Postgres 的一些命令 mac下

来源:互联网 发布:扬尼斯-阿德托昆博数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:48

Postgres 的一些命令 mac下

  1. TNT:~ rilintech$ psql -U postgres -h
  2. rilintech$ postgres=# \l
  3. postgres=# \c changhai_ibd_ios
    You are now connected to database “changhai_ibd_ios” as user “postgres”.
    4.changhai_ibd_ios=# \dt
    List of relations
    Schema | Name | Type | Owner
    public | crf_tables | table | postgres
    public | crf_tables_menu_libs | table | postgres
    public | diagnose_details | table | postgres
    public | diagnose_specifications | table | postgres
    public | diagnose_types | table | postgres
    public | follow_ups | table | postgres
    public | foreign_libs | table | postgres
    public | groups | table | postgres
    public | hospital_records | table | postgres
    public | image_types | table | postgres
    public | item_values | table | postgres
    public | items | table | postgres
    public | lib_certificate_type_infos | table | postgres
    public | lib_configs | table | postgres
    public | lib_groups | table | postgres
    public | lib_languages | table | postgres
    public | lib_nations | table | postgres
    public | lib_publics | table | postgres
    public | lib_role_groups | table | postgres
    public | menu_libs | table | postgres
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