Unknown Class **** in Interface Builder file

来源:互联网 发布:大数据与精准医学 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 01:03

I added a UIView xib file using the root class of MyView.

I created it in the wrong place and so moved it in the project. Same project just a different folder/group.

I then had a problem when running saying...

Unknown Class MyView in Interface Builder file

I couldn't work out what was wrong so I have now deleted the files both from the project and from the directory.

I've done a search using SublimeText2 for the string "MyView" and it doesn't exist anywhere in the project.

I've reset the simulator, cleaned the project and the build folder and deleted derived data.

Still getting the same error.

Any ideas what I can do now?




但是机智的我会被这点小困难打倒吗,终于有一天我决定解决这个问题(其实是因为,忘带数据线,没办法真机测试了*——*),于是到处Google,哈哈,功夫不负有心人,我从一篇答案中获得了灵感,触类旁通,忽然想到,我的ViewController当初常见的时候使用的是init方法,虽然一般系统默认调用init方法会检查有无nib有的话会调用nib但是希望不能寄托在Xcode身上,我断定就是这里出了问题,于是返回代码试验,将init方法改为initWithNibName方法,command+R 运行OK,



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