DesignPattern_Java:Composite Pattern

来源:互联网 发布:中国警察智识数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:51

组合模式 Composite Pattern 合成模式

compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.



package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;
public interface Component {
public void operation();


package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;//定义叶子构件public class Leaf implements Component {    @Override    public void operation() {        //业务逻辑代码        System.out.println("Leaf operation");    }}


package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;import java.util.ArrayList;//定义树枝构件public class Composite implements Component {    // 构件容器    private ArrayList<Component> componentList = new ArrayList<Component>();    // 添加构件    public void add(Component component) {        this.componentList.add(component);    }    // 删除构件    public void remove(Component component) {        this.componentList.remove(component);    }    // 获取子构件    public ArrayList<Component> getChild() {        return this.componentList;    }    @Override    public void operation() {        // 业务逻辑代码        System.out.println("Composite operation");    }}


package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;public class Client {    public static void main(String[] args) {        // 创建一个根节点        Composite root = new Composite();        root.operation();        // 创建树枝节点        Composite branch = new Composite();        // 创建叶子节点        Leaf leaf = new Leaf();        // 构件树形结构        root.add(branch);        branch.add(leaf);        display(root);    }    // 遍历树(递归)    public static void display(Composite root) {        for (Component c : root.getChild()) {            if (c instanceof Leaf) { // 如果节点类型是叶子节点                c.operation();            } else { // 树枝节点                c.operation();                display((Composite) c); // 递归调用            }        }    }}


package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;//抽象接口public interface Company {    //获取信息    public String getInfo();}

package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;import java.util.ArrayList;//树枝节点类public class ConcreteCompany implements Company {    private ArrayList<Company> companyList = new ArrayList<Company>();    private String name;    private String position;    private int salary;    //构造函数    public ConcreteCompany(String name, String position, int salary) { = name;   //姓名        this.position = position; //职位        this.salary = salary;   //薪水    }    public void add(Company company){        this.companyList.add(company);    }    public void remove(Company company){        this.companyList.remove(company);    }    public ArrayList<Company> getChild(){        return this.companyList;    }    @Override    public String getInfo() {        String info="";        info="名称:";        info=info+"\t职位:"+this.position;        info=info+"\t薪水:"+this.salary;        return info;    }}

package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;//叶子节点类public class Employee implements Company {    private String name;    private String position;    private int salary;    public Employee(String name, String position, int salary) { = name;        this.position = position;        this.salary = salary;    }    @Override    public String getInfo() {        String info="";        info="名称:";        info=info+"\t职位:"+this.position;        info=info+"\t薪水:"+this.salary;        return info;    }}

package com.DesignPattern.Structural.Composite;public class ClientDemo {    public static void main(String[] args){        //CEO        ConcreteCompany root=new ConcreteCompany("Hello","CEO",100000);        //部门经理        ConcreteCompany developDep=new ConcreteCompany("developDep","研发部经理",12000);        ConcreteCompany salesDep=new ConcreteCompany("salesDep","销售部经理",12000);        ConcreteCompany financeDep=new ConcreteCompany("financeDep","财务部经理",12000);        //部门员工        Employee e1=new Employee("A","研发部",3000);        Employee e2=new Employee("B","研发部",3000);        Employee e3=new Employee("C","销售部",3000);        Employee e4=new Employee("D","销售部",3000);        Employee e5=new Employee("E","财务部",3000);        Employee e6=new Employee("F","财务部",3000);        //生成树        root.add(developDep);        root.add(salesDep);        root.add(financeDep);        developDep.add(e1);        developDep.add(e2);        salesDep.add(e3);        salesDep.add(e4);        financeDep.add(e5);        financeDep.add(e6);        System.out.println(root.getInfo());        display(root);    }    //遍历树(递归)    public static void display(ConcreteCompany root){        for(Company c:root.getChild()){            if(c instanceof Employee){  //如果节点类型是叶子节点                System.out.println(c.getInfo());            }else{      //树枝节点                System.out.println("\n"+c.getInfo());                display((ConcreteCompany)c);    //递归调用            }        }    }}

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