skia DrawLooper

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝联盟淘宝客是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:32

本次学习drawLooper.cpp中有关SkDrawLooper类的用法,并且分析了canvas draw api中的二层循环的作用。



virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) SK_OVERRIDE {        this->init();//初始化        SkPaint  paint;        paint.setAntiAlias(true);//设置抗锯齿        paint.setTextSize(SkIntToScalar(72));//文字大小        paint.setLooper(fLooper);//设置SkDrawLooper        canvas->drawCircle(SkIntToScalar(50), SkIntToScalar(50),                           SkIntToScalar(30), paint);//画圆        canvas->drawRectCoords(SkIntToScalar(150), SkIntToScalar(50),                               SkIntToScalar(200), SkIntToScalar(100), paint);//画矩形        canvas->drawText("Looper", 6, SkIntToScalar(230), SkIntToScalar(100),                         paint);//画文字}



    void init() {        if (fLooper) return;        static const struct {              //匿名结构体定义了一组描述参数            SkColor         fColor;        //颜色            SkPaint::Style  fStyle;        //path style            SkScalar        fWidth;        //线宽            SkScalar        fOffset;       //blur偏移            SkScalar        fBlur;         //blur sigma输入参数        } gParams[] = {                    //gParams定义了4组不同效果                                                                             { SK_ColorWHITE, SkPaint::kStroke_Style, SkIntToScalar(1)*3/4, 0, 0 },            { SK_ColorRED, SkPaint::kStroke_Style, SkIntToScalar(4), 0, 0 },            { SK_ColorBLUE, SkPaint::kFill_Style, 0, 0, 0 },            { 0x88000000, SkPaint::kFill_Style, 0, SkIntToScalar(10), SkIntToScalar(3) }        };        SkLayerDrawLooper::Builder looperBuilder;//SkLayerDrawLooper的内部类        SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerInfo info;        info.fPaintBits = SkLayerDrawLooper::kStyle_Bit | SkLayerDrawLooper::kMaskFilter_Bit;        info.fColorMode = SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode;        for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gParams); i++) {            info.fOffset.set(gParams[i].fOffset, gParams[i].fOffset);            SkPaint* paint = looperBuilder.addLayer(info);            paint->setColor(gParams[i].fColor);            paint->setStyle(gParams[i].fStyle);            paint->setStrokeWidth(gParams[i].fWidth);            if (gParams[i].fBlur > 0) {                SkMaskFilter* mf = SkBlurMaskFilter::Create(kNormal_SkBlurStyle,                                         SkBlurMask::ConvertRadiusToSigma(gParams[i].fBlur));                paint->setMaskFilter(mf)->unref();            }        }        fLooper = looperBuilder.detachLooper();    }


/**     *  Info for how to apply the layer's paint and offset.     *     *  fColorMode controls how we compute the final color for the layer:     *      The layer's paint's color is treated as the SRC     *      The draw's paint's color is treated as the DST     *      final-color = Mode(layers-color, draws-color);     *  Any SkXfermode::Mode will work. Two common choices are:     *      kSrc_Mode: to use the layer's color, ignoring the draw's     *      kDst_Mode: to just keep the draw's color, ignoring the layer's     */    struct SK_API LayerInfo {        BitFlags            fPaintBits;        SkXfermode::Mode    fColorMode;        SkVector            fOffset;        bool                fPostTranslate; //!< applies to fOffset        /**         *  Initial the LayerInfo. Defaults to settings that will draw the         *  layer with no changes: e.g.         *      fPaintBits == 0         *      fColorMode == kDst_Mode         *      fOffset == (0, 0)         */        LayerInfo();    };


