How does one use Resources.getFraction()

来源:互联网 发布:孚盟软件logo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 20:55


How do I store a fractional value like 3.1416 in resources? What to write in the XML and how to retrieve it in Java code?

The documentation for getFraction() states:

public float getFraction (int id, int base, int pbase)

Retrieve a fractional unit for a particular resource ID.

base The base value of this fraction. In other words, a standard fraction is multiplied by this value.
pbase The parent base value of this fraction. In other words, a parent fraction (nn%p) is multiplied by this value.

Attribute fractional value multiplied by the appropriate base value

This answer shows a simple example of percentages without going into the details of what the arguments mean.

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1 Answer

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You specify fractions in XML as so:

   <item name="fraction" type="fraction">5%</item>   <item name="parent_fraction" type="fraction">2%p</item>

Where 5% would be 0.05 when actually used.


// 0.05fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.fraction, 1, 1);// 0.02fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.parent_fraction, 1, 1);// 0.10fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.fraction, 2, 1);// 0.10fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.fraction, 2, 2);// 0.04fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.parent_fraction, 1, 2);// 0.04fgetResources().getFraction(R.fraction.parent_fraction, 2, 2);

As you can see, depending on the type of fraction, the getFraction method multiples the values accordingly. If you specify a parent fraction (%p), it uses the second argument (pbase), ignoring the first. On the other hand, specifying a normal fraction, only the base argument is used, multiplying the fraction by this.

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