
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网电动工具电焊机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/27 02:30





public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, DisplayImageOptions options,            ImageSize targetSize, ImageLoadingListener listener, ImageLoadingProgressListener progressListener);


public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, DisplayImageOptions options,        ImageSize targetSize, ImageLoadingListener listener, ImageLoadingProgressListener progressListener) {    checkConfiguration();    if (imageAware == null) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_WRONG_ARGUMENTS);    }    if (listener == null) {        listener = defaultListener;    }    if (options == null) {        // 默认的设置        // 通过defaultDisplayImageOptions = DisplayImageOptions.createSimple();        // 而来,具体的默认设置可以看DisplayImageOptions里的代码        options = configuration.defaultDisplayImageOptions;    }    // 闲的蛋疼给了一个空的uri    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) {        engine.cancelDisplayTaskFor(imageAware);        // 这里的listener或许是你设置的,一般是默认的        // 回调下载开始        listener.onLoadingStarted(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView());        if (options.shouldShowImageForEmptyUri()) {            // 显示为空时的图片            imageAware.setImageDrawable(options.getImageForEmptyUri(configuration.resources));        } else {            imageAware.setImageDrawable(null);        }        // 回调下载完成        listener.onLoadingComplete(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView(), null);        return;    }    if (targetSize == null) {        // 封装图片的大小        // 这里的大小是根据Imageview来的        targetSize = ImageSizeUtils.defineTargetSizeForView(imageAware, configuration.getMaxImageSize());    }    // 生成一个缓存用的key    String memoryCacheKey = MemoryCacheUtils.generateKey(uri, targetSize);    engine.prepareDisplayTaskFor(imageAware, memoryCacheKey);    // 回调开始加载图片    listener.onLoadingStarted(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView());    // 尝试从内存缓存中获取图片    Bitmap bmp = configuration.memoryCache.get(memoryCacheKey);    // 如果获取到图片    // 并且图片没有被回收了    if (bmp != null && !bmp.isRecycled()) {        L.d(LOG_LOAD_IMAGE_FROM_MEMORY_CACHE, memoryCacheKey);        // mark 怎么去处理?        /**         * public boolean shouldPostProcess() {             return postProcessor != null;          }         */        // 因为是默认的,所以这里返回false        if (options.shouldPostProcess()) {            // ImageLoadingInfo封装了uri            // 该任务的图片大小            // 该任务的设置,监听器等信息            ImageLoadingInfo imageLoadingInfo = new ImageLoadingInfo(uri, imageAware, targetSize, memoryCacheKey,                    options, listener, progressListener, engine.getLockForUri(uri));            // 处理并显示图片的任务            // defineHandler 是去获取的一个handler            // 通常是new一个UI线程上的handler            // 这里面的逻辑其实就是当提供了BitmapProcessor时            // 我们可以在图片显示之前去处理一下图片            // 最后还是会走到LoadAndDisplayImageTask            ProcessAndDisplayImageTask displayTask = new ProcessAndDisplayImageTask(engine, bmp, imageLoadingInfo,                    defineHandler(options));            if (options.isSyncLoading()) {                displayTask.run(); // 同步的任务,直接调用run方法            } else {                // 异步任务, 将任务提交出去                // 从这里我们也可以看出ProcessAndDisplayImageTask                // 实现了了Runnable接口                engine.submit(displayTask);            }        } else {            // 直接显示图片            options.getDisplayer().display(bmp, imageAware, LoadedFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);            listener.onLoadingComplete(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView(), bmp);        }    } else {        // 没有从内存中获取到图片        // 或者图片被标记回收了        if (options.shouldShowImageOnLoading()) {            imageAware.setImageDrawable(options.getImageOnLoading(configuration.resources));        } else if (options.isResetViewBeforeLoading()) {            imageAware.setImageDrawable(null);        }        ImageLoadingInfo imageLoadingInfo = new ImageLoadingInfo(uri, imageAware, targetSize, memoryCacheKey,                options, listener, progressListener, engine.getLockForUri(uri));        LoadAndDisplayImageTask displayTask = new LoadAndDisplayImageTask(engine, imageLoadingInfo,                defineHandler(options));        if (options.isSyncLoading()) {            displayTask.run();        } else {            engine.submit(displayTask);        }    }}


