->left) - height(root->right))        {            if ( value < root->left->data )                SingleRotateR( root);            else                DoubleRotateLR(root);        }    }    else{        insert(root->right, value );        if( 2 == height(root->right) - height(root->left) ){            if ( value < root->right->data )                DoubleRotateRL(root);            else                SingleRotateL(root);        }    }    root->height = max_height(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;}template< class T>void AvlTree<T>::SingleRotateR( AvlNode<T>* &parent){    AvlNode<T>* child = parent->left;    parent->left = child->right;    child->right = parent;    parent->height = max_height(height(parent->left), height(parent->right))+1;    child->height = max_height(height(child->left), height(child->right))+1;    parent = child;}template< class T>void AvlTree<T>::SingleRotateL( AvlNode<T>* &parent){    AvlNode<T>* child = parent->right;    parent->right = child->left;    child->left = parent;    parent->height = max_height(height(parent->left), height(parent->right))+1;    child->height = max_height(height(child->left), height(child->right))+1;    parent = child;}template< class T >void AvlTree<T>::DoubleRotateLR( AvlNode<T>* &parent ){    SingleRotateL( parent -> left );    SingleRotateR( parent );}template< class T >void AvlTree<T>::DoubleRotateRL( AvlNode<T>* &parent ){    SingleRotateR( parent -> right);    SingleRotateL( parent );}template<class T>int AvlTree<T>::height(AvlNode<T>* node) const{    if ( NULL == node )        return 0;    else        return node->height;}template<class T>int AvlTree<T>::max_height(int a, int b){    return a > b ? a:b;}template<class T>void AvlTree<T>::PreOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const{    if ( NULL != tree){        cout << tree->data <<" ";        PreOrderTree(tree->left);        PreOrderTree(tree->right);    }}template<class T>void AvlTree<T>::InOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const{    if ( NULL != tree ){        InOrderTree(tree->left);        cout << tree->data <<" ";        InOrderTree(tree->right);    }}template<class T>void AvlTree<T>::PostOrderTree(AvlNode<T>* tree)const{    if ( NULL != tree ){        PostOrderTree(tree->left);        PostOrderTree(tree->right);        cout << tree->data <<" ";    }}int main(void){    int input;    int size;    int i = 0;    AvlTree<int>* tree = new AvlTree<int>();    cout << " input the size" <<endl;    cin >> size;    cout << " input the value" <<endl;    while ( i < size )    {        cin >> input;        tree->insert( tree->pTree, input);        ++i;    }    tree->PreOrderTree(tree->pTree);    cout<<endl;    tree->InOrderTree(tree->pTree);    cout<<endl;    tree->PostOrderTree(tree->pTree);            return 0;}


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