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Strategies to improve your job satisfaction


Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. 对工作不满的潜在原因不同,提高工作满意度的方法也不同。


Set new challenges


If you're stuck in a job because of lack of education or a downturn in the economy, it doesn't mean your work has to become drudgery. With a little imagination, you can create new challenges and make the best of the job you have. Here are some ideas that may help. 如果是教育程度或经济低迷的限制,让你无法改换工作,这不表示你就得做“苦差”。稍微发挥一点想象力,你就能找到新的挑战,充分利用这份工作。下面这些方法也许会有用。

* Improve your job skills. Imagining yourself in your dream job, you might see yourself as an excellent project manager: a confident communicator and a highly organized person. Why not work on these skills in your present job? 提升自己的能力。想象自己拥有一份理想的工作,你也许想做一位优秀的项目经理:一位自信的交流者,一位高度有组织性的人。为什么不在现有的工作中就去锻炼这些技巧呢。

* Develop your own project. Take on a project that can motivate you and give you a sense of control. Start small, such as organizing a work-related celebration, before moving on to larger goals. Working on something you care about can boost your confidence. 发展自己的项目。承担一个能给你带来动力、体会到控制感的项目。可从从小项目开始,例如组织一场工作中的相关庆祝活动,然后再着手更大的目标。做自己关心的事情能提升你的自信。

* Mentor a co-worker. Once you've mastered a job, you may find it becoming routine. Helping a new co-worker or an intern advance his or her skills can often restore the challenge and the satisfaction you desire. 指导同事。一旦你掌握了一项工作内容,也许就会厌烦它的“老套”。帮助一位新同事或实习生提高他/她的技能可以重新获得你所渴望的挑战和满足感。

Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. 对工作不满的潜在原因不同,提高工作满意度的方法也不同。


Beat the boredom


Does your job seem boring sometimes? Do you run out of things to do? If so, your abilities may not match your responsibilities. Here are some suggestions:  你的工作有时会令人感到无聊吗?你找不到事做吗?如果是这样,那么也许是因为你的能力和职责不匹配。以下是一些建议:

* Break up the monotony. 破除单调。Take advantage of your work breaks. Read. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Write a letter. 利用工作闲暇,读书,听音乐,散步,写信。

* Cross-training. 交叉培训。Does your work consist of repetitive tasks, such as entering data into a database or working on an assembly line? Talk with your boss about training for a different task to combat boredom. Once you've completed the training, you can switch back and forth. 你的工作是否包含重复的任务?例如往数据库里输入数据或在流水线上的工作? 和你的上司谈谈能否获得不同的任务培训来消除无聊感。一旦完成培训后,你就可以安排工作内容交叉进行。

* Volunteer for something different. If you hear that your company is launching a new project, volunteer for the work team. 自愿去做不同的事情。如果得知公司里启动了一个新项目,可以主动加入项目组。

* Ask for a new challenge. If you're comfortable doing so, tell your supervisor you're a little bored with what you're doing and would like a new challenge. 要求获得新的挑战。如果你自己乐意,那么告诉上司你感到目前的工作有些无聊,希望接受新的挑战。

Keep in mind that boredom can be deadly if your job entails working with machinery or caring for people. If your mind wanders to the point that you put your life or the lives of others in jeopardy, take action. Talk to your supervisor about new challenges you can take on or seek a new position. 牢记一点:如果你的工作内容和机器或照顾别人有关,那么无聊感可能具有致命性。要是思想走神到危及自己或他人生命安全的程度,立即采取行动。和你的上司谈谈你能接受的新挑战或新岗位。