
来源:互联网 发布:印度火星探测器 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:20

create table 表名(字段)
create table student(id integer primary key autoincrement,name

varchar(20),age integer);

字段名称 字段类型

**主键:**primary key,区分表中的每一条记录,是唯一标识

删除表:drop table student;

增加字段:alter table 表名 add 字段
alter table student add sex varchar(4);

insert into 表名(字段名) values(值)

insert into student(name,age,sex) values(‘tom’,20,’male’);
insert into student(name) values(‘jack’);
insert into student(age,name,sex) values(21,’rose’,’female’);

–查询语句:select 字段名 from 表 where 条件

select * from student;

select name,age from student ;

update 表名 set 字段名=值,字段名=值…… where 条件
update student set age=18 ;

update student set age=19 ,sex=’male’ where id =5;

– 将学号为3的学生性别修改为female
update student set sex=’female’ where id=3;

delete from 表名 where 条件

delete from student;

delete from student where sex=’male’;

select * from student;

–条件:where +条件

–>,>= ,=,< ,<=
select * from student where age > 20;

select * from student where age > 20 and sex=’female’;

–查询年龄在18 到21之间的学生,[18,21]
select * from student where age >=18 and age <= 21;

–between and ,两者之间,等于边界
select * from student where age between 20 and 21;

–查询年龄是19 或 20 的学生
select * from student where age =19 or age =20;

select * from student where age in (19,20,21);

– 查询年龄为19的男学生 或者 年龄为21 的女同学
select * from student where (age=19 and sex=’male’) or (age=21 and sex=’female’);

–模糊查询 like

update student set name=’zhangsan’ where id=5;
select * from student where name like ‘zhang%’;

select * from student where name like ‘_o%’;

select * from student where name like ‘%s%’;

select distinct sex from student

–排序:默认升序,升序(asc) ,降序(desc)
order by 字段

select * from student order by age asc;

select * from student order by age desc;

select * from student order by name desc;

– 先按年龄升序,年龄相同,按姓名降序
select * from student order by age asc,name desc;

字段 as 别名,函数 as 别名 ,表 as 别名
select name as 姓名 ,age as 年龄 from student;


select max(age) as max,
min(age) as min,
sum(age) as sum,
avg(age) as avg from student;

count(distinct 字段):去掉重复项,统计记录数

select count(*) from student;
select count(sex) from student;
select count(distinct sex) from student;

–limit 索引,个数,用于数据库的分页
select * from student limit 1,2;(一次显示两条数据 )

–分组:group by 字段
–分组之后再过滤:having 条件

select sex from student group by sex;

select age from student group by age;

– 根据年龄,性别分组
select age ,sex from student group by age,sex;

– 根据年龄分组,查询年龄大于20的
select age from student group by age having age >=20;

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