安装eclipse maven插件m2eclipse

来源:互联网 发布:html手机编程软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 13:17



The goal of the m2ec project is to provide a first-class Apache Maven support in the Eclipse IDE, making it easier to edit Maven's pom.xml, run a build from the IDE and much more. For Java developers, the very tight integration with JDT greatly simplifies the consumption of Java artifacts either being hosted on open source repositories such as Maven Central, or in your in-house Maven repository.

m2e is also a platform that let others provide better integration with additional Maven plugins (e.g. Android, web development, etc.), and facilitates the distribution of those extensions through the m2e marketplace.




启动Eclipse,在菜单栏中选择Help,然后选择Install New Software…,可以看到一个Install对话框,点击Work with:字段边上的Add按钮,会得到一个新的Add Repository对话框,在Name字段中输入m2eLocation字段中输入http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases,然后点击OKEclipse会下载m2eclipse安装站点上的资源信息。等待资源载入完成之后,可以看到图所示的界面:






如图显示了m2eclipse的核心模块Maven Integration for Eclipse (Required),选择“Maven Integration for Eclipse”后点击NextEclipse会自动计算模块间的依赖关系,然后给出一个将被安装的模块列表;确认无误后,继续点击Next;看到许可证信息,m2eclipse使用的开源许可证是Eclipse Public License v1.0,选择I accept the terms of the license agreements,然后点击FinishEclipse开始下载安装选择的模块。

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