Python Unitest 源码阅读:概述

来源:互联网 发布:手机建筑图纸软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 13:24

最近学习python 的单元测试,好奇之下阅读了一下unittest模块的源码。稍作记录作为梳理,帮助自己加深理解和回忆


unittest模块的用法很简单,定义个 TestCase的子类,然后根据需要重载Setup()和TearDown()两个方法。并且在类中定义一些测试用例条目的“方法” ,以test开头命名即可

import kkimport unittestclass ProductTestCase(unittest.TestCase):    def setUp(self):        print 'units test begin'+'#'*20    def tearDown(self):        print 'unittest end'+'#'*20    def testxx(self):        print 'this is just test'    def testIntegerProduct(self):        for x in xrange(-10,10):            for y in xrange(-10,10):                p = kk.product(x,y)                self.failUnless(p == x*y,'integer multiplication failture')    def testFractalProduct(self):        for x in xrange(-10,10):            for y in xrange(-10,10):                x = x/10.0                y = y/10.0                p = kk.product(x,y)                self.failUnless(p == x*y,'fractal multiplication failture')if __name__ == '__main__':    unittest.main()
注意到代码中的testIntegerProduct(self) 及 testFractalProduct(self) 两个以test开头命名的方法即是测试用例条目,整个类为TestCase的子类,unittest通过这两个信息(红色标注部分)来识别测试用例和用例下的条目。

二.unittest 模块流程概述

首先明确unittest中对测试用例的封装,即TestSuit  是 TestCase类的一个“集合”:
class TestSuite(object):    """A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.    For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances.    When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test    runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases    in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When    subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.    """
    def addTest(self, test):        # sanity checks        if not hasattr(test, '__call__'):            raise TypeError("the test to add must be callable")        if isinstance(test, type) and issubclass(test, (TestCase, TestSuite)):            raise TypeError("TestCases and TestSuites must be instantiated "                            "before passing them to addTest()")        self._tests.append(test)    def addTests(self, tests):        if isinstance(tests, str):            raise TypeError("tests must be an iterable of tests, not a string")        for test in tests:            self.addTest(test)

其中形参test 是TestCase的实例。
main = TestProgram############################################################################### Executing this module from the command line##############################################################################if __name__ == "__main__":    main(module=None)

并且根据传入参数来对TestSuit进行构建,传递的参数可以包含到具体的测试用例或测试条目 例如支持这样的命令:python Mytestcase.testsomething 等
所以paresArgs()方法会根据不同的参数调用不同的加载测试用例的方法:有loadTestFromMoudle() 、loadTestFromName()、loadTestFromCase()等,这些方法都属于TestLoader类。
  def parseArgs(self, argv):        import getopt        long_opts = ['help','verbose','quiet']        try:            options, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hHvq', long_opts)            for opt, value in options:                if opt in ('-h','-H','--help'):                    self.usageExit()                if opt in ('-q','--quiet'):                    self.verbosity = 0                if opt in ('-v','--verbose'):                    self.verbosity = 2            if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None:                self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self.module)# 通过调用loadTestFromModule加载测试用例                return            if len(args) > 0:                self.testNames = args            else:                self.testNames = (self.defaultTest,)            self.createTests()#若指定测试用例参数,则执行createTest(),即调用loadTestFromName        except getopt.error as msg:            self.usageExit(msg)    def createTests(self):        self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromNames(self.testNames,                                                       self.module)

 def runTests(self):        if isinstance(self.testRunner, type):            try:                testRunner = self.testRunner(verbosity=self.verbosity)            except TypeError:                # didn't accept the verbosity argument                testRunner = self.testRunner()        else:            # it is assumed to be a TestRunner instance            testRunner = self.testRunner        self.result =        if self.exit:            sys.exit(not self.result.wasSuccessful())

随后将分为“加载测试用例” “执行测试用例”记录对unittest的理解

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