
来源:互联网 发布:js获取扫描枪数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 12:27

DbUpdaterJob是比较关键的一个任务,它负责将上一步由种子url解析出来的outlink urls更新到数据库中,以便于以后下一轮的抓取。相当于承担了一个开枝散叶的责任,所谓“不孝有三,无后为大”……

package org.apache.nutch.crawl;



    currentJob = new NutchJob(getConf(), "update-table");    if (crawlId != null) {      currentJob.getConfiguration().set(Nutch.CRAWL_ID_KEY, crawlId);    }    // Partition by {url}, sort by {url,score} and group by {url}.    // This ensures that the inlinks are sorted by score when they enter    // the reducer.    currentJob.setPartitionerClass(UrlOnlyPartitioner.class);    currentJob.setSortComparatorClass(UrlScoreComparator.class);    currentJob.setGroupingComparatorClass(UrlOnlyComparator.class);    MapFieldValueFilter<String, WebPage> batchIdFilter = getBatchIdFilter(batchId);    StorageUtils.initMapperJob(currentJob, fields, UrlWithScore.class,        NutchWritable.class, DbUpdateMapper.class, batchIdFilter);    StorageUtils.initReducerJob(currentJob, DbUpdateReducer.class);    currentJob.waitForCompletion(true);

然后,可以看出map的输出为<UrlWithScore, NutchWritable>。肯定得看看这两究竟是何方神圣。


public class NutchWritable extends GenericWritableConfigurable {  private static Class<? extends Writable>[] CLASSES = null;  static {    CLASSES = (Class<? extends Writable>[]) new Class<?>[] {        org.apache.nutch.scoring.ScoreDatum.class,        org.apache.nutch.util.WebPageWritable.class };  }  public NutchWritable() {  }  public NutchWritable(Writable instance) {    set(instance);  }  @Override  protected Class<? extends Writable>[] getTypes() {    return CLASSES;  }}

短短几行代码却道出了真正的目的。其实就是相当于更上一层的some sort of “raw type”,用来装两种数据类型,ScoreDatumWebPageWritable。大家往后看就明白了。


public final class UrlWithScore implements WritableComparable<UrlWithScore> {  private static final Comparator<UrlWithScore> comp = new UrlScoreComparator();  private Text url;  private FloatWritable score;  @Override  public int compareTo(UrlWithScore other) {    return comp.compare(this, other);  }  /**   * A partitioner by {url}.   */  public static final class UrlOnlyPartitioner extends      Partitioner<UrlWithScore, NutchWritable> {    @Override    public int getPartition(UrlWithScore key, NutchWritable val, int reduces) {      return (key.url.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % reduces;    }  }  /**   * Compares by {url,score}. Scores are sorted in descending order, that is   * from high scores to low.   */  public static final class UrlScoreComparator implements      RawComparator<UrlWithScore> {    private final WritableComparator textComp = new Text.Comparator();    private final WritableComparator floatComp = new FloatWritable.Comparator();    @Override    public int compare(UrlWithScore o1, UrlWithScore o2) {      int cmp = o1.getUrl().compareTo(o2.getUrl());      if (cmp != 0) {        return cmp;      }      // reverse order      return -o1.getScore().compareTo(o2.getScore());    }    @Override    public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {      try {        int deptLen1 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[s1])            + WritableComparator.readVInt(b1, s1);        int deptLen2 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[s2])            + WritableComparator.readVInt(b2, s2);        int cmp = textComp.compare(b1, s1, deptLen1, b2, s2, deptLen2);        if (cmp != 0) {          return cmp;        }        // reverse order        return -floatComp.compare(b1, s1 + deptLen1, l1 - deptLen1, b2, s2            + deptLen2, l2 - deptLen2);      } catch (IOException e) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);      }    }    /**     * Compares by {url}.     */    public static final class UrlOnlyComparator implements        RawComparator<UrlWithScore> {      private final WritableComparator textComp = new Text.Comparator();      @Override      public int compare(UrlWithScore o1, UrlWithScore o2) {        return o1.getUrl().compareTo(o2.getUrl());      }      @Override      public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {        try {          int deptLen1 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[s1])              + WritableComparator.readVInt(b1, s1);          int deptLen2 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[s2])              + WritableComparator.readVInt(b2, s2);          return textComp.compare(b1, s1, deptLen1, b2, s2, deptLen2);        } catch (IOException e) {          throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);        }      }    }  }}



