Alien Order

来源:互联网 发布:json对象合并成一个 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 04:29




然后图要去除环和重边,考虑到这点用hashmap edge[26]来存比较好



class Solution {public:    string alienOrder(vector<string>& dict) {        unordered_set<int> edge[26];        int deg[26];        memset(deg, -1 ,sizeof deg);        int maxlen=0;        for(auto s: dict){          maxlen=max((int)s.size(), maxlen);          for(auto se: s){            deg[se-'a']=0;          }        }        int cnt=0;//get chars count from input        for(int i=0;i<26;i++){          if(!deg[i]) cnt++;        }        for(int i=1;i<dict.size();i++){          for(int j=0; j < min(dict[i-1].size(), dict[i].size()); j++){            char from=dict[i-1][j], to=dict[i][j];            if(from != to){              if( !edge[from-'a'].count(to-'a')){                edge[from-'a'].insert(to-'a');                deg[to-'a']++;                break;              }            }          }        }        queue<int> q;        for(int i=0;i<26;i++){          if(!deg[i]) q.push(i);        }        string ans;        while(!q.empty()){          auto cur=q.front();q.pop();          ans.push_back(cur+'a');          for(auto e: edge[cur]){            if((--deg[e])==0) q.push(e);          }        }        return ans.size()==cnt ? ans : "";    }} S;


class Solution {public:  string alienOrder(vector<string>& words) {    unordered_set<char> umch;    int maxlen=0;    for(auto se: words){      maxlen=max(maxlen, (int)se.size());      for(auto e: se){        umch.insert(e);      }    }    //mark in words and outof words char, as indegree 0 would be put in queue    int indeg[26];    memset(indeg, -1, sizeof indeg);    for(auto e: umch){      indeg[e-'a']=0;    }    int wordnum=words.size();    unordered_set<int> edge[26];    for(int i=0;i<maxlen;i++){      for(int j=0;j<wordnum;j++){        if(j-1>=0 && i<words[j].size() && i<words[j-1].size() && words[j][i] != words[j-1][i]           && words[j-1].substr(0, i) == words[j].substr(0, i)){          int fromindex=words[j-1][i]-'a', toindex=words[j][i]-'a';          if( !edge[fromindex].count(toindex)){            edge[fromindex].insert(toindex);            indeg[toindex]++;          }        }      }    }    queue<int> q;    for(int i=0;i<26;i++){      if(!indeg[i]) q.push(i);    }    string ans;    while(!q.empty()){      auto cur=q.front();q.pop();      ans+=char('a'+cur);      for(auto e: edge[cur]){        if(!(--indeg[e])) q.push(e);      }    }    return ans.size() == umch.size() ? ans: "";  }} S;

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