
来源:互联网 发布:拍照姿势的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 04:59





字段 属性 主键(一个TABLE中不能重复,能够使用这个值确定一条数据) 外键(一个表中的数据持有别的表中的主键)
auto_increment 主键自增长



CREATE TABLE Student(Sno int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,Sname varchar(30) NOT NULL, Ssex char(3),Sage char(3));

增 insert

insert into Student values (1,'King','男','21')

删 delete

delete from Student where Sname = 'Gone'

改 update

update Student set Sage = '25' where Sname = 'Went'

查 select

select Sname,Ssex,Sage from Student where Sage>20


/** * jdbc的连接测试 *  * @author Administrator * */public class Test {    public static void main(String[] args) {        // 连接数据库的驱动        String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";        // URL指向要访问的数据库名        String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Clazz";        // MySQL配置时的用户名        String user = "root";        // java连接MySQL配置时的密码        String password = "123456";        try {            Class.forName(driver);//加载驱动            Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);            Statement statement = connection.createStatement();            String insert = "insert into Student (Sname,Ssex,Sage) values('WZ','男','28')";// 增            String delete = "delete from Student where Sno = '2012200968'";// 删            String update = "update Student set Sname = 'Wz' where Sname = 'WZ'";// 改            String select = "select * from Student";// 查 ////          statement.execute(insert);// 增、删、改的时候用execute()            ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(select);// 查的时候用executeQuery()            resultSet.first();// 先把游标放在第一位            while (!resultSet.isAfterLast()) {// 判断游标是否在最后一位的后边                String name = resultSet.getString("Sname");                String age = resultSet.getString("Sage");      ;// 游标下移                System.out.println(name+" "+age);            }        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (SQLException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}




3、写一个public static(可以加一个锁,防止多线程是创建多个对象)方法 用static可以



public class SQLManager {    //单例设计模式    private Statement statement;    public Statement getStatement() {        return statement;    }    public void setStatement(Statement statement) {        this.statement = statement;    }    //2、声明私有静态本类的对象    private static SQLManager manager;    //3、静态公有的线程锁的方法 返回当前类的对象    public static synchronized SQLManager newInstence(){        if (manager == null) {            manager = new SQLManager();        }        return manager;    }    //1、私有构造方法    private SQLManager(){        //连接数据库的驱动        String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";        //URL指向要访问的数据库名        String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Users";        //MySQL配置时的用户名        String user = "root";        //java连接MySQL配置时的密码        String password = "123456";        try {            Class.forName(driver);            Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);            if (!connection.isClosed()) {                statement = connection.createStatement();                statement.execute("create table if not exists user"                        + "(id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT ,user_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,password varchar(20))");                System.out.println("已连接");            }        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {                String username = textField.getText();                char[] passwords = passwordField.getPassword();//得到密码框中显式密码,返回的是char[]                String password = "";                for (int i = 0; i < passwords.length; i++) {                    password += passwords[i];                }                //用正则表达式检测用户名和密码是否符合规范                Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                 Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(username);                boolean name = matcherName.matches();                Pattern patternPassword = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                Matcher matcherPassword = patternPassword.matcher(password);                boolean word = matcherPassword.matches();                if (name&&word) {                    Statement statement = SQLManager.newInstence().getStatement();                    String select = String.format("select * from user where user_name = '%s'", username);                    try {                        ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(select);                        result.last();//找到符合用户名的信息的最后一个                        int i = result.getRow();//得到最后一个符合用户名的行数                        if (i>0) {                            System.out.println("此用户已注册");                        }else {                            String insert = String.format("insert into user(user_name,password) values('%s','%s')", username,password);                            statement.execute(insert);                            System.out.println("注册成功");                        }                    } catch (SQLException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }else if (!name) {                    System.out.println("名称不符合注册标准");                }else if (!word) {                    System.out.println("密码不符合标准");                    passwordField.setText("");                }            }        });


button_1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                Statement st = SQLManager.newInstence().getStatement();                String username = textField.getText();                char[] passwords = passwordField.getPassword();                String password = "";                for (char c : passwords) {                    password += c;                }                String select = String.format("select * from user where user_name = '%s' and password = '%s'", username,password);                try {                    ResultSet result = st.executeQuery(select);                    result.last();                    int num = result.getRow();                    if (num>0) {                        System.out.println("登录成功");                    }else {                        System.out.println("未注册");                    }                } catch (SQLException e1) {                    e1.printStackTrace();                }            }        });



