
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝如何删除评论 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 02:32








class CC_DLL Application : public ApplicationProtocol{public:    /**     * @js ctor     */    Application();    /**     * @js NA     * @lua NA     */    virtual ~Application();    /**    @brief    Run the message loop.    *//// 游戏的主循环都在这里来,包括逻辑,绘制,事件等    int run();    /**    @brief    Get current applicaiton instance.    @return Current application instance pointer.得到当前程序的实例    */    static Application* getInstance();    /** @deprecated Use getInstance() instead *//// 废弃掉了    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static Application* sharedApplication();        /* override functions *//// 设置动画间隔    virtual void setAnimationInterval(double interval);/// 得到当前系统的语言    virtual LanguageType getCurrentLanguage();/// 返回当前语言的ISO 639编码/// ISO 639:///ISO 639-1是国际标准化组织ISO 639语言编码标准的第一部分。它含有 136 个两字母的编码,用来标示世界上主要的语言。(百度的)virtual const char * getCurrentLanguageCode();        /**     @brief Get target platform     */ /// 当前平台的标签    virtual Platform getTargetPlatform();        /**     @brief Open url in default browser     @param String with url to open.     @return true if the resource located by the URL was successfully opened; otherwise false.     */ /// 通过默认浏览器,打开网页    virtual bool openURL(const std::string &url);    /**     *  Sets the Resource root path.     *  @deprecated Please use FileUtils::getInstance()->setSearchPaths() instead.     */ /// 设置资源的根目录    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void setResourceRootPath(const std::string& rootResDir);    /**      *  Gets the Resource root path.     *  @deprecated Please use FileUtils::getInstance()->getSearchPaths() instead.      */ /// 得到资源的根目录    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE const std::string& getResourceRootPath(void);/// 设置启动脚本文件    void setStartupScriptFilename(const std::string& startupScriptFile);/// 返回启动脚本文件名    const std::string& getStartupScriptFilename(void)    {        return _startupScriptFilename;    }protected:    HINSTANCE           _instance;    HACCEL              _accelTable;    LARGE_INTEGER       _animationInterval;    std::string         _resourceRootPath;    std::string         _startupScriptFilename;    static Application * sm_pSharedApplication;/// 单例};


/**@brief    This function change the PVRFrame show/hide setting in register.@param  bEnable If true show the PVRFrame window, otherwise hide.在注册表中写入PVRFrame的显示和隐藏设置*/static void PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(bool bEnable);NS_CC_BEGIN// sharedApplication pointerApplication * Application::sm_pSharedApplication = 0;Application::Application(): _instance(nullptr), _accelTable(nullptr){    _instance    = GetModuleHandle(nullptr);    _animationInterval.QuadPart = 0;    CC_ASSERT(! sm_pSharedApplication);    sm_pSharedApplication = this;}Application::~Application(){    CC_ASSERT(this == sm_pSharedApplication);    sm_pSharedApplication = nullptr;}int Application::run(){//设置PVRFrame不可用    PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(false);    // Main message loop:    LARGE_INTEGER nLast;    LARGE_INTEGER nNow;    QueryPerformanceCounter(&nLast);//初始化OpenGL的背景属性    initGLContextAttrs();    // Initialize instance and cocos2d.//初始化单例和cocos2d,方法中初始化了导演类和场景    if (!applicationDidFinishLaunching())    {        return 1;    }    auto director = Director::getInstance();//初始化后才能调用    auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();    // Retain glview to avoid glview being released in the while loop//保持glview避免在while循环中glview被释放    glview->retain();//如过窗口还没关闭,那么,执行这个循环    while(!glview->windowShouldClose())    {//查询性能计数器//QueryPerformanceCounter来查询定时器的计数值,如果硬件里有定时器,//它就会启动这个定时器,并且不断获取定时器的值,这样的定时器精度,就跟硬件时钟的晶振一样精确的。        QueryPerformanceCounter(&nNow);        if (nNow.QuadPart - nLast.QuadPart > _animationInterval.QuadPart)        {            nLast.QuadPart = nNow.QuadPart - (nNow.QuadPart % _animationInterval.QuadPart);            //主循环,有对Director的销毁,重启和绘制操作            director->mainLoop();//检测输入事件            glview->pollEvents();        }        else        {            Sleep(1);        }    }    // Director should still do a cleanup if the window was closed manually.