通过fetchXml 实现分页查询

来源:互联网 发布:神雕群芳谱知乐改编 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:42

/// 实现分页查询
/// 页数
/// 每页大小
/// 是否成功
public string GetEntityList( IOrganizationService crmService, int page, int size)
String fetchXml = @”标准fetch查询,奇葩的是粘贴到这里之后竟然不能显示”;
String retValue = GetDateByFetchXml(crmService, fetchXml, page, size);
return retValue;


#region 通过FetchXml查询数据
/// 通过FetchXml查询数据
/// OrgService
/// 查询FetchXml
/// 页码
/// 每页记录数
/// JsonString
public string GetDateByFetchXml(IOrganizationService _service, string fetchXml, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
// Specify the current paging cookie. For retrieving the first page,
// pagingCookie should be null.
string pagingCookie = null;

        // Build fetchXml string with the placeholders.        string xml = CreateXml(fetchXml, pagingCookie, pageNumber, pageSize);        // Excute the fetch query and get the xml result.        RetrieveMultipleRequest fetchRequest1 = new RetrieveMultipleRequest        {            Query = new FetchExpression(xml)        };        EntityCollection returnCollection = ((RetrieveMultipleResponse)_service.Execute(fetchRequest1)).EntityCollection;        string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnCollection);        return jsonString;    }    private string CreateXml(string xml, string cookie, int page, int count)    {        StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xml);        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader);        // Load document        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();        doc.Load(reader);        return CreateXml(doc, cookie, page, count);    }    private string CreateXml(XmlDocument doc, string cookie, int page, int count)    {        XmlAttributeCollection attrs = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes;        if (cookie != null)        {            XmlAttribute pagingAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("paging-cookie");            pagingAttr.Value = cookie;            attrs.Append(pagingAttr);        }        XmlAttribute pageAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("page");        pageAttr.Value = System.Convert.ToString(page);        attrs.Append(pageAttr);        XmlAttribute countAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("count");        countAttr.Value = System.Convert.ToString(count);        attrs.Append(countAttr);        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(sb);        XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(stringWriter);        doc.WriteTo(writer);        writer.Close();        return sb.ToString();    }
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