Statement时’or 1=’1 会自登陆,对程序造成影响
statement.setString(1, username);第一个参数是语句中的第几个”?”,第二个参数是当前”?”需要传入的值。

public boolean SignIn(String username,String password) {        Connection connection = SQLManager.newInstence().getConnection();        try {            if (!connection.isClosed()) {                //用PreparedStatement消除'or 1='1的现象                PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where user_name = ? and password = ?");                preparedStatement.setString(1, username);                preparedStatement.setString(2, password);                ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();                resultSet.last();                int num = resultSet.getRow();                return num == 1;            }        } catch (SQLException e2) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e2.printStackTrace();        }        return false;    }



/** * 此类只进行数据库的连接 * @author Administrator * */public class SQLManager {    //单例设计模式    private Statement statement;    private Connection connection;    public Connection getConnection() {        return connection;    }    public void setConnection(Connection connection) {        this.connection = connection;    }    public Statement getStatement() {        return statement;    }    public void setStatement(Statement statement) {        this.statement = statement;    }    //2、声明私有静态本类的对象    private static SQLManager manager;    //3、静态公有的线程锁的方法 返回当前类的对象    public static synchronized SQLManager newInstence(){        if (manager == null) {            manager = new SQLManager();        }        return manager;    }    //1、私有构造方法    private SQLManager(){        init();    }    public void init(){        //连接数据库的驱动                String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";                //URL指向要访问的数据库名                String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Users";                //MySQL配置时的用户名                String user = "root";                //java连接MySQL配置时的密码                String password = "123456";                try {                    Class.forName(driver);                    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block                    e.printStackTrace();                } catch (SQLException e) {                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block                    e.printStackTrace();                }    }}
/** * 此类只进行数据库中的信息交互 * @author Administrator * */public class SQLOperate {    private SQLOperate() {    }    public synchronized static SQLOperate newInstance(){        if (operate == null) {            operate = new SQLOperate();        }        return operate;    }    private static SQLOperate operate;    /**     * 用户登录的数据操作     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  密码     * @return  如果true表示登录成功,false表示登录失败     */    public boolean SignIn(String username,String password) {        Connection connection = SQLManager.newInstence().getConnection();        try {            if (!connection.isClosed()) {                //用PreparedStatement消除'or 1='1的现象                PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where user_name = ? and password = ?");                preparedStatement.setString(1, username);                preparedStatement.setString(2, password);                ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();                resultSet.last();                int num = resultSet.getRow();                return num == 1;            }        } catch (SQLException e2) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e2.printStackTrace();        }        return false;    }    /**     * 用户注册时的数据操作     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  用户密码     */    public void DengLu(String username,String password){        Connection connection = SQLManager.newInstence().getConnection();        try {            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where user_name = ?");            statement.setString(1, username);            ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery();            set.last();            int num = set.getRow();            if (num>0) {                System.out.println("此用户名已注册");            }else {                PreparedStatement statement2 = connection.prepareStatement("insert into user(user_name,password) values(?,?)");                statement2.setString(1, username);                statement2.setString(2, password);                statement2.execute();                System.out.println("注册成功");            }        } catch (SQLException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}
//注册的视图(部分)public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {                String username = textField.getText();                char[] passwords = passwordField.getPassword();//得到密码框中显式密码,返回的是char[]                String password = "";                for (int i = 0; i < passwords.length; i++) {                    password += passwords[i];                }                //用正则表达式检测用户名和密码是否符合规范                Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                 Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(username);                boolean name = matcherName.matches();                Pattern patternPassword = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                Matcher matcherPassword = patternPassword.matcher(password);                boolean word = matcherPassword.matches();                if (name&&word) {                    SQLOperate.newInstance().DengLu(username, password);//调用数据库造作类中的方法,实现分层                }else if (!name) {                    System.out.println("名称不符合注册标准");                }else if (!word) {                    System.out.println("密码不符合标准");                    passwordField.setText("");                }            }//登录时的视图(部分)public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                String username = textField.getText();                char[] passwords = passwordField.getPassword();                String password = "";                for (char c : passwords) {                    password += c;                }                boolean isSignIn = SQLOperate.newInstance().SignIn(username, password);                if (isSignIn) {                    System.out.println("登录成功");                }else {                    System.out.println("登录失败");                }            }


