
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客服首次欢迎语 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 01:18

本文主要是从HBase应用程序设计与开发的角度,总结几种常用的性能优化方法。有关HBase系统配置级别的优化,可参考:淘宝Ken Wu同学的博客。


3. 读表操作

3.1 多HTable并发读


    static final Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();      static final String table_log_name = “user_log”;      rTableLog = new HTable[tableN];      for (int i = 0; i < tableN; i++) {          rTableLog[i] = new HTable(conf, table_log_name);          rTableLog[i].setScannerCaching(50);      }  

3.2 HTable参数设置

3.2.1 Scanner Caching

通过调用HTable.setScannerCaching(int scannerCaching)可以设置HBase scanner一次从服务端抓取的数据条数,默认情况下一次一条。通过将此值设置成一个合理的值,可以减少scan过程中next()的时间开销,代价是scanner需要通过客户端的内存来维持这些被cache的行记录。

3.2.2 Scan Attribute Selection

scan时指定需要的Column Family,可以减少网络传输数据量,否则默认scan操作会返回整行所有Column Family的数据。

3.2.3 Close ResultScanner


3.3 批量读

通过调用HTable.get(Get)方法可以根据一个指定的row key获取一行记录,同样HBase提供了另一个方法:通过调用HTable.get(List<Get>)方法可以根据一个指定的row key列表,批量获取多行记录,这样做的好处是批量执行,只需要一次网络I/O开销,这对于对数据实时性要求高而且网络传输RTT高的情景下可能带来明显的性能提升。

3.4 多线程并发读


    public class DataReaderServer {           //获取店铺一天内各分钟PV值的入口函数           public static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> getUnitMinutePV(long uid, long startStamp, long endStamp){               long min = startStamp;               int count = (int)((endStamp - startStamp) / (60*1000));               List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();               for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {                  min = startStamp + i * 60 * 1000;                  lst.add(uid + "_" + min);               }               return parallelBatchMinutePV(lst);           }            //多线程并发查询,获取分钟PV值      private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> parallelBatchMinutePV(List<String> lstKeys){              ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> hashRet = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();              int parallel = 3;              List<List<String>> lstBatchKeys  = null;              if (lstKeys.size() < parallel ){                  lstBatchKeys  = new ArrayList<List<String>>(1);                  lstBatchKeys.add(lstKeys);              }              else{                  lstBatchKeys  = new ArrayList<List<String>>(parallel);                  for(int i = 0; i < parallel; i++  ){                      List<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();                      lstBatchKeys.add(lst);                  }                        for(int i = 0 ; i < lstKeys.size() ; i ++ ){                      lstBatchKeys.get(i%parallel).add(lstKeys.get(i));                  }              }                            List<Future< ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> >> futures = new ArrayList<Future< ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> >>(5);                            ThreadFactoryBuilder builder = new ThreadFactoryBuilder();              builder.setNameFormat("ParallelBatchQuery");              ThreadFactory factory = builder.build();              ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(lstBatchKeys.size(), factory);                            for(List<String> keys : lstBatchKeys){                  Callable< ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> > callable = new BatchMinutePVCallable(keys);                  FutureTask< ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> > future = (FutureTask< ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> >) executor.submit(callable);                  futures.add(future);              }              executor.shutdown();                            // Wait for all the tasks to finish              try {                boolean stillRunning = !executor.awaitTermination(                    5000000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);                if (stillRunning) {                  try {                      executor.shutdownNow();                  } catch (Exception e) {                      // TODO Auto-generated catch block                      e.printStackTrace();                  }                }              } catch (InterruptedException e) {                try {                    Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                } catch (Exception e1) {                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block                  e1.printStackTrace();                }              }                            // Look for any exception              for (Future f : futures) {                try {                    if(f.get() != null)                    {                        hashRet.putAll((ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>)f.get());                    }                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                  try {                       Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                  } catch (Exception e1) {                      // TODO Auto-generated catch block                      e1.printStackTrace();                  }                } catch (ExecutionException e) {                  e.printStackTrace();                }              }                            return hashRet;          }           //一个线程批量查询,获取分钟PV值          protected static ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> getBatchMinutePV(List<String> lstKeys){              ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> hashRet = null;              List<Get> lstGet = new ArrayList<Get>();              String[] splitValue = null;              for (String s : lstKeys) {                  splitValue = s.split("_");                  long uid = Long.parseLong(splitValue[0]);                  long min = Long.parseLong(splitValue[1]);                  byte[] key = new byte[16];                  Bytes.putLong(key, 0, uid);                  Bytes.putLong(key, 8, min);                  Get g = new Get(key);                  g.addFamily(fp);                  lstGet.add(g);              }              Result[] res = null;              try {                  res = tableMinutePV[rand.nextInt(tableN)].get(lstGet);              } catch (IOException e1) {                  logger.error("tableMinutePV exception, e=" + e1.getStackTrace());              }                    if (res != null && res.length > 0) {                  hashRet = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(res.length);                  for (Result re : res) {                      if (re != null && !re.isEmpty()) {                          try {                              byte[] key = re.getRow();                              byte[] value = re.getValue(fp, cp);                              if (key != null && value != null) {                                  hashRet.put(String.valueOf(Bytes.toLong(key,                                          Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG)), String.valueOf(Bytes                                          .toLong(value)));                              }                          } catch (Exception e2) {                              logger.error(e2.getStackTrace());                          }                      }                  }              }                    return hashRet;          }      }      //调用接口类,实现Callable接口      class BatchMinutePVCallable implements Callable<ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>>{           private List<String> keys;                 public BatchMinutePVCallable(List<String> lstKeys ) {               this.keys = lstKeys;           }                 public ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> call() throws Exception {               return DataReadServer.getBatchMinutePV(keys);           }      }  

3.5 缓存查询结果


3.6 Blockcache


写请求会先写入Memstore,Regionserver会给每个region提供一个Memstore,当Memstore满64MB以后,会启动 flush刷新到磁盘。当Memstore的总大小超过限制时(heapsize * hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.upperLimit * 0.9),会强行启动flush进程,从最大的Memstore开始flush直到低于限制。

读请求先到Memstore中查数据,查不到就到BlockCache中查,再查不到就会到磁盘上读,并把读的结果放入BlockCache。由于BlockCache采用的是LRU策略,因此BlockCache达到上限(heapsize * hfile.block.cache.size * 0.85)后,会启动淘汰机制,淘汰掉最老的一批数据。

一个Regionserver上有一个BlockCache和N个Memstore,它们的大小之和不能大于等于heapsize * 0.8,否则HBase不能启动。默认BlockCache为0.2,而Memstore为0.4。对于注重读响应时间的系统,可以将 BlockCache设大些,比如设置BlockCache=0.4,Memstore=0.39,以加大缓存的命中率。

有关BlockCache机制,请参考这里:HBase的Block cache,HBase的blockcache机制,hbase中的缓存的计算与使用。


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