    class SK_API Builder {    public:        Builder();        ~Builder();        /**         *  Call for each layer you want to add (from top to bottom).         *  This returns a paint you can modify, but that ptr is only valid until         *  the next call made to addLayer().         */        SkPaint* addLayer(const LayerInfo&);        /**         *  This layer will draw with the original paint, at the specified offset         */        void addLayer(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);        /**         *  This layer will with the original paint and no offset.         */        void addLayer() { this->addLayer(0, 0); }        /// Similar to addLayer, but adds a layer to the top.        SkPaint* addLayerOnTop(const LayerInfo&);        /**          * Pass list of layers on to newly built looper and return it. This will          * also reset the builder, so it can be used to build another looper.          */        SkLayerDrawLooper* detachLooper();    private:        Rec* fRecs;        Rec* fTopRec;        int  fCount;    };
SkPaint* SkLayerDrawLooper::Builder::addLayer(const LayerInfo& info) {    fCount += 1;    Rec* rec = SkNEW(Rec);    rec->fNext = fRecs;    rec->fInfo = info;    fRecs = rec;    if (NULL == fTopRec) {        fTopRec = rec;    }    return &rec->fPaint;}

struct Rec {        Rec*    fNext;        SkPaint fPaint;        LayerInfo fInfo;    };


到这里,fLooper中保存了四种不同的paint,因此在onDraw()中调用各种draw api时产生了四种不同图形叠加到一起的效果。

但,在draw api中是draw looper是怎样工作的呢?

可以拿onDraw()中的drawCircle()作为切入点,看一下draw looper的到底是怎样工作的。

void SkCanvas::drawCircle(SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy, SkScalar radius,                          const SkPaint& paint) {    if (radius < 0) {        radius = 0;    }    SkRect  r;    r.set(cx - radius, cy - radius, cx + radius, cy + radius);    this->drawOval(r, paint);}
void SkCanvas::drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint) {    SkRect storage;    const SkRect* bounds = NULL;    if (paint.canComputeFastBounds()) { //判断是否可以快速计算绘制边界(主要判断当前paint和skdrawlooper中的paint是否有mask)        bounds = &paint.computeFastBounds(oval, &storage);        if (this->quickReject(*bounds)) {            return;        }    }    LOOPER_BEGIN(paint, SkDrawFilter::kOval_Type, bounds)    while ( {        iter.fDevice->drawOval(iter, oval, looper.paint());    }    LOOPER_END}







#define LOOPER_BEGIN(paint, type, bounds)                           \    this->predrawNotify();                                          \    AutoDrawLooper  looper(this, paint, false, bounds);             \    while ( {                                     \        SkAutoBounderCommit ac(fBounder);                           \        SkDrawIter          iter(this);#define LOOPER_END    }

    AutoDrawLooper(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkPaint& paint,                   bool skipLayerForImageFilter = false,                   const SkRect* bounds = NULL) : fOrigPaint(paint) {        fCanvas = canvas;        fFilter = canvas->getDrawFilter();        fPaint = NULL;        fSaveCount = canvas->getSaveCount();        fDoClearImageFilter = false;        fDone = false;        if (!skipLayerForImageFilter && fOrigPaint.getImageFilter()) {            SkPaint tmp;            tmp.setImageFilter(fOrigPaint.getImageFilter());            (void)canvas->internalSaveLayer(bounds, &tmp, SkCanvas::kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag,                                            true, SkCanvas::kFullLayer_SaveLayerStrategy);            // we'll clear the imageFilter for the actual draws in next(), so            // it will only be applied during the restore().            fDoClearImageFilter = true;        }        if (SkDrawLooper* looper = paint.getLooper()) {            void* buffer = fLooperContextAllocator.reserveT<SkDrawLooper::Context>(                    looper->contextSize());            fLooperContext = looper->createContext(canvas, buffer);            fIsSimple = false;        } else {            fLooperContext = NULL;            // can we be marked as simple?            fIsSimple = !fFilter && !fDoClearImageFilter;        }    }



    struct Rec {        Rec*    fNext;        SkPaint fPaint;        LayerInfo fInfo;    };

    /**     *  Info for how to apply the layer's paint and offset.     *     *  fColorMode controls how we compute the final color for the layer:     *      The layer's paint's color is treated as the SRC     *      The draw's paint's color is treated as the DST     *      final-color = Mode(layers-color, draws-color);     *  Any SkXfermode::Mode will work. Two common choices are:     *      kSrc_Mode: to use the layer's color, ignoring the draw's     *      kDst_Mode: to just keep the draw's color, ignoring the layer's     */    struct SK_API LayerInfo {        BitFlags            fPaintBits;        SkXfermode::Mode    fColorMode;        SkVector            fOffset;        bool                fPostTranslate; //!< applies to fOffset
对于layerinfo成员fColorMode的解释是:这个成员用来计算当前layer(这个layer指的的是效果层)的最终颜色,如果这个成员值为kSrc_Mode,则使用当前layer's paint的颜色,且忽略要绘制layer's paint的颜色;如果值为kDst_Mode,行为相反。