//导演需要执行一次清除,如果窗口手动关闭//检测是否还有窗口,如果是直接关闭窗口,那么执行这个操作,如果是 director->end();那么不执行这个操作    if (glview->isOpenGLReady())    {        director->end();        director->mainLoop();        director = nullptr;    }    glview->release();    return 0;}void Application::setAnimationInterval(double interval){    LARGE_INTEGER nFreq;    QueryPerformanceFrequency(&nFreq);    _animationInterval.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)(interval * nFreq.QuadPart);}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static member function  静态函数(类函数)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Application* Application::getInstance(){    CC_ASSERT(sm_pSharedApplication);    return sm_pSharedApplication;}// @deprecated Use getInstance() insteadApplication* Application::sharedApplication(){    return Application::getInstance();}LanguageType Application::getCurrentLanguage(){    LanguageType ret = LanguageType::ENGLISH;        LCID localeID = GetUserDefaultLCID();    unsigned short primaryLanguageID = localeID & 0xFF;    /// 各种语言    switch (primaryLanguageID)    {        case LANG_CHINESE:            ret = LanguageType::CHINESE;            break;        case LANG_ENGLISH:            ret = LanguageType::ENGLISH;            break;        .............            break;    }        return ret;}const char * Application::getCurrentLanguageCode(){LANGID lid = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();const LCID locale_id = MAKELCID(lid, SORT_DEFAULT);static char code[3] = { 0 };GetLocaleInfoA(locale_id, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, code, sizeof(code));code[2] = '\0';return code;}Application::Platform Application::getTargetPlatform(){    return Platform::OS_WINDOWS;}bool Application::openURL(const std::string &url){    WCHAR *temp = new WCHAR[url.size() + 1];    int wchars_num = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, url.c_str(), url.size() + 1, temp, url.size() + 1);    HINSTANCE r = ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", temp, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);    delete[] temp;    return (size_t)r>32;}void Application::setResourceRootPath(const std::string& rootResDir){    _resourceRootPath = rootResDir;    std::replace(_resourceRootPath.begin(), _resourceRootPath.end(), '\\', '/');    if (_resourceRootPath[_resourceRootPath.length() - 1] != '/')    {        _resourceRootPath += '/';    }    FileUtils* pFileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();    std::vector<std::string> searchPaths = pFileUtils->getSearchPaths();    searchPaths.insert(searchPaths.begin(), _resourceRootPath);    pFileUtils->setSearchPaths(searchPaths);}const std::string& Application::getResourceRootPath(void){    return _resourceRootPath;}void Application::setStartupScriptFilename(const std::string& startupScriptFile){    _startupScriptFilename = startupScriptFile;    std::replace(_startupScriptFilename.begin(), _startupScriptFilename.end(), '\\', '/');}NS_CC_END//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Local function  局部函数//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////static void PVRFrameEnableControlWindow(bool bEnable){    HKEY hKey = 0;    // Open PVRFrame control key, if not exist create it.// 打开PVRFrame的控制键,如果没有则创建它    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,        L"Software\\Imagination Technologies\\PVRVFRame\\STARTUP\\",        0,        0,        REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,        KEY_ALL_ACCESS,        0,        &hKey,        nullptr))    {        return;    }    const WCHAR* wszValue = L"hide_gui";    const WCHAR* wszNewData = (bEnable) ? L"NO" : L"YES";    WCHAR wszOldData[256] = {0};    DWORD   dwSize = sizeof(wszOldData);    LSTATUS status = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, wszValue, 0, nullptr, (LPBYTE)wszOldData, &dwSize);    if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == status              // the key not exist        || (ERROR_SUCCESS == status                 // or the hide_gui value is exist        && 0 != wcscmp(wszNewData, wszOldData)))    // but new data and old data not equal    {        dwSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszNewData) + 1);        RegSetValueEx(hKey, wszValue, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)wszNewData, dwSize);    }    RegCloseKey(hKey);}




