Wiki Formatting help table

来源:互联网 发布:matlab中矩阵运算 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:29

原文出处:Textile (markup language)

Textile markersTextileVisual result*bold text*bold text_italic text_italic text*_bold italic text_*bold italic text-strikethrough text-strikethrough text*-bold strikethrough text-*bold strikethrough text*_-bold italic strikethrough text-_*bold italic strikethrough text+underlined text+underlined text*+bold underlined text+*bold underlined text_+italic underlined text+_italic underlined text*_+bold italic underlined text+_*bold italic underlined text*_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_*bold italic strikethrough underlined text%{font-size:18pt}font size%font size%{color:green}text in green%text in green# Chapter 1

Chapter 1
* bulleted list** 2-level
  • bulleted list
    • 2-level
|Table | with two columns  ||and two | rows |
Tablewith two columnsand tworows
"Link to Wikipedia":
Link to Wikipedia
Wikipedia-logo-en.pngBrand ^TM^Brand TMText ~subscript~Text subscript

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