事务(一组不可拆分的操作) 关键字commit
例:银行ATM提款 输入金额-播放录音-打开取钱口-吐钱-钱拿。其中有一个出错就无法取款。即回滚到初始位置


String sql1 = "insert into user(user_name,password) values ('fsdkjhs','sdf')";                    String sql2 = "insert into user(user_name,password) values ('fsdkjs','sdfd')";                    String sql3 = "insert into user(user_name,passwords) values ('fsdkjdashs','sddfsf')";                    String sql4 = "insert into user(user_name,password) values ('fs','sdf')";                    String sql5 = "insert into user(user_name,password) values ('ffdssdkjhs','sdsf')";                    //数据库连接默认每一条sql语句是一个事务,会单独执行,自动提交                    //将connection设置为不自动提交                    connection.setAutoCommit(false);//                  statement.addBatch(sql)将sql语句添加到执行列表中统一执行                    statement.addBatch(sql1);                    statement.addBatch(sql2);                    statement.addBatch(sql3);                    statement.addBatch(sql4);                    statement.addBatch(sql5);                    statement.executeBatch();                    connection.commit();//从connection.setAutoCommit(false)到commit是一个事务,中间一条出错,会回滚至前边。


搭建一个服务器 创建serverlet用来给前端提供数据使用tomcat
新建一个Dynamic Web Project

<body>    <a> HelloWorld!</a></body>





soGet 直接连接在url后边,是显式的
doPost 隐式的,比doGet安全

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {//其中第一个参数是指用户向服务器提交的数据。//第二个参数是指服务器向用户发送的数据。        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        response.getWriter().append("Served at: ").append(request.getContextPath());    }

doGet方法在网址后边跟上要提交的数据 用?隔开,例如:

使用浏览器提交数据默认的编码格式ISO-8859-1 得到string username编码格式8859-1

/** * 此类为汉字编码的转变类 * @author Administrator * */public class Encoding {    /**     * 将ISO-8859-1的字符串转换成UTF-8的字符串     * @param string    需要转换的字符串     * @return  返回转换好的字符串     */    public static String getEncoding(String string) {        try {            byte[] array = string.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");            string = new String(array, "UTF-8");        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return string;    }}/** * Servlet implementation class MyServlet */@WebServlet("/MyServlet")public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;    /**     * @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet()     */    public MyServlet() {        super();        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub    }    /**     * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)     */    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub//      response.getWriter().append("Served at: ").append(request.getContextPath());        String username = request.getParameter("username");        String passwrod = request.getParameter("password");        username = Encoding.getEncoding(username);//将用户提交给服务器的ISO-8859-1字符串转型成UTF-8        String s = "得到的用户名:"+username+"密码:"+passwrod;        System.out.println(s);        response.setHeader("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8");        //让浏览器以UTF-8编码格式解析        response.getWriter().append(s);    }    /**     * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)     */    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        doGet(request, response);    }}



    /**     * HTTpUrlConnection的doGet方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  密码     */    public void HTTpUrldoGet(String username, String password) {        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/HTTpTest_Servelet//ServeletTest?username=" + username + "&"                + "password=" + password;        try {            URL url = new URL(urlString);            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();            connection.setRequestMethod("GET");            // 设置接受的数据类型            connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", "utf-8");            // 设置可以接受序列化的java对象            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");            int code = connection.getResponseCode();            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                while (line != null) {                    System.out.println(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }            }        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }
    /**     * HTTpUrlConnection的doPost方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  密码     */    public void HTTpUrldoPost(String username, String password) {        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/HTTpTest_Servelet//ServeletTest";        try {            URL url = new URL(urlString);            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();            connection.setRequestMethod("POST");            // 设置接受的数据类型            connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", "utf-8");            // 设置可以接受序列化的java对象            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");            //设置可以读取服务器返回的信息,默认为ture            connection.setDoInput(true);            //设置客户端可以给服务器提交信息,默认是false。post方法必须设置为true            connection.setDoOutput(true);            //post方法不允许使用缓存            connection.setUseCaches(false);            String params = "username="+username+"&password="+password;            connection.getOutputStream().write(params.getBytes());            int code = connection.getResponseCode();            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                while(line!=null){                    System.out.println(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }


    /**     * HTTpClient的doGet方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  密码     */    public static void HTTpClientdoGet(String username,String password) {        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/HTTpTest_Servelet//ServeletTest?username=" + username + "&"                + "password=" + password;        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();//创建HttpClientBuilder        HttpClient client =;        HttpGet get = new HttpGet(urlString);//得到get方法        get.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");//设定服务器接收后数据的读取方式为utf-8        try {            HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);//执行            StatusLine statusLine =  response.getStatusLine();//获得返回的的表头,包含HTTp状态码            int code = statusLine.getStatusCode();//获得HTTp状态码            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();//得到返回的数据实体                InputStream is = entity.getContent();//得到输入流                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                while(line!=null){                    System.out.println(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }
    /**     * HTTpClient的doPost方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param password  密码     */    public static void HTTpClientdoPost(String username,String password) {        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/HTTpTest_Servelet//ServeletTest";        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();        HttpClient client =;        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(urlString);//设置post方法        NameValuePair pair1 = new BasicNameValuePair("username", username);//设置参数        NameValuePair pair2 = new BasicNameValuePair("password", password);        ArrayList<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>();//将参数放进参数列表        list.add(pair1);        list.add(pair2);        try {            post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list,"UTF-8"));//设置发送到服务器的数据的格式为utf-8            post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");//设定服务器接收后数据的读取方式为utf-8            HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);//执行            StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();//获得返回过来的表头,包含Http的状态码            int code = statusLine.getStatusCode();            if (code==HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();//得到数据实体                InputStream is = entity.getContent();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                while(line!=null){                    System.out.println(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }            }        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }



    //登录的按钮    JButton btnHttpclientdopost = new JButton("登录");        btnHttpclientdopost.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                String username = textField.getText();                char[] array = passwordField.getPassword();                String password = "";                for (char c : array) {                    password += c;                }                //用正则表达式检测用户名和密码是否符合规范                Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                 Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(username);                boolean name = matcherName.matches();                Pattern patternPassword = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                Matcher matcherPassword = patternPassword.matcher(password);                boolean word = matcherPassword.matches();                if (name&&word) {                    String line = HttpClientOperate.newInstance().login(username, password);                    System.out.println(line);//调用网络操作中的登录方法                    //显示登录后的界面                EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {                    public void run() {                        try {                            SelectFrame frame = new SelectFrame();                            frame.setVisible(true);                        } catch (Exception e) {                            e.printStackTrace();                        }                    }                });            }        });                }else if (!name) {                    System.out.println("名称不符合注册标准");                }else if (!word) {                    System.out.println("密码不符合标准");                    passwordField.setText("");                }    //注册的按钮    JButton button = new JButton("还没注册?注册");        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {            //调用注册的界面                EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {                    public void run() {                        try {                            RegisterFrame frame = new RegisterFrame();                            frame.setVisible(true);                        } catch (Exception e) {                            e.printStackTrace();                        }                    }                });            }        });/**登录后的界面按钮*/JButton button = new JButton("查询所有人");        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {                String line = HttpClientOperate.newInstance().select();//调用网络操作中的查询方法                System.out.println(line);//              textArea.setText(line);            }        });     /**注册的界面按钮*/JButton button = new JButton("注册");        button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {                HttpClientOperate.newInstance().setType("register");//设置reister注册的type                String username = textField.getText();                char[] array = passwordField.getPassword();                String password = "";                for (char c : array) {                    password += c;                }                //用正则表达式检测用户名和密码是否符合规范                Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                 Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(username);                boolean name = matcherName.matches();                Pattern patternPassword = Pattern.compile("^\\w+$");                Matcher matcherPassword = patternPassword.matcher(password);                boolean word = matcherPassword.matches();                if (name&&word) {                    String line = HttpClientOperate.newInstance().register(username, password);//调用网络操作中的注册方法                    System.out.println(line);                }else if (!name) {                    System.out.println("名称不符合注册标准");                }else if (!word) {                    System.out.println("密码不符合标准");                    passwordField.setText("");                }            }        });     


