[Ubuntu]Myget 安裝方法,支援多線下載(增強版wget)

来源:互联网 发布:易语言连接数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 20:00





下載點: myget-0.1.2

Step1. 下載到Ubuntu上面

Step2. tar xvf myget-0.1.2.tar.gz 解壓縮開來

Step3. cd myget-0.1.2/

Step4. ./configure

Step5. cd src/

Step6. vim utils.cpp

Step7.  加入

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

Step8. vim downloader.cpp

Step9. 加入 #include <sys/stat.h>

Step10. cd ..            回到上一層( myget-0.1.2/  )

Step11. sudo make

Step12.sudo  make install

Step13. 完成搞定!!

Mytget 0.1.1: A download accelerator for GNU/Linux
Usage: mytget [options]… [URL]…
-b,  –debug          Show the debug message
-c,  –count=num      Set the retry count to [num], no limit when “0″, the default is “99″
-d,  –directory=dir  Set the local direcotry to [dir], the default is “."
-f,  –file=file      Rename the file to [file]
-h,  –help           A brief summary of all the options
-i,  –interval=num   Set the ftp retry interval to [num] seconds, the default is “5″
-n,  –number=num     Use [num] connections instead of the default (4)
-r,  –referer=URL    Include `Referer: [URL]’ header in HTTP request.
-t,  –timeout=num    Set the connection timeout to [num] seconds, the default is “30″
-v,  –version        Show the version of the myget and exit
-x,  –proxy=URL      Set the proxy [URL]

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