public class DbUpdateMapper extends    GoraMapper<String, WebPage, UrlWithScore, NutchWritable> {  private ScoringFilters scoringFilters;  private final List<ScoreDatum> scoreData = new ArrayList<ScoreDatum>();  private Utf8 batchId;  // reuse writables  private UrlWithScore urlWithScore = new UrlWithScore();  private NutchWritable nutchWritable = new NutchWritable();  private WebPageWritable pageWritable;  @Override  public void map(String key, WebPage page, Context context)      throws IOException, InterruptedException {    if (Mark.GENERATE_MARK.checkMark(page) == null) {   /**跳过未generate的Url*/      return;    }    String url = TableUtil.unreverseUrl(key);           /**得到正常的Url*/    scoreData.clear();                                  /**清空此list*/    Map<CharSequence, CharSequence> outlinks = page.getOutlinks();    if (outlinks != null) {                             /**!!!ATTENTION 以后用到的url都是从这里来的*/      for (Entry<CharSequence, CharSequence> e : outlinks.entrySet()) {        int depth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;        CharSequence depthUtf8 = page.getMarkers().get(DbUpdaterJob.DISTANCE);        if (depthUtf8 != null)                          /**距离种子Url的距离*/          depth = Integer.parseInt(depthUtf8.toString());        scoreData.add(new ScoreDatum(0.0f, e.getKey().toString(), e.getValue()            .toString(), depth));      }    }    // TODO: Outlink filtering (i.e. "only keep the first n outlinks")    try {      scoringFilters.distributeScoreToOutlinks(url, page, scoreData,          (outlinks == null ? 0 : outlinks.size()));    } catch (ScoringFilterException e) {      LOG.warn("Distributing score failed for URL: " + key + " exception:"          + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));    }    urlWithScore.setUrl(key);    urlWithScore.setScore(Float.MAX_VALUE);    pageWritable.setWebPage(page);    nutchWritable.set(pageWritable);    context.write(urlWithScore, nutchWritable);     /**输出<urlWithcore, page>*/    for (ScoreDatum scoreDatum : scoreData) {      String reversedOut = TableUtil.reverseUrl(scoreDatum.getUrl());      scoreDatum.setUrl(url);      urlWithScore.setUrl(reversedOut);      urlWithScore.setScore(scoreDatum.getScore());      nutchWritable.set(scoreDatum);      context.write(urlWithScore, nutchWritable);   /**输出<urlWithcore, scoreDatum>*/    }  }  @Override  public void setup(Context context) {    scoringFilters = new ScoringFilters(context.getConfiguration());    pageWritable = new WebPageWritable(context.getConfiguration(), null);    batchId = new Utf8(context.getConfiguration().get(Nutch.BATCH_NAME_KEY,        Nutch.ALL_BATCH_ID_STR));  }}