/** * 点击按钮后的网络操作 * @author Administrator * */public class HttpClientOperate {    public HttpClientOperate() {    }    private static HttpClientOperate operate;    public static HttpClientOperate newInstance() {        if (operate == null) {            operate = new HttpClientOperate();        }        return operate;    }    /**     * 根据type得到Register 将json提交到服务器,并接收服务器返回的json,并解析     * @param username     * @param password     * @return  返回json     */    public String register(String username,String password) {        JSONObject object = new  JSONObject();        object.put("type", "Register");        JSONObject data = new JSONObject();        data.put("username", username);        data.put("password", password);        object.put("data", data);        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/MyServiceTest//MyServlet";        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();        HttpClient client =;        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(urlString);        NameValuePair pair = new BasicNameValuePair("json", object.toString());        ArrayList<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>();        list.add(pair);        try {            post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list,"UTF-8"));            post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");            HttpResponse response =client.execute(post);            int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();                InputStream is = entity.getContent();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();                String line = br.readLine();                while(line!=null){                    buffer.append(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }                return buffer.toString();            }        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 根据type得到Login 将json提交到服务器,并接收服务器返回的json,并解析     * @param username     * @param password     * @return  返回json     */    public String login(String username,String password) {        JSONObject object = new  JSONObject();        object.put("type", "Login");        JSONObject data = new JSONObject();        data.put("username", username);        data.put("password", password);        object.put("data", data);        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/MyServiceTest//MyServlet";        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();        HttpClient client =;        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(urlString);        NameValuePair pair = new BasicNameValuePair("json", object.toString());        ArrayList<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>();        list.add(pair);        try {            post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list,"UTF-8"));            post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");            HttpResponse response =client.execute(post);            int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();                InputStream is = entity.getContent();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();                while(line!=null){                    buffer.append(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }                return buffer.toString();            }        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /**     * 根据type得到Select 将json提交到服务器,并接收服务器返回的json,并解析     * @param username     * @param password     * @return  返回json     */    public String select() {        JSONObject object = new  JSONObject();        object.put("type", "Select");        String urlString = "http://localhost:8080/MyServiceTest//MyServlet";        HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();        HttpClient client =;        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(urlString);        NameValuePair pair = new BasicNameValuePair("json", object.toString());        ArrayList<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>();        list.add(pair);        try {            post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list,"UTF-8"));            post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");            HttpResponse response =client.execute(post);            int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();            System.out.println(code);            if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();                InputStream is = entity.getContent();                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                String line = br.readLine();                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();                while(line!=null){                    buffer.append(line);                    line = br.readLine();                }                return buffer.toString();            }        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }}


protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        //用户通过浏览器向服务器提交信息且输出        String json = request.getParameter("json");        JSONObject obj = JSONObject.fromObject(json);//根据json串得到jsonobject        String type = obj.getString("type");        String massage = "";        //根据type调用不同的方法        if (type.equals(Types.REGISTER)) {            JSONObject data = obj.getJSONObject("data");            String username = data.getString("username");            String password = data.getString("password");            massage = SQLOperate.newIntence().returnRegistMsg(username, password);//调用服务器数据库操作类中的注册方法        }        else if (type.equals(Types.LOGIN)) {            JSONObject data = obj.getJSONObject("data");            String username = data.getString("username");            String password = data.getString("password");            massage = SQLOperate.newIntence().renturnLogin(username, password);//调用服务器数据库操作类中的登录方法        }else if (type.equals(Types.SELECT)) {            massage = SQLOperate.newIntence().renturnSelect();//调用服务器数据库操作类中的查询方法        }        response.setHeader("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8");//让浏览器以UTF-8编码格式解析        //服务器响应客户端的信息        response.getWriter().append(massage);    }    /**     * @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)     */    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        doGet(request, response);    }/** * 注册类型的常量类 * @author Administrator * */public class Types {    /**注册的类型*/    public static final String REGISTER = "Register";    /**登录的类型*/    public static final String LOGIN = "Login";    /**查询的类型*/    public static final String SELECT = "Select";}


/** * 数据库连接类 * @author Administrator * */public class SQLManage {    private Connection connection;    public Connection getConnection() {        return connection;    }    private static SQLManage manage;    public static synchronized SQLManage newInstance() {        if (manage == null) {            manage = new SQLManage();        }        return manage;    }    private SQLManage(){        String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";        String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/users";        String user = "root";        String password = "123456";        try {            Class.forName(driver);            connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


