
来源:互联网 发布:linux修改sftp端口号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 04:15


enum class LightType// 光线类型{    DIRECTIONAL = 0,    POINT = 1,    SPOT = 2,    AMBIENT = 3,};enum class LightFlag//光线标识{    LIGHT0 = 1,    LIGHT1 = 1 << 1,    LIGHT2 = 1 << 2,    LIGHT3 = 1 << 3,    LIGHT4 = 1 << 4,    LIGHT5 = 1 << 5,    LIGHT6 = 1 << 6,    LIGHT7 = 1 << 7,    LIGHT8 = 1 << 8,    LIGHT9 = 1 << 9,    LIGHT10 = 1 << 10,    LIGHT11 = 1 << 11,    LIGHT12 = 1 << 12,    LIGHT13 = 1 << 13,    LIGHT14 = 1 << 14,    LIGHT15 = 1 << 15,};/**@js NA*/// 基础光class CC_DLL BaseLight : public Node{public:        /**     * Get the light type,light type MUST be one of LightType::DIRECTIONAL ,     * LightType::POINT, LightType::SPOT, LightType::AMBIENT.     */ // 得到光线的类型    virtual LightType getLightType() const = 0;        /** intensity getter and setter */// 得到光的强度    float getIntensity() const { return _intensity; }// 设置光的强度    void setIntensity(float intensity);        /**light flag getter and setter*/// 得到光的标识    LightFlag getLightFlag() const { return _lightFlag; }// 设置光的标识    void setLightFlag(LightFlag flag) { _lightFlag = flag; }        /**     * light enabled getter and setter.     */ // 设置光线是否可用    void setEnabled(bool enabled) { _enabled = enabled; }// 光线是否可用    bool isEnabled() const { return _enabled; }        //override    virtual void onEnter() override;    virtual void onExit() override;    CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:    BaseLight();    virtual ~BaseLight();    protected:    void setRotationFromDirection( const Vec3 &direction );    protected:    float       _intensity;    LightFlag   _lightFlag;    bool        _enabled;};/**@js NA*/// 平行光class CC_DLL DirectionLight : public BaseLight{public:    /**     * Creates a direction light.     * @param direction The light's direction     * @param color The light's color.     *     * @return The new direction light.     */ // 创建一个平行光    static DirectionLight* create(const Vec3 &direction, const Color3B &color);        //get light type// 得到光的类型    virtual LightType getLightType() const override { return LightType::DIRECTIONAL; }        /**     * Sets the Direction in parent.     *     * @param dir The Direction in parent.     */ // 设置光的方向    void setDirection(const Vec3 &dir);        /**     * Returns the Direction in parent.     */ // 得到光的方向    Vec3 getDirection() const;        /**     * Returns direction in world.     */ // 得到光在世界坐标中的方向    Vec3 getDirectionInWorld() const;    CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:    DirectionLight();    virtual ~DirectionLight();    };/**@js NA*/// 点光源class CC_DLL PointLight : public BaseLight{public:    /**     * Creates a point light.     * @param position The light's position     * @param color The light's color.     * @param range The light's range.     *     * @return The new point light.     */ // 创建一个点光源    static PointLight* create(const Vec3 &position, const Color3B &color, float range);        //get light type// 得到光的类型    virtual LightType getLightType() const override { return LightType::POINT; }        /** get or set range */// 得到光的范围    float getRange() const { return _range; }// 设置光的范围    void setRange(float range) { _range = range; }    CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:    PointLight();    virtual ~PointLight();    protected:    float _range;};/**@js NA*/// 聚光灯class CC_DLL SpotLight : public BaseLight{public:    /**     * Creates a spot light.     * @param direction The light's direction     * @param position The light's position     * @param color The light's color.     * @param innerAngle The light's inner angle (in radians).     * @param outerAngle The light's outer angle (in radians).     * @param range The light's range.     *     * @return The new spot light.     */ // 创建一个聚光灯    static SpotLight* create(const Vec3 &direction, const Vec3 &position, const Color3B &color, float innerAngle, float outerAngle, float range);        //get light type// 得到光的类型    virtual LightType getLightType() const override { return LightType::SPOT; }        /**     * Sets the Direction in parent.     *     * @param dir The Direction in parent.     */ // 设置光的方向    void setDirection(const Vec3 &dir);        /**     * Returns the Direction in parent.     */ // 得到光的方向    Vec3 getDirection() const;        /**     * Returns direction in world.     */ // 得到光在世界坐标中的方向    Vec3 getDirectionInWorld() const;        /**     * Sets the range of point or spot light.     *     * @param range The range of point or spot light.     */ // 设置光的范围    void setRange(float range) { _range = range; }        /**     * Returns the range of point or spot light.     *     * @return The range of the point or spot light.     */ // 得到光的范围    float getRange() const { return _range; }    /**     * Sets the inner angle of a spot light (in radians).     *     * @param angle The angle of spot light (in radians).     */ // 设置光的内部角度    void setInnerAngle(float angle);        /**     * Returns the inner angle the spot light (in radians).     */ // 得到光的内部角度    float getInnerAngle() const { return _innerAngle; }        /** get cos innerAngle */// 得到内部角度的cos(余弦)值    float getCosInnerAngle() const { return _cosInnerAngle; }        /**     * Sets the outer angle of a spot light (in radians).     *     * @param outerAngle The angle of spot light (in radians).     */ // 设置光的外部角度    void setOuterAngle(float angle);        /**     * Returns the outer angle of the spot light (in radians).     */ // 得到光的外部角度    float getOuterAngle() const { return _outerAngle; }        /** get cos outAngle */// 得到外部角度的cos(余弦值)    float getCosOuterAngle() const { return _cosOuterAngle; }    CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:    SpotLight();    virtual ~SpotLight();    protected:    float _range;    float _innerAngle;    float _cosInnerAngle;    float _outerAngle;    float _cosOuterAngle;};/**@js NA*/// 环境光class CC_DLL AmbientLight : public BaseLight{public:    /**     * Creates a ambient light.     * @param color The light's color.     *     * @return The new ambient light.     */ // 创建一个环境光    static AmbientLight* create(const Color3B &color);        //get light type// 得到光的类型    virtual LightType getLightType() const override { return LightType::AMBIENT; }    CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:    AmbientLight();    virtual ~AmbientLight();};

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