/**     *  Bits specifies which aspects of the layer's paint should replace the     *  corresponding aspects on the draw's paint.     *  kEntirePaint_Bits means use the layer's paint completely.     *  0 means ignore the layer's paint... except for fColorMode, which is     *  always applied.     */    enum Bits {        kStyle_Bit      = 1 << 0,   //!< use this layer's Style/stroke settings        kTextSkewX_Bit  = 1 << 1,   //!< use this layer's textskewx        kPathEffect_Bit = 1 << 2,   //!< use this layer's patheffect        kMaskFilter_Bit = 1 << 3,   //!< use this layer's maskfilter        kShader_Bit     = 1 << 4,   //!< use this layer's shader        kColorFilter_Bit = 1 << 5,  //!< use this layer's colorfilter        kXfermode_Bit   = 1 << 6,   //!< use this layer's xfermode        /**         *  Use the layer's paint entirely, with these exceptions:         *  - We never override the draw's paint's text_encoding, since that is         *    used to interpret the text/len parameters in draw[Pos]Text.         *  - Color is always computed using the LayerInfo's fColorMode.         */        kEntirePaint_Bits = -1    };
fPaintBits用来判断使用当前layer的Style/patheffect/maskfilter/shader/colorfilter/xfermode,还是使用即将要绘制的layer's paint。

因此,layerinfo保存了SkLayerDrawLooper中的每一个layer的paint mode flag和偏移信息。


    bool next(SkDrawFilter::Type drawType) {        if (fDone) {            return false;        } else if (fIsSimple) {            fDone = true;            fPaint = &fOrigPaint;            return !fPaint->nothingToDraw();        } else {            return this->doNext(drawType);        }    }
bool AutoDrawLooper::doNext(SkDrawFilter::Type drawType) {    fPaint = NULL;    SkASSERT(!fIsSimple);    SkASSERT(fLooperContext || fFilter || fDoClearImageFilter);    SkPaint* paint = fLazyPaint.set(fOrigPaint);    if (fDoClearImageFilter) {        paint->setImageFilter(NULL);    }    if (fLooperContext && !fLooperContext->next(fCanvas, paint)) {        fDone = true;        return false;    }    if (fFilter) {        if (!fFilter->filter(paint, drawType)) {            fDone = true;            return false;        }        if (NULL == fLooperContext) {            // no looper means we only draw once            fDone = true;        }    }    fPaint = paint;    // if we only came in here for the imagefilter, mark us as done    if (!fLooperContext && !fFilter) {        fDone = true;    }    // call this after any possible paint modifiers    if (fPaint->nothingToDraw()) {        fPaint = NULL;        return false;    }    return true;}
考虑执行到AutoDrawLooper::doNext()的情况,在doNext()第二个if语句中,会去执行fLooperContext->next(fCanvas, paint),这里执行的就是刚刚构造的LayerDrawLooperContext对象中的next()方法:

bool SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerDrawLooperContext::next(SkCanvas* canvas,                                                     SkPaint* paint) {    canvas->restore();    if (NULL == fCurrRec) {        return false;    }    ApplyInfo(paint, fCurrRec->fPaint, fCurrRec->fInfo);    canvas->save();    if (fCurrRec->fInfo.fPostTranslate) {        postTranslate(canvas, fCurrRec->fInfo.fOffset.fX,                      fCurrRec->fInfo.fOffset.fY);    } else {        canvas->translate(fCurrRec->fInfo.fOffset.fX,                          fCurrRec->fInfo.fOffset.fY);    }    fCurrRec = fCurrRec->fNext;    return true;}


