
来源:互联网 发布:夜神模拟器for mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 12:50



class FontAtlas;// 字体图集缓存class CC_DLL FontAtlasCache{  public:// 得到字体图集    static FontAtlas * getFontAtlasTTF(const TTFConfig & config);    static FontAtlas * getFontAtlasFNT(const std::string& fontFileName, const Vec2& imageOffset = Vec2::ZERO);    static FontAtlas * getFontAtlasCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);    static FontAtlas * getFontAtlasCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);    static FontAtlas * getFontAtlasCharMap(const std::string& plistFile);        static bool releaseFontAtlas(FontAtlas *atlas);    /** Removes cached data.     It will purge the textures atlas and if multiple texture exist in one FontAtlas.     */ // 清除缓存数据    static void purgeCachedData();    private: // 生成字体名字    static std::string generateFontName(const std::string& fontFileName, int size, GlyphCollection theGlyphs, bool useDistanceField);    static std::unordered_map<std::string, FontAtlas *> _atlasMap;};NS_CC_END



NS_CC_BEGIN// 字体字符图class FontCharMap : public Font{  public:// 创建一个字体字符图    static FontCharMap * create(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);    static FontCharMap * create(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);    static FontCharMap * create(const std::string& plistFile);    // 得到水平字间距    virtual int* getHorizontalKerningForTextUTF16(const std::u16string& text, int &outNumLetters) const override;    // 创建一个字体图集virtual FontAtlas *createFontAtlas() override;    protected:    // 构造函数    FontCharMap(Texture2D* texture,int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap)        :_texture(texture)        ,_mapStartChar(startCharMap)        ,_itemWidth(itemWidth)        ,_itemHeight(itemHeight)    {}    /**     * @js NA     * @lua NA     */    virtual ~FontCharMap();    private:    Texture2D* _texture;    int _mapStartChar;    int _itemWidth;    int _itemHeight;};



// FNT字体class CC_DLL FontFNT : public Font{    public:    // 创建一个FNT字体    static FontFNT * create(const std::string& fntFilePath, const Vec2& imageOffset = Vec2::ZERO);    /** Purges the cached data.    Removes from memory the cached configurations and the atlas name dictionary.    */// 清除缓存的数据    static void purgeCachedData();// 得到水平字间距    virtual int* getHorizontalKerningForTextUTF16(const std::u16string& text, int &outNumLetters) const override;// 创建字体图集    virtual FontAtlas *createFontAtlas() override;    protected:    // 构造函数    FontFNT(BMFontConfiguration *theContfig, const Vec2& imageOffset = Vec2::ZERO);    /**     * @js NA     * @lua NA     */    virtual ~FontFNT();    private:    // 得到水平字间距    int  getHorizontalKerningForChars(unsigned short firstChar, unsigned short secondChar) const;        BMFontConfiguration * _configuration;    Vec2                   _imageOffset;    };



// 自由字体类型class CC_DLL FontFreeType : public Font{public:    static const int DistanceMapSpread;// 创建一个自由字体类型    static FontFreeType * create(const std::string &fontName, int fontSize, GlyphCollection glyphs, const char *customGlyphs,bool distanceFieldEnabled = false,int outline = 0);// 关闭自由字体类型    static void shutdownFreeType();    bool     isDistanceFieldEnabled() const { return _distanceFieldEnabled;}// 得到描边的尺寸    float    getOutlineSize() const { return _outlineSize; }// 渲染字符    void     renderCharAt(unsigned char *dest,int posX, int posY, unsigned char* bitmap,long bitmapWidth,long bitmapHeight); // 创建字体图集    virtual FontAtlas   * createFontAtlas() override;// 得到UTF-16水平的字间距    virtual int         * getHorizontalKerningForTextUTF16(const std::u16string& text, int &outNumLetters) const override;    // 得到标志符的位图资源    unsigned char       * getGlyphBitmap(unsigned short theChar, long &outWidth, long &outHeight, Rect &outRect,int &xAdvance);    // 得到字体的最大高度    virtual int           getFontMaxHeight() const override;  // 得到小写字母超出部分    virtual int           getFontAscender() const;protected:    // 构造函数    FontFreeType(bool distanceFieldEnabled = false,int outline = 0);    virtual ~FontFreeType();// 创建一个字体对象    bool   createFontObject(const std::string &fontName, int fontSize);    private:// 初始化自由类型    bool initFreeType();// 得到FreeFont库    FT_Library getFTLibrary();    // 得到水平字间距    int  getHorizontalKerningForChars(unsigned short firstChar, unsigned short secondChar) const;// 得到描边尺寸    unsigned char       * getGlyphBitmapWithOutline(unsigned short theChar, FT_BBox &bbox);        static FT_Library _FTlibrary;    static bool       _FTInitialized;    FT_Face           _fontRef;    FT_Stroker        _stroker;    std::string       _fontName;    bool              _distanceFieldEnabled;    float             _outlineSize;};

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