hdu 5398 GCD Tree 2015多校联合训练赛#9 LCT,动态生成树

来源:互联网 发布:阿里文学作者收入知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 09:08

GCD Tree

Time Limit: 5000/2500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 122    Accepted Submission(s): 56

Problem Description
Teacher Mai has a graph with n vertices numbered from 1 to n. For every edge(u,v), the weight is gcd(u,v). (gcd(u,v) means the greatest common divisor of number u and v).

You need to find a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is maximized. Print the total weight of these edges.

There are multiple test cases(about 105).

For each test case, there is only one line contains one number n(1n105).

For each test case, print the answer.

Sample Input

Sample Output


2015 Multi-University Training Contest 9



#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace std;#define maxn 2000007#define inf  1000000000#define ll long longstruct Node{    Node *fa,*ch[2];    bool rev,root;    int val,minv;};Node pool[maxn];Node *nil,*tree[maxn];int cnt = 0;void init(){    cnt = 1;    nil = tree[0] = pool;    nil->ch[0] = nil->ch[1] = nil;    nil->val = inf;    nil->minv = inf;}Node *newnode(int val,Node *f){    pool[cnt].fa = f;    pool[cnt].ch[0]=pool[cnt].ch[1]=nil;    pool[cnt].rev = false;    pool[cnt].root = true;    pool[cnt].val = val;    pool[cnt].minv = val;    return &pool[cnt++];}//左右子树反转******真正把结点变为根void update_rev(Node *x){    if(x == nil) return ;    x->rev = !x->rev;    swap(x->ch[0],x->ch[1]);}//splay向上更新信息******void update(Node *x){    if(x == nil) return ;    x->minv = x->val;    if(x->ch[0] != nil)        x->minv = min(x->minv,x->ch[0]->minv);    if(x->ch[1] != nil)        x->minv = min(x->minv,x->ch[1]->minv);}//splay下推信息******void pushdown(Node *x){    if(x->rev != false){        update_rev(x->ch[0]);        update_rev(x->ch[1]);        x->rev = false;    }}//splay在root-->x的路径下推信息******void push(Node *x){    if(!x->root) push(x->fa);    pushdown(x);}//将结点x旋转至splay中父亲的位置******void rotate(Node *x){    Node *f = x->fa, *ff = f->fa;    int t = (f->ch[1] == x);    if(f->root)        x->root = true, f->root = false;    else ff->ch[ff->ch[1] == f] = x;    x->fa = ff;    f->ch[t] = x->ch[t^1];    x->ch[t^1]->fa = f;    x->ch[t^1] = f;    f->fa = x;    update(f);}//将结点x旋转至x所在splay的根位置******void splay(Node *x){    push(x);    Node *f, *ff;    while(!x->root){        f = x->fa,ff = f->fa;        if(!f->root)            if((ff->ch[1]==f)&&(f->ch[1] == x)) rotate(f);            else rotate(x);        rotate(x);    }    update(x);}//将x到树根的路径并成一条path******Node *access(Node *x){    Node *y = nil,*z;    while(x != nil){        splay(x);        x->ch[1]->root = true;        (x->ch[1] = y)->root = false;        update(x);        y = x;        x = x->fa;    }    return y;}//将结点x变成树根******void be_root(Node *x){    access(x);    splay(x);    update_rev(x);}ll ans[maxn];//将x连接到结点f上******void link(Node *x, Node *f){    be_root(x);    x->fa = f;    access(x);}//将x,y分离******void cut(Node *x,Node *y){    be_root(x);    access(x);    splay(y);    y->fa = nil;}Node * find_fa(Node *root){    if(root->ch[0] == nil) return root;    return find_fa(root->ch[0]);}Node * find_min(Node * root,int val){    if(root->val == val) return root;    if(root->ch[0]->minv == val)        return find_min(root->ch[0],val);    return find_min(root->ch[1],val);}//处理u到v是否连边int work(int u,int v){    Node *x,*y,*z;    be_root(tree[u]);    y = access(tree[v]);    x = find_fa(y);    int res = 0;    if(x == tree[u]){        if(y->minv >= v) return 0;        y = find_min(y,y->minv);        cut(y,tree[u]);        cut(y,tree[v]);        res -= y->val;    }    y = newnode(v,nil);    link(tree[u],y);    link(tree[v],y);    return res+v;}int main(){    memset(ans,0,sizeof(ans));    init();    int u,v;    for(int i = 1;i <= 100000;i++){        ans[i] = ans[i-1];        tree[i] = newnode(inf,nil);        for(int j = 1;j * j <= i && j < i; j++){            if(i%j != 0) continue;            ans[i]+=work(i,j);            if(i/j != j) ans[i]+=work(i,i/j);        }    }//    freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);//    freopen("outx.txt","w",stdout);    int n;    while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF)        printf("%I64d\n",ans[n]);    return 0;}

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