第三章 web设计基本概念——扩展阅读

来源:互联网 发布:windows图形编程 高清 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:12
  1. www.the-haystack.com/2011/01/07/there-is-no-mobile-web/
  2. designmind.frogdesign.com/blog/the-coming-zombie-apocalypse-small-cheap-devices-will-disrupt-our-old-school-ux-assumptions.htm
  3. 未来友好站点 futurefriend.ly
  4. <design with web standards> 遵循标准和如何使用站点更有商业感的圣经
  5. Adaptive web design:Crafting Rich Experience with Progressive Enhancement
  6. Design with progressive Enhancement
  7. mediaqueri.es
  8. Responsive web design
  9. Head first mobile web
  10. www.w3.org/wai
  11. www.webaim.org
  12. pro html5 accessibility
  13. Universal Design for web applications: web Applications that Reach everyone
  14. make the web faster  code.google.com/speed
  15. High performance web sites
  16. Even faster web sites
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