Logcat 与 demsg 区别

来源:互联网 发布:软件团队建设管理方案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 02:22

LOGCAT-- This is used in Android , to see the different messages written by the activity managers inside the Android , u see android also uses the linux kernel , but what it does is, once the kernel boots ( the hardware initialization /probing has been taken care of) , the android starts a process called init which parses the init.rc file which contains all the android system activities , i mean the basic processes for android to boot , in this init.rc file there's a process called zygote which starts the Dalvik Virtual Machine , and after that all the other activity managers , which will be used by the application to interact with the hardware . so its basically messages from the VM , for the application programmers to debug it .

Dmesg- it is messages from the kernel , suppose u write a driver , it can be used as a tool for debugging drivers and other kernel code, most of them are driver messages its a good way of debugging , the kernel , driver etc..

Logcat is only for android and its not available in any other OS , both Logcat and dmesg is available on Android but not the vice versa for any linux distros .

dmesg prints the contents of the kernel's ring buffer. So dmesg will print only what system writes to kernel log,logcat will output only android app's logs.

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