// ImageAware其实就是包装了一下ImageViewpublic class ImageViewAware extends ViewAware {    /**     * Constructor. <br />     * References {@link #ImageViewAware(ImageView, boolean) ImageViewAware(imageView, true)}.     *     * @param imageView {@link ImageView ImageView} to work with     */    public ImageViewAware(ImageView imageView) {        super(imageView);    }    /**     * Constructor     *     * @param imageView           {@link ImageView ImageView} to work with     * @param checkActualViewSize <b>true</b> - then {@link #getWidth()} and {@link #getHeight()} will check actual     *                            size of ImageView. It can cause known issues like     *                            <a href="https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader/issues/376">this</a>.     *                            But it helps to save memory because memory cache keeps bitmaps of actual (less in     *                            general) size.     *                            <p/>     *                            <b>false</b> - then {@link #getWidth()} and {@link #getHeight()} will <b>NOT</b>     *                            consider actual size of ImageView, just layout parameters. <br /> If you set 'false'     *                            it's recommended 'android:layout_width' and 'android:layout_height' (or     *                            'android:maxWidth' and 'android:maxHeight') are set with concrete values. It helps to     *                            save memory.     *                            <p/>     */    public ImageViewAware(ImageView imageView, boolean checkActualViewSize) {        super(imageView, checkActualViewSize);    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     * <br />     * 3) Get <b>maxWidth</b>.     */    @Override    public int getWidth() {        int width = super.getWidth();        if (width <= 0) {            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) viewRef.get();            if (imageView != null) {                width = getImageViewFieldValue(imageView, "mMaxWidth"); // Check maxWidth parameter            }        }        return width;    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     * <br />     * 3) Get <b>maxHeight</b>     */    @Override    public int getHeight() {        int height = super.getHeight();        if (height <= 0) {            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) viewRef.get();            if (imageView != null) {                height = getImageViewFieldValue(imageView, "mMaxHeight"); // Check maxHeight parameter            }        }        return height;    }    @Override    public ViewScaleType getScaleType() {        ImageView imageView = (ImageView) viewRef.get();        if (imageView != null) {            return ViewScaleType.fromImageView(imageView);        }        return super.getScaleType();    }    @Override    public ImageView getWrappedView() {        return (ImageView) super.getWrappedView();    }    @Override    protected void setImageDrawableInto(Drawable drawable, View view) {        ((ImageView) view).setImageDrawable(drawable);        if (drawable instanceof AnimationDrawable) {            ((AnimationDrawable)drawable).start();        }    }    @Override    protected void setImageBitmapInto(Bitmap bitmap, View view) {        ((ImageView) view).setImageBitmap(bitmap);    }    private static int getImageViewFieldValue(Object object, String fieldName) {        int value = 0;        try {            Field field = ImageView.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName);            field.setAccessible(true);            int fieldValue = (Integer) field.get(object);            if (fieldValue > 0 && fieldValue < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {                value = fieldValue;            }        } catch (Exception e) {            L.e(e);        }        return value;    }}


if (targetSize == null) {    // 封装图片的大小    // 这里的大小是根据Imageview来的    targetSize = ImageSizeUtils.defineTargetSizeForView(imageAware, configuration.getMaxImageSize());}



@Overridepublic void run() {    L.d(LOG_POSTPROCESS_IMAGE, imageLoadingInfo.memoryCacheKey);    // 没有找到默认的Processor    // BitmapProcessor是一个接口    // 只有一个process方法,目的是在显示之前允许我们处理一下图片    // 那这里不会报nullpointer吗?    // 当然不是,因为在ImageLoader.displayImage中 submit该任务之前去判断了    BitmapProcessor processor = imageLoadingInfo.options.getPostProcessor();    Bitmap processedBitmap = processor.process(bitmap);    DisplayBitmapTask displayBitmapTask = new DisplayBitmapTask(processedBitmap, imageLoadingInfo, engine,            LoadedFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);    LoadAndDisplayImageTask.runTask(displayBitmapTask, imageLoadingInfo.options.isSyncLoading(), handler, engine);}