public class DbUpdateReducer extends    GoraReducer<UrlWithScore, NutchWritable, String, WebPage> {  public static final String CRAWLDB_ADDITIONS_ALLOWED = "db.update.additions.allowed";  public static final Logger LOG = DbUpdaterJob.LOG;  private int retryMax;                     /**最大可重试的次数*/  private boolean additionsAllowed;         /**如果为真,则updatedb可以增加新发现的Url*/  private int maxInterval;                  /**距离上一次fetch的间隔时间,过了这个时间每一个在db中的页面都会被重新fetch*/  private FetchSchedule schedule;           /**操控fetch的时间和重新fetch的间隔*/  private ScoringFilters scoringFilters;    /**得分的插件*/  private List<ScoreDatum> inlinkedScoreData = new ArrayList<ScoreDatum>();  private int maxLinks;                     /**当更新一个Url的得分时,考虑的最大的inlink的数目*/  @Override  protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException,      InterruptedException {    Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();    retryMax = conf.getInt("db.fetch.retry.max", 3);    additionsAllowed = conf.getBoolean(CRAWLDB_ADDITIONS_ALLOWED, true);    maxInterval = conf.getInt("db.fetch.interval.max", 0);    schedule = FetchScheduleFactory.getFetchSchedule(conf);    scoringFilters = new ScoringFilters(conf);    maxLinks = conf.getInt("db.update.max.inlinks", 10000);  }  @Override  protected void reduce(UrlWithScore key, Iterable<NutchWritable> values,      Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {    String keyUrl = key.getUrl().toString();    WebPage page = null;    inlinkedScoreData.clear();              /**清空这个list*/    for (NutchWritable nutchWritable : values) {      Writable val = nutchWritable.get();      if (val instanceof WebPageWritable) { /**获得混在其中的webPage*/        page = ((WebPageWritable) val).getWebPage();      } else {                              /**获得其中的scoreDatum*/        inlinkedScoreData.add((ScoreDatum) val);        if (inlinkedScoreData.size() >= maxLinks) { /**注意只要得分前maxLinks的scoreDatum*/          LOG.info("Limit reached, skipping further inlinks for " + keyUrl);          break;        }      }    }    String url;    try {      url = TableUtil.unreverseUrl(keyUrl);    } catch (Exception e) {      // this can happen because a newly discovered malformed link      // may slip by url filters      // TODO: Find a better solution      return;    }    if (page == null) { // new row      if (!additionsAllowed) {        return;      }      page = WebPage.newBuilder().build();      schedule.initializeSchedule(url, page);      page.setStatus((int) CrawlStatus.STATUS_UNFETCHED);      try {        scoringFilters.initialScore(url, page);      } catch (ScoringFilterException e) {        page.setScore(0.0f);      }    } else {      byte status = page.getStatus().byteValue();      switch (status) {      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_FETCHED: // succesful fetch      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_REDIR_TEMP: // successful fetch, redirected      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_REDIR_PERM:      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_NOTMODIFIED: // successful fetch, notmodified        int modified = FetchSchedule.STATUS_UNKNOWN;        if (status == CrawlStatus.STATUS_NOTMODIFIED) {          modified = FetchSchedule.STATUS_NOTMODIFIED;        }        ByteBuffer prevSig = page.getPrevSignature();        ByteBuffer signature = page.getSignature();        if (prevSig != null && signature != null) {          if (SignatureComparator.compare(prevSig, signature) != 0) {            modified = FetchSchedule.STATUS_MODIFIED;          } else {            modified = FetchSchedule.STATUS_NOTMODIFIED;          }        }        long fetchTime = page.getFetchTime();        long prevFetchTime = page.getPrevFetchTime();        long modifiedTime = page.getModifiedTime();        long prevModifiedTime = page.getPrevModifiedTime();        CharSequence lastModified = page.getHeaders().get(            new Utf8("Last-Modified"));        if (lastModified != null) {          try {            modifiedTime = HttpDateFormat.toLong(lastModified.toString());            prevModifiedTime = page.getModifiedTime();          } catch (Exception e) {          }        }        schedule.setFetchSchedule(url, page, prevFetchTime, prevModifiedTime,            fetchTime, modifiedTime, modified);        /**对于一个成功fetch的页面,设置其fetchTime和fetch间隔 */        if (maxInterval < page.getFetchInterval())  /**强制再次fetch*/          schedule.forceRefetch(url, page, false);  /**不用asap*/        break;      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_RETRY:        schedule.setPageRetrySchedule(url, page, 0L,            page.getPrevModifiedTime(), page.getFetchTime());        if (page.getRetriesSinceFetch() < retryMax) {   /**判断retry的次数*/          page.setStatus((int) CrawlStatus.STATUS_UNFETCHED);        } else {          page.setStatus((int) CrawlStatus.STATUS_GONE);        }        break;      case CrawlStatus.STATUS_GONE:        schedule.setPageGoneSchedule(url, page, 0L, page.getPrevModifiedTime(),            page.getFetchTime());        /**设置如何安排被标记为GONE的页面的重新fetch*/        break;      }    }    if (page.getInlinks() != null) {      page.getInlinks().clear();    }    // Distance calculation.    // Retrieve smallest distance from all inlinks distances    // Calculate new distance for current page: smallest inlink distance plus 1.    // If the new distance is smaller than old one (or if old did not exist    // yet),    // write it to the page.    int smallestDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;    for (ScoreDatum inlink : inlinkedScoreData) {      int inlinkDist = inlink.getDistance();      if (inlinkDist < smallestDist) {        smallestDist = inlinkDist;      }      page.getInlinks().put(new Utf8(inlink.getUrl()),          new Utf8(inlink.getAnchor()));    }    if (smallestDist != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {      int oldDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;      CharSequence oldDistUtf8 = page.getMarkers().get(DbUpdaterJob.DISTANCE);      if (oldDistUtf8 != null)        oldDistance = Integer.parseInt(oldDistUtf8.toString());      int newDistance = smallestDist + 1;      if (newDistance < oldDistance) {        page.getMarkers().put(DbUpdaterJob.DISTANCE,            new Utf8(Integer.toString(newDistance)));      }    }    try {      scoringFilters.updateScore(url, page, inlinkedScoreData);      /**根据inlinked pages贡献的分值,为当前页计算出一个新的分值*/    } catch (ScoringFilterException e) {      LOG.warn("Scoring filters failed with exception "          + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));    }    // clear markers    // But only delete when they exist. This is much faster for the underlying    // store. The markers are on the input anyway.    if (page.getMetadata().get(FetcherJob.REDIRECT_DISCOVERED) != null) {      page.getMetadata().put(FetcherJob.REDIRECT_DISCOVERED, null);    }    /**取消一坨前三步的marker*/    Mark.GENERATE_MARK.removeMarkIfExist(page);    Mark.FETCH_MARK.removeMarkIfExist(page);    Utf8 parse_mark = Mark.PARSE_MARK.checkMark(page);    if (parse_mark != null) {      Mark.UPDATEDB_MARK.putMark(page, parse_mark);      Mark.PARSE_MARK.removeMark(page);    }    context.write(keyUrl, page);  }}


Webpage A解析出新的outlink urls分别为B、C、D,而Webpage B解析出新的outlink urls分别为A、C、D。其中Webpage A中的B、C和D,Webpage B中的A、C和D是新出现的url所以就在map步中放入ScoreDatum中,而Webpage A和B就以WebPage的方式存储,为了能将这两种数据类型都写入Fileds中,所以使用了NutchWritable。注意在map中就已经实现了开枝散叶的工作。接下来WebPage A和WebPage B中的A就会被partation在一起(肯定的),还有其他的,根据url和分值排序,WebPage A和WebPage B中的A也同样会被group在一起,按顺序进入reduce中,然后reduce再做做自己的工作比如:重新记录一些信息啊,安排一下下次的schedule啊,计算下距离啊,计算下分值啊,清理下markers之类的之后,就将它们写入到比如数据库之后。mission accomplished!



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