    void SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerDrawLooperContext::ApplyInfo(        SkPaint* dst, const SkPaint& src, const LayerInfo& info) {    dst->setColor(xferColor(src.getColor(), dst->getColor(), info.fColorMode));    BitFlags bits = info.fPaintBits;    SkPaint::TextEncoding encoding = dst->getTextEncoding();    if (0 == bits) {        return;    }    if (kEntirePaint_Bits == bits) {        // we've already computed these, so save it from the assignment        uint32_t f = dst->getFlags();        SkColor c = dst->getColor();        *dst = src;        dst->setFlags(f);        dst->setColor(c);        dst->setTextEncoding(encoding);        return;    }    if (bits & kStyle_Bit) {        dst->setStyle(src.getStyle());        dst->setStrokeWidth(src.getStrokeWidth());        dst->setStrokeMiter(src.getStrokeMiter());        dst->setStrokeCap(src.getStrokeCap());        dst->setStrokeJoin(src.getStrokeJoin());    }    if (bits & kTextSkewX_Bit) {        dst->setTextSkewX(src.getTextSkewX());    }    if (bits & kPathEffect_Bit) {        dst->setPathEffect(src.getPathEffect());    }    if (bits & kMaskFilter_Bit) {        dst->setMaskFilter(src.getMaskFilter());    }    if (bits & kShader_Bit) {        dst->setShader(src.getShader());    }    if (bits & kColorFilter_Bit) {        dst->setColorFilter(src.getColorFilter());    }    if (bits & kXfermode_Bit) {        dst->setXfermode(src.getXfermode());    }    // we don't override these#if 0    dst->setTypeface(src.getTypeface());    dst->setTextSize(src.getTextSize());    dst->setTextScaleX(src.getTextScaleX());    dst->setRasterizer(src.getRasterizer());    dst->setLooper(src.getLooper());    dst->setTextEncoding(src.getTextEncoding());    dst->setHinting(src.getHinting());#endif}
对于这行:dst->setColor(xferColor(src.getColor(), dst->getColor(), info.fColorMode));

dst指的是draw api中的paint(跟着函数调用一层层传下来),也就是即将要绘制的layer's paint ;src指的是SkLayerDrawLooper中Rec结构成员中的paint。dst设置当前paint的颜色时是根据layerinfo成员fColorMode决定的(如上面layerinfo中的注释)。



    SkDrawIter(SkCanvas* canvas, bool skipEmptyClips = true) {        canvas = canvas->canvasForDrawIter();        fCanvas = canvas;        canvas->updateDeviceCMCache();        fClipStack = &canvas->fClipStack;        fBounder = canvas->getBounder();        fCurrLayer = canvas->fMCRec->fTopLayer;        fSkipEmptyClips = skipEmptyClips;    }



     bool next() {        // skip over recs with empty clips        if (fSkipEmptyClips) {            while (fCurrLayer && fCurrLayer->fClip.isEmpty()) {                fCurrLayer = fCurrLayer->fNext;            }        }        const DeviceCM* rec = fCurrLayer;        if (rec && rec->fDevice) {            fMatrix = rec->fMatrix;            fClip   = &((SkRasterClip*)&rec->fClip)->forceGetBW();            fRC     = &rec->fClip;            fDevice = rec->fDevice;            fBitmap = &fDevice->accessBitmap(true);            fPaint  = rec->fPaint;            SkDEBUGCODE(this->validate();)            fCurrLayer = rec->fNext;            if (fBounder) {                fBounder->setClip(fClip);            }            // fCurrLayer may be NULL now            return true;        }        return false;    }





1.paint可比喻为画笔,画笔可以画出各种效果;这些效果会分布在不同的效果层。SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerInfo定义效果层的paint mode flag和偏移;它决定了在绘制前使用当前效果层的paint效果还是使用即将绘制的paint效果,每一个paint对应的它对应的效果用Rec节点保存在SkLayerDrawLooper中,这个Rec结构可以认为是一个效果层。


3.把SkLayerDrawLooper对象设置给一个paint,当canvas调用draw api时会使用SkLayerDrawLooper对象去计算绘制边界,然后在draw api的外层循环中使用SkLayerDrawLooper::LayerDrawLooperContext::next()函数去判断使用即将绘制的paint效果还是looper中paint效果,并且会处理每一层的偏移。





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