@Overridepublic void run() {    // 各种Listener的回调    if (imageAware.isCollected()) {        L.d(LOG_TASK_CANCELLED_IMAGEAWARE_COLLECTED, memoryCacheKey);        listener.onLoadingCancelled(imageUri, imageAware.getWrappedView());    } else if (isViewWasReused()) {        L.d(LOG_TASK_CANCELLED_IMAGEAWARE_REUSED, memoryCacheKey);        listener.onLoadingCancelled(imageUri, imageAware.getWrappedView());    } else {        L.d(LOG_DISPLAY_IMAGE_IN_IMAGEAWARE, loadedFrom, memoryCacheKey);        // 通过设置不同的displayer来显示不同样式的图片        displayer.display(bitmap, imageAware, loadedFrom);        engine.cancelDisplayTaskFor(imageAware);        listener.onLoadingComplete(imageUri, imageAware.getWrappedView(), bitmap);    }}


// 没有从内存中获取到图片// 或者图片被标记回收了if (options.shouldShowImageOnLoading()) {    imageAware.setImageDrawable(options.getImageOnLoading(configuration.resources));} else if (options.isResetViewBeforeLoading()) {    imageAware.setImageDrawable(null);}ImageLoadingInfo imageLoadingInfo = new ImageLoadingInfo(uri, imageAware, targetSize, memoryCacheKey,        options, listener, progressListener, engine.getLockForUri(uri));LoadAndDisplayImageTask displayTask = new LoadAndDisplayImageTask(engine, imageLoadingInfo,        defineHandler(options));if (options.isSyncLoading()) {    displayTask.run();} else {    engine.submit(displayTask);}


final class LoadAndDisplayImageTask implements Runnable, IoUtils.CopyListener {  @Override  public void run() {    if (waitIfPaused()) return;    if (delayIfNeed()) return;    // 得到互斥锁    // 对于Lock不熟悉的朋友可以去看java的Lock部分    ReentrantLock loadFromUriLock = imageLoadingInfo.loadFromUriLock;    L.d(LOG_START_DISPLAY_IMAGE_TASK, memoryCacheKey);    if (loadFromUriLock.isLocked()) {      L.d(LOG_WAITING_FOR_IMAGE_LOADED, memoryCacheKey);    }    // 启动锁    loadFromUriLock.lock();    Bitmap bmp;    try {      checkTaskNotActual();      // 尝试从内存缓存中获取图片      bmp = configuration.memoryCache.get(memoryCacheKey);      // 如果图片为空,或者图片标记回收了      if (bmp == null || bmp.isRecycled()) {        // mark 这里面干了吗?        bmp = tryLoadBitmap();        if (bmp == null) return; // listener callback already was fired        checkTaskNotActual();        checkTaskInterrupted();        if (options.shouldPreProcess()) {          L.d(LOG_PREPROCESS_IMAGE, memoryCacheKey);          bmp = options.getPreProcessor().process(bmp);          if (bmp == null) {            L.e(ERROR_PRE_PROCESSOR_NULL, memoryCacheKey);          }        }        // 缓存到内存中        if (bmp != null && options.isCacheInMemory()) {          L.d(LOG_CACHE_IMAGE_IN_MEMORY, memoryCacheKey);          configuration.memoryCache.put(memoryCacheKey, bmp);        }      } else {        loadedFrom = LoadedFrom.MEMORY_CACHE;        L.d(LOG_GET_IMAGE_FROM_MEMORY_CACHE_AFTER_WAITING, memoryCacheKey);      }      if (bmp != null && options.shouldPostProcess()) {        L.d(LOG_POSTPROCESS_IMAGE, memoryCacheKey);        bmp = options.getPostProcessor().process(bmp);        if (bmp == null) {          L.e(ERROR_POST_PROCESSOR_NULL, memoryCacheKey);        }      }      checkTaskNotActual();      checkTaskInterrupted();    } catch (TaskCancelledException e) {      fireCancelEvent();      return;    } finally {      // 释放锁      loadFromUriLock.unlock();    }    DisplayBitmapTask displayBitmapTask = new DisplayBitmapTask(bmp, imageLoadingInfo, engine, loadedFrom);    runTask(displayBitmapTask, syncLoading, handler, engine);  }}

