Timus Online Judge 2055. Urban Geography 分治,可回溯并查集,

来源:互联网 发布:有没学英语的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 12:46

2055. Urban Geography

Time limit: 2.0 second
Memory limit: 128 MB
Android Vasya prepares a project in Urban geography. The aim of the project is to improve the infrasructure of the city he lives in.
Now the city consists of n districts, some of which are connected by roads. Using these roads one can get from any district to any other district of the city by car. Vasya thinks that such big amount of roads makes citizens use their own cars instead of walking or cycling. He wants to close as many roads for cars as possible and turn them into boulevards. Of course, Vasya wants to keep the possibility to get from any district to any other district of the city by car using roads.
Now citizens pay for using roads, and prices for different roads may vary very much. Vasya thinks that leaving open some expensive and some cheap roads at the same time is not a good idea beacuse it can increase social tension in the city. That’s why he wants to minimize the price spread between the most expensive and the cheapest roads. Help Vasya choose the roads to keep open.


The first line contains integers n и m that are the number of city districts and roads correspondingly (2 ≤ n ≤ 50 000; n − 1 ≤ m ≤ 50 000). The next m lines contain triples of integers aibi and ci, meaning that between the city districts ai and bi there is a road with the price ci (1 ≤ aibi ≤ nai ≠ bi; 1 ≤ ci ≤ 109). There can be several roads between two districts.


In the only line output the sequence of integers — numbers of the roads which should be kept open in the city. The roads are numbered as they appear in the input data. If there are several solutions, output any of them.


3 31 2 12 3 33 1 4
2 3
4 51 2 12 3 11 3 21 4 22 4 1
1 2 5


http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/17579 这是cf上帖子,讲解的。





        1. 不进行路径压缩,定义Fa[u]表示u的父亲,R(u)表示u所在并查集的根,size[u],表示以u为根的并查集的点数

        2. 对于加入u,v的边,那么查看R(u),和R(v)。如果

              2.1 size[R(u)] > size[R(v)] 那么 令Fa[R(v)] = R(u) , size[R(u)] += size[R(v)]

              2.2 否则交换u,v进行2.2操作







1. 对边按从小到大排序

2. 二分最大边-最小边的值mid

    2.1 对每个边记录时间范围,范围为开始时间=自己的位置,结束时间=边权<=当前边的边权+mid的边的最右边的位置

    2.2 分治(L,R,low,high)表示处理L,R区间内的边(边的区间可能会调整,理解为处理R-L+1条边即可)




    2.5令 x = (low+high)/2 如果一条边时间点与low,x区间有重合进入到左边递归处理

    2.6 如果左递归处理有解返回有解




#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<vector>using namespace std;#define maxn 70005int fa[maxn],size[maxn];int find(int u){//并查集找根    if(fa[u] == u) return u;    return find(fa[u]);}int stack[maxn],ans[maxn],top;//栈记录加边是哪个子树合并到令一个树中void set_union(int u,int v,int e){    u = find(u), v = find(v);    if(u == v) return ;    if(size[u] < size[v]) swap(u,v);    size[u] += size[v];//合并两个并查集,并且记录操作的内容,以及加入的边    fa[v] = u;    stack[top] = v;    ans[top++] = e;}void live_apart(int u){//分开两个并查集    int f = fa[u];    size[f] -= size[u];    fa[u] = u;}struct Edge{    int u,v,w,be,en,id;};Edge edge[maxn];int comp(Edge a,Edge b){    return a.w < b.w;}int id1[maxn],id2[maxn];int n,m;int fenzhi(int L,int R,int low,int high){    if(L > R) return 0;    int ss = top;    int l,r,rp=R,u;    for(l=L;l<=rp;l++){//完全覆盖low,high时间范围的边直接加入并查集,        u = id1[l];        if(edge[u].be <= low && edge[u].en >= high){            swap(id1[l--],id1[rp--]);            set_union(edge[u].u,edge[u].v,u);        }    }    if(top == n-1) return 1;    int mid = (low+high)/2;//筛选出能进入左递归的边    for(r=rp,l=L;l<=r;l++)        if(edge[id1[l]].be > mid)            swap(id1[l--],id1[r--]);    if(fenzhi(L,l-1,low,mid)) return 1;    for(r=rp,l=L;l<=r;l++)//筛选出能进入右递归的边        if(edge[id1[l]].en <= mid)            swap(id1[l--],id1[r--]);    if(fenzhi(L,l-1,mid+1,high)) return 1;    while(top > ss)//回退并查集操作        live_apart(stack[--top]);    return 0;}int work(int mid){    for(int i = 0,j=0;i<m;i++){        while(j<m&&edge[j].w-edge[i].w <= mid)            j++;        edge[i].be = i;        edge[i].en = j-1;        id1[i] = i;    }    for(int i = 0;i <= n; i++)        size[i] = 1,fa[i] = i;    top = 0;    return fenzhi(0,m-1,0,m-1);}int main(){    scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);    for(int i = 0;i < m; i++){        scanf("%d%d%d",&edge[i].u,&edge[i].v,&edge[i].w);        edge[i].id = i+1;    }    sort(edge,edge+m,comp);    int low = 0, high = edge[m-1].w - edge[0].w;    while(low <= high){        int mid = (high+low)/2;        if(work(mid))high = mid-1;        else low = mid+1;    }    work(low);    for(int i = 0;i < top ;i++){        if(i != 0) printf(" ");        printf("%d",edge[ans[i]].id);    }    printf("\n");    return 0;}/*4 51 2 12 3 11 3 21 4 22 4 13 31 2 12 3 33 1 4*/

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