
来源:互联网 发布:水产加工erp软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:27


/* The progress bar like this:
     xx% [=======>             ] 
  */  int dlbytes_size = 1 + MAX (size_grouped_len, 11);  int progress_size = bp->width - (4 + 2 + dlbytes_size + 8 + 14);  /* The difference between the number of bytes used,     and the number of columns used. */  int bytes_cols_diff = 0;  if (progress_size < 5)    progress_size = 0;  /* "xx% " */  if (bp->total_length > 0)    {      int percentage = 100.0 * size / bp->total_length;      assert (percentage <= 100);      if (percentage < 100)        sprintf (p, "%2d%% ", percentage);      else        strcpy (p, "100%");      p += 4;    }  else    APPEND_LITERAL ("    ");  /* The progress bar: "[====>      ]" or "[++==>      ]". */  if (progress_size && bp->total_length > 0)    {      /* Size of the initial portion. */      int insz = (double)bp->initial_length / bp->total_length * progress_size;      /* Size of the downloaded portion. */      int dlsz = (double)size / bp->total_length * progress_size;      char *begin;      int i;      assert (dlsz <= progress_size);      assert (insz <= dlsz);      *p++ = '[';      begin = p;      /* Print the initial portion of the download with '+' chars, the         rest with '=' and one '>'.  */      for (i = 0; i < insz; i++)        *p++ = '+';      dlsz -= insz;      if (dlsz > 0)        {          for (i = 0; i < dlsz - 1; i++)            *p++ = '=';          *p++ = '>';        }      while (p - begin < progress_size)        *p++ = ' ';      *p++ = ']';    }  else if (progress_size)    {      /* If we can't draw a real progress bar, then at least show         *something* to the user.  */      int ind = bp->tick % (progress_size * 2 - 6);      int i, pos;      /* Make the star move in two directions. */      if (ind < progress_size - 2)        pos = ind + 1;      else        pos = progress_size - (ind - progress_size + 5);      *p++ = '[';      for (i = 0; i < progress_size; i++)        {          if      (i == pos - 1) *p++ = '<';          else if (i == pos    ) *p++ = '=';          else if (i == pos + 1) *p++ = '>';          else            *p++ = ' ';        }      *p++ = ']';      ++bp->tick;    }

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