首先我们获取了一个锁,这里为什么要用锁呢?别忘了,大多数情况下,我们是异步加载图片,这里可能是在不同的线程中去加载图片,加锁的目的就是为了保证每次处理完成了以后其他的处理才能得以进行,关键代码其实就是bmp = tryLoadBitmap();这一句,这个tryLoadBitmap里面到底干了什么呢?

private Bitmap tryLoadBitmap() throws TaskCancelledException {    Bitmap bitmap = null;    try {        // 从磁盘缓存中获取图片        File imageFile = configuration.diskCache.get(uri);        // 如果文件存在        if (imageFile != null && imageFile.exists() && imageFile.length() > 0) {            L.d(LOG_LOAD_IMAGE_FROM_DISK_CACHE, memoryCacheKey);            loadedFrom = LoadedFrom.DISC_CACHE;            checkTaskNotActual();            // 直接从磁盘中加载图片            bitmap = decodeImage(Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath()));        }        // 如果图片不存在        if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() <= 0 || bitmap.getHeight() <= 0) {            L.d(LOG_LOAD_IMAGE_FROM_NETWORK, memoryCacheKey);            loadedFrom = LoadedFrom.NETWORK;            String imageUriForDecoding = uri;            // 将图片缓存到磁盘            // tryCacheImageOnDisk去加载了网络图片            // mark tryCacheImageOnDisk的实现            if (options.isCacheOnDisk() && tryCacheImageOnDisk()) {                // 加载成功了, 则获取本地图片文件                imageFile = configuration.diskCache.get(uri);                if (imageFile != null) {                    // 将uri替换成图片在本地磁盘地址                    imageUriForDecoding = Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath());                }            }            checkTaskNotActual();            // 如果上面允许缓存, 则在上面就加载了图片            // 并且将imageUriForDecoding替换成了本地uri            // 否则这里是去加载网络图片            bitmap = decodeImage(imageUriForDecoding);            if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() <= 0 || bitmap.getHeight() <= 0) {                fireFailEvent(FailType.DECODING_ERROR, null);            }        }    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {        fireFailEvent(FailType.NETWORK_DENIED, null);    } catch (TaskCancelledException e) {        throw e;    } catch (IOException e) {        L.e(e);        fireFailEvent(FailType.IO_ERROR, e);    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {        L.e(e);        fireFailEvent(FailType.OUT_OF_MEMORY, e);    } catch (Throwable e) {        L.e(e);        fireFailEvent(FailType.UNKNOWN, e);    }    return bitmap;}


private boolean tryCacheImageOnDisk() throws TaskCancelledException {    L.d(LOG_CACHE_IMAGE_ON_DISK, memoryCacheKey);    boolean loaded;    try {        loaded = downloadImage();        if (loaded) {            int width = configuration.maxImageWidthForDiskCache;            int height = configuration.maxImageHeightForDiskCache;            if (width > 0 || height > 0) {                L.d(LOG_RESIZE_CACHED_IMAGE_FILE, memoryCacheKey);                resizeAndSaveImage(width, height); // TODO : process boolean result            }        }    } catch (IOException e) {        L.e(e);        loaded = false;    }    return loaded;}


private boolean downloadImage() throws IOException {    InputStream is = getDownloader().getStream(uri, options.getExtraForDownloader());    if (is == null) {        L.e(ERROR_NO_IMAGE_STREAM, memoryCacheKey);        return false;    } else {        try {            return configuration.diskCache.save(uri, is, this);        } finally {            IoUtils.closeSilently(is);        }    }}