/** There are some Resolution Policy for Adapt to the screen. *///这里是一些关于屏幕适配的策略enum class ResolutionPolicy{    /** The entire application is visible in the specified area without trying to preserve the original aspect ratio.     * Distortion can occur, and the application may appear stretched or compressed. *整个程序是可见的在规定区域,不尝试去保持原始的比例。 *将会有失真,程序(界面)或许会被拉伸或压缩     */    EXACT_FIT,    /** The entire application fills the specified area, without distortion but possibly with some cropping,     * while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the application. *整个程序将会填充规定区域,不会有失真但是可能会有一些裁切,当保持程序原始比例的时候。     */    NO_BORDER,    /** The entire application is visible in the specified area without distortion while maintaining the original     * aspect ratio of the application. Borders can appear on two sides of the application. *整个程序将会被显示没有失真当保持程序原有比例的时候。但是,黑边可能会在程序的左右两侧或上下两侧出现。     */    SHOW_ALL,    /** The application takes the height of the design resolution size and modifies the width of the internal     * canvas so that it fits the aspect ratio of the device.     * No distortion will occur however you must make sure your application works on different     * aspect ratios. *程序根据设计分辨率的高适应内部画布的宽,所以,他能适应设备的设置比例。 *     */    FIXED_HEIGHT,    /** The application takes the width of the design resolution size and modifies the height of the internal     * canvas so that it fits the aspect ratio of the device.     * No distortion will occur however you must make sure your application works on different     * aspect ratios.     */    FIXED_WIDTH,    UNKNOWN,};/** @struct GLContextAttrs  * * There are six opengl Context Attrs.  *有OpenGL的6个背景属性 */struct GLContextAttrs{    int redBits;    int greenBits;    int blueBits;    int alphaBits;    int depthBits;    int stencilBits;};NS_CC_BEGIN/** * @addtogroup core * @{ *//** * @brief By GLView you can operate the frame information of EGL view through some function. *通过GLView你可以通过一些函数操作EGL试图的帧信息 *EGL详解: * */class CC_DLL GLView : public Ref{public:    /**     * @js ctor     */    GLView();    /**     * @js NA     * @lua NA     */    virtual ~GLView();    /** Force destroying EGL view, subclass must implement this method. *///强制销毁EGL视图,子类必须实现这个接口    virtual void end() = 0;    /** Get whether opengl render system is ready, subclass must implement this method. *///opengl 渲染系统是不是已经准备好,子类必须实现这个接口    virtual bool isOpenGLReady() = 0;    /** Exchanges the front and back buffers, subclass must implement this method. *///交换前后缓冲区,子类必须实现这个接口    virtual void swapBuffers() = 0;    /** Open or close IME keyboard , subclass must implement this method.      *开启或者关闭IME键盘 *(IME:Input Method Editors中文名称输入法编辑器。它是一种程序,能使用户用 101  *键的标准键盘输入亚洲语言中数以千计的字符。IME 由将键击转换为拼音和表意字符的 *引擎和通常用于表意字的字典组成。当用户输入键击时,IME 引擎会尝试确定应将键击 *转换成哪个(哪些)字符。), *子类必须实现这个接口.     * @param open Open or close IME keyboard.     */    virtual void setIMEKeyboardState(bool open) = 0;#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8 || CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT)    virtual void setIMEKeyboardState(bool open, std::string str) = 0;#endif        /** When the window is closed, it will return false if the platforms is Ios or Android.     * If the platforms is windows or Mac,it will return true.     *在Ios和安卓平台当窗口被关闭的时候,这个方法将返回false, *在Windows或者MAC平台,这个方法将返回true     * @return In ios and android it will return false,if in windows or Mac it will return true.     */    virtual bool windowShouldClose() { return false; };    /** Static method and member so that we can modify it on all platforms before create OpenGL context.      *静态成员和方法,我们可以修改它在所有的平台上在生成OpenGL背景前     * @param glContextAttrs The OpenGL context attrs.     */    static void setGLContextAttrs(GLContextAttrs& glContextAttrs);        /** Return the OpenGL context attrs.      *返回OpenGL背景属性     * @return Return the OpenGL context attrs.     */    static GLContextAttrs getGLContextAttrs();        /** The OpenGL context attrs. *///OpenGL背景属性    static GLContextAttrs _glContextAttrs;    /** @deprecated     * Polls input events. Subclass must implement methods if platform     * does not provide event callbacks. *已经废弃, *检查输入事件,子类必须实现这个接口如果平台不支持事件回调     */    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE virtual void pollInputEvents();        /** Polls the events. *///检查事件//检查输入事件,子类必须实现这个接口如果平台不支持事件回调    virtual void pollEvents();    /**     * Get the frame size of EGL view.     * In general, it returns the screen size since the EGL view is a fullscreen view.     *得到EGL视图的框架尺寸。 *通常来说,如果EGL试图是全屏视图,将返回屏幕的尺寸     * @return The frame size of EGL view.     */    virtual const Size& getFrameSize() const;    /**     * Set the frame size of EGL view.     *设置EGL试图的框架尺寸     * @param width The width of the fram size.     * @param height The height of the fram size.     */    virtual void setFrameSize(float width, float height);    /** Set zoom factor for frame. This methods are for     * debugging big resolution ( ipad) app on desktop.     * 设置框架的缩放系数。这个方法是为了调试大分辨率的桌面程序     * @param zoomFactor The zoom factor for frame.     */    virtual void setFrameZoomFactor(float zoomFactor) {}        /** Get zoom factor for frame. This methods are for     * debugging big resolution ( ipad) app on desktop.     *得到框架的缩放系数。这个方法是为了调试大分辨率的桌面程序     * @return The zoom factor for frame.     */    virtual float getFrameZoomFactor() const { return 1.0; }        /**     * Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one.     *显示或隐藏鼠标的光标,如果有鼠标的话。     * @param isVisible Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one.     */    virtual void setCursorVisible(bool isVisible) {}    /** Get retina factor.     *得到视网膜屏的系数     * @return The retina factor.     */    virtual int getRetinaFactor() const { return 1; }    /** Only works on ios platform. Set Content Scale of the Factor. *///只在IOS平台有效,设置内容的缩放系数    virtual bool setContentScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) { return false; }        /** Only works on ios platform. Get Content Scale of the Factor. *//// 得到内容的缩放系数,只在IOS平台有效    virtual float getContentScaleFactor() const { return 1.0; }        /** Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode.     *判断当前的视图是不是视网膜显示模式     * @return Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode.     */    virtual bool isRetinaDisplay() const { return false; } #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS)    virtual void* getEAGLView() const { return nullptr; }#endif /* (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) */#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8)virtual Size getRenerTargetSize() const = 0;virtual const Mat4& getOrientationMatrix() const = 0;virtual const Mat4& getReverseOrientationMatrix() const = 0;#endif    /**     * Get the visible area size of opengl viewport.     *得到OpenGL视窗的可视区域     * @return The visible area size of opengl viewport.     */    virtual Size getVisibleSize() const;    /**     * Get the visible origin point of opengl viewport.     *得到OpenGL视窗的可视原点     * @return The visible origin point of opengl viewport.     */    virtual Vec2 getVisibleOrigin() const;    /**     * Get the visible rectangle of opengl viewport.     *得到OpenGL视窗的可视矩形     * @return The visible rectangle of opengl viewport.     */    virtual Rect getVisibleRect() const;    /**     * Set the design resolution size.     * @param width Design resolution width.     * @param height Design resolution height.     * @param resolutionPolicy The resolution policy desired, you may choose:     *                         [1] EXACT_FIT Fill screen by stretch-to-fit: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, your game view will be stretched.     *                         [2] NO_BORDER Full screen without black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two areas of your game view will be cut.     *                         [3] SHOW_ALL  Full screen with black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two black borders will be shown.     *设置设计分辨率的尺寸和分辨率策略 */    virtual void setDesignResolutionSize(float width, float height, ResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy);    /** Get design resolution size.     *  Default resolution size is the same as 'getFrameSize'.     *返回设计分辨率,默认的尺寸与getFrameSize的结果一样     * @return The design resolution size.     */    virtual const Size&  getDesignResolutionSize() const;    /**     * Set opengl view port rectangle with points.     *通过点设置OpenGL视窗的矩形     * @param x Set the points of x.     * @param y Set the points of y.     * @param w Set the width of  the view port     * @param h Set the Height of the view port.     */    virtual void setViewPortInPoints(float x , float y , float w , float h);    /**     * Set Scissor rectangle with points.     *通过点设置裁切矩形     * @param x Set the points of x.     * @param y Set the points of y.     * @param w Set the width of  the view port     * @param h Set the Height of the view port.     */    virtual void setScissorInPoints(float x , float y , float w , float h);    /**     * Get whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable.     *裁切是否可用     * @return Whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable.     */    virtual bool isScissorEnabled();    /**     * Get the current scissor rectangle.     *返回当前裁切矩形     * @return The current scissor rectangle.     */    virtual Rect getScissorRect() const;    /** Set the view name.      *设置视图的名字     * @param viewname A string will be set to the view as name.     */    virtual void setViewName(const std::string& viewname);        /** Get the view name.     *返回视图的名字     * @return The view name.     */    const std::string& getViewName() const;    /** Touch events are handled by default; if you want to customize your handlers, please override this function.     *点击事件被自动管理,如果你想定制自己的管理器,请重载这个方法     * @param num The number of touch.     * @param ids The identity of the touch.     * @param xs The points of x.     * @param ys The points of y.     */    virtual void handleTouchesBegin(int num, intptr_t ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);        /** Touch events are handled by default; if you want to customize your handlers, please override this function.     *     * @param num The number of touch.     * @param ids The identity of the touch.     * @param xs The points of x.     * @param ys The points of y.     */    virtual void handleTouchesMove(int num, intptr_t ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);        /** Touch events are handled by default; if you want to customize your handlers, please override this function.     *     * @param num The number of touch.     * @param ids The identity of the touch.     * @param xs The points of x.     * @param ys The points of y.     */    virtual void handleTouchesEnd(int num, intptr_t ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);        /** Touch events are handled by default; if you want to customize your handlers, please override this function.     *     * @param num The number of touch.     * @param ids The identity of the touch.     * @param xs The points of x.     * @param ys The points of y.     */    virtual void handleTouchesCancel(int num, intptr_t ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);    /**     * Get the opengl view port rectangle.     *得到OpenGL视窗的矩形     * @return Return the opengl view port rectangle.     */    const Rect& getViewPortRect() const;        /**     * Get list of all active touches.     *得到所有激活的点击事件     * @return A list of all active touches.     */    std::vector<Touch*> getAllTouches() const;    /**     * Get scale factor of the horizontal direction.     *得到水平方向的缩放系数     * @return Scale factor of the horizontal direction.     */    float getScaleX() const;    /**     * Get scale factor of the vertical direction.     *得到竖直方向的缩放系数     * @return Scale factor of the vertical direction.     */    float getScaleY() const;    /** Returns the current Resolution policy.     *返回当前的屏幕适应策略     * @return The current Resolution policy.     */    ResolutionPolicy getResolutionPolicy() const { return _resolutionPolicy; }#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32)    virtual HWND getWin32Window() = 0;#endif /* (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) */#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_MAC)    virtual id getCocoaWindow() = 0;#endif /* (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_MAC) */    protected:    void updateDesignResolutionSize();        void handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode, int num, intptr_t ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);    // real screen size//屏幕的真实尺寸    Size _screenSize;    // resolution size, it is the size appropriate for the app resources.//设计分辨率尺寸    Size _designResolutionSize;    // the view port size//视窗尺寸    Rect _viewPortRect;    // the view name//视窗名字    std::string _viewName;    float _scaleX;    float _scaleY;    ResolutionPolicy _resolutionPolicy;};

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