
来源:互联网 发布:曲江网络品牌推广 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 02:59


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分组交换(packet switching)
原因:传统的circuit switching不适应网络数字化传输.

④必须有冗余的路由.(redundant routing)
⑤ 尽可能地简单,非常可靠地传送数据.(too simple and too reliable)

电路交换必定是面向连接的.(circuit switching must be connection-oriented)
在通话的全部时间内,通话的两个用户始终占用端到端的固定传输带宽.所以导致线路的传输效率很低.While they connection and talk,they engross the bandwidth of transfers all the the efficiency of circuitry's transfers is too bad!

分组交换采用存储转发(storage transmit ?)技术.
the character of packet switching is label-based,and It is connectionless.

结点交换机(node switch)  进行分组交换,用来转发分组。Node switch  get packet switching,and transmit packet.
主机(host)用户进行信息处理。 Host  deal with the informations for user.

Two problems which be brought by packet switching: delay and overhead.
Communication subnet and resource subnet which, must be distinguish clearly!

Four sorts of  network:
①circuit switching
②message switching
③packet switching
④mixed switching

Of course,you can carve up the network by the bound of action.for example:
①WAN: Wide Area Network
②LAN: Local Area Network
③MAN :Metropolitan Area Network
④AN:  Access Network

The two primary guide-line of  the network's capability:
bandwidth and delay
(It is hard to learn well,  I will read the book and write detailedly latter!)

Four concept:
entity : all hardware and software which can send and receive messages.
protocol: the aggregate of the rule which control two equity entity to keep connection
SAP:Service Access Point .

We must distinguish the differ between the protocol and service clearly!

How tire!  I have do my best effort delivery~_~