@Overridepublic boolean save(String imageUri, InputStream imageStream, IoUtils.CopyListener listener) throws IOException {    File imageFile = getFile(imageUri);    File tmpFile = new File(imageFile.getAbsolutePath() + TEMP_IMAGE_POSTFIX);    boolean loaded = false;    try {        OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile), bufferSize);        try {            loaded = IoUtils.copyStream(imageStream, os, listener, bufferSize);        } finally {            IoUtils.closeSilently(os);        }    } finally {        if (loaded && !tmpFile.renameTo(imageFile)) {            loaded = false;        }        if (!loaded) {            tmpFile.delete();        }    }    return loaded;}



public class BaseImageDownloader implements ImageDownloader {  @Override  public InputStream getStream(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {    // 根据不同的scheme去调用不同的方法    switch (Scheme.ofUri(imageUri)) {      case HTTP:      case HTTPS:        return getStreamFromNetwork(imageUri, extra);      case FILE:        return getStreamFromFile(imageUri, extra);      case CONTENT:        return getStreamFromContent(imageUri, extra);      case ASSETS:        return getStreamFromAssets(imageUri, extra);      case DRAWABLE:        return getStreamFromDrawable(imageUri, extra);      case UNKNOWN:      default:        return getStreamFromOtherSource(imageUri, extra);    }  }}


protected InputStream getStreamFromNetwork(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {    HttpURLConnection conn = createConnection(imageUri, extra);    int redirectCount = 0;    while (conn.getResponseCode() / 100 == 3 && redirectCount < MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT) {        conn = createConnection(conn.getHeaderField("Location"), extra);        redirectCount++;    }    InputStream imageStream;    try {        imageStream = conn.getInputStream();    } catch (IOException e) {        // Read all data to allow reuse connection (http://bit.ly/1ad35PY)        IoUtils.readAndCloseStream(conn.getErrorStream());        throw e;    }    if (!shouldBeProcessed(conn)) {        IoUtils.closeSilently(imageStream);        throw new IOException("Image request failed with response code " + conn.getResponseCode());    }    return new ContentLengthInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(imageStream, BUFFER_SIZE), conn.getContentLength());}


private Bitmap decodeImage(String imageUri) throws IOException {    ViewScaleType viewScaleType = imageAware.getScaleType();    ImageDecodingInfo decodingInfo = new ImageDecodingInfo(memoryCacheKey, imageUri, uri, targetSize, viewScaleType,            getDownloader(), options);    return decoder.decode(decodingInfo);}


@Overridepublic Bitmap decode(ImageDecodingInfo decodingInfo) throws IOException {    Bitmap decodedBitmap;    ImageFileInfo imageInfo;    // 这里面会根据就scheme去从不同的地方加载图片    // 从网络加载的部分利用HttpUrlConnection    // 最后返回一个InputStream    InputStream imageStream = getImageStream(decodingInfo);    if (imageStream == null) {        L.e(ERROR_NO_IMAGE_STREAM, decodingInfo.getImageKey());        return null;    }    try {        // 获取图片的宽高和exif信息        imageInfo = defineImageSizeAndRotation(imageStream, decodingInfo);        // 还原stream        // 什么叫还原? 因为通过上面的操作,我们的stream游标可能已经        // 已经不再首部,这时再去读取,还是继续读取,造成了信息不完成        // 所以这里需要reset一下        imageStream = resetStream(imageStream, decodingInfo);        // 主要就是判断图片大小        Options decodingOptions = prepareDecodingOptions(imageInfo.imageSize, decodingInfo);        // 通过stream decode出Bitmap        decodedBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream, null, decodingOptions);    } finally {        IoUtils.closeSilently(imageStream);    }    if (decodedBitmap == null) {        L.e(ERROR_CANT_DECODE_IMAGE, decodingInfo.getImageKey());    } else {        decodedBitmap = considerExactScaleAndOrientatiton(decodedBitmap, decodingInfo, imageInfo.exif.rotation,                imageInfo.exif.flipHorizontal);    }    return decodedBitmap;}


public void run() {  ...  DisplayBitmapTask displayBitmapTask = new DisplayBitmapTask(bmp, imageLoadingInfo, engine, loadedFrom);    runTask(displayBitmapTask, syncLoading, handler, engine);}


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