/** * 数据库操作类 * @author Administrator * */public class SQLOperate {    public SQLOperate() {    }    private static SQLOperate operate;    public static synchronized SQLOperate newIntence() {        if (operate == null) {            operate = new SQLOperate();        }        return operate;    }    /**     * 数据库中注册的方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param passwrod  密码     * @return  返回结果信息     */    public String returnRegistMsg(String username,String password) {        int code = 0;        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();        Connection connection = SQLManage.newInstance().getConnection();        try {            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where user_name = ?");            statement.setString(1, username);            ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery();            set.last();            int num = set.getRow();            if (num>0) {                obj.put("code", 0);                obj.put("message", "用户名被注册");            }else {                PreparedStatement statement2 = connection.prepareStatement("insert into user(user_name,password)values(?,?)");                statement2.setString(1, username);                statement2.setString(2, password);                statement2.execute();                obj.put("code", 1);                obj.put("message", "注册成功");            }        } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            obj.put("code", 0);            obj.put("message", "注册失败");            e.printStackTrace();        }        return obj.toString();    }    /**     * 数据库中登录的方法     * @param username  用户名     * @param passwrod  密码     * @return  返回结果信息     */    public String renturnLogin(String username,String password){        int code = 0;        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();        Connection connection = SQLManage.newInstance().getConnection();        try {            PreparedStatement statement =connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where user_name = ?");            statement.setString(1, username);            ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();            resultSet.last();            int num = resultSet.getRow();            if (num>0) {                PreparedStatement statement2 = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user where password = ? and user_name = ?");                statement2.setString(1, password);                statement2.setString(2, username);                ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2.executeQuery();                resultSet2.last();                int num2 = resultSet2.getRow();                if (num2>0) {                    obj.put("code", 1);                    obj.put("massage", "登陆成功");                }else {                    obj.put("code",0 );                    obj.put("massage", "密码不正确");                }            }else {                obj.put("code", 2);                obj.put("massage", "此用户未注册");            }        } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            obj.put("code", 0);            obj.put("massage", "登录失败");            e.printStackTrace();        }        return obj.toString();    }    /**     * 数据库中查询的方法     * @return  返回结果信息     */    public String renturnSelect(){        int code = 0;        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();        Connection connection = SQLManage.newInstance().getConnection();        try {            PreparedStatement statement =connection.prepareStatement("select * from user ");            ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();            resultSet.first();            JSONArray array = new JSONArray();            while(!resultSet.isAfterLast()){                JSONObject item = new JSONObject();                item.put("name", resultSet.getString("user_name"));                array.add(item);      ;            }            obj.put("code", 1);            obj.put("name", array);            obj.put("massage", "成功");        } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            obj.put("code", 0);            obj.put("massage", "查询失败");            e.printStackTrace();        }        return obj.toString();    }}
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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 小孩有点叛逆应怎么办 小孩太叛逆怎么办关住 对不听话的孩子怎么办 孩子在学校不听话怎么办 孩子叛逆不回家怎么办 孩子厌学怎么办青春期叛逆 孩子青春期叛逆家长怎么办 孩子老哭不听话怎么办 8岁宝宝不听话怎么办 儿孑不听话叛逆怎么办 孩子太小不听话怎么办 得了只有很紧张怎么办 内向的妈妈孩子怎么办 对孩子没有耐心怎么办 孩子心理有问题怎么办 孩子心里有问题怎么办 父母打架我该怎么办 爸爸妈妈要离婚怎么办 父母吵架怎么办动手了 父母因为钱吵架怎么办 父母吵架孩子该怎么办 特别倔强的孩子怎么办 孩子胆小不自信怎么办 孩子不自信家长怎么办 二年级孩子厌学怎么办 儿童注意力不集中怎么办 小学数学成绩差怎么办 孩子英语成绩差怎么办 小学成绩差初中怎么办 小孩一年级成绩不好怎么办 孩子的记忆力差怎么办 普法考试没有考怎么办 小孩迷上玩手机怎么办 营养师证取消了怎么办 变频器输出缺相怎么办 体育中考来月经怎么办 不动精子率低怎么办 精子向前运动低怎么办 精子运动力低怎么办 精子正常形态低怎么办 精子畸形率100%怎么办