Mysql实现full join的替换方法

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝地区编码怎么填 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 07:25

目前mysql还不支持full join,只能使用left join、union、right join来实现。但使用这个方法解决多次full join的话代码量非常庞大,一直在思考有没有其他替代方法。




select  b.the_day, max(if(b.type_id = 1, b.amount, 0)) purchase_amount, max(if(b.type_id = 1, b.interest, 0)) purchase_interest,  max(if(b.type_id = 2, b.amount, 0)) withdrawal_amount, max(if(b.type_id = 2, b.interest, 0)) withdrawal_interestfrom  (select    a.the_day, round(max(if(a.type_id = 1,, 0))) amount, max(if(a.type_id = 2,, 0)) interest, 1 type_id  from    (select      date(pe.purchase_begin_time) the_day, sum(pe.amount) money, 1 type_id    from      purchase pe    inner join product pt on pe.product_id = pt.product_id and pt.type_id = 9    where pe.purchase_status_id = 4 and pe.purchase_begin_time < '2015-08-13 21:00:00'    group by the_day    union all    select      date(uci.creat_time) the_day, sum(uci.interest) money, 2 type_id    from      user_current_interest uci    where uci.type = 'IN' and uci.creat_time < '2015-08-14'    group by the_day    ) a  group by a.the_day  union all  select    date(wd.withdrawal_begin_time) the_day, sum(wd.amount), sum(wd.profit), 2 type_id  from    withdrawal wd  where wd.withdrawal_status_id in (4, 5) and wd.product_id = 0 and wd.withdrawal_begin_time < '2015-08-14'  group by the_day  ) bgroup by b.the_day;

大致思路说下:2个被连接表增加一个标识字段,使用不同的值,之后将这2个表union all下,使用连接条件将union all的结果分组且使用行列转换。

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