Struts 2 @ResultPath annotation example

来源:互联网 发布:现在的java行业怎么样 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 17:41

In Struts 2, @ResultPath annotation is used to control where Struts 2 will find the the stored results or JSP pages. By default, it will find the result pages from the “WEB-INF/content/” folder.

No idea why the Struts 2 annotation set the “WEB-INF/content/” as default folder, but most applications will not put the result pages in this “WEB-INF/content/” folder. It’s just a Struts 2 convention not a standard folder structure. I rather Struts 2 put the root path as the default folder.

@ResultPath example

1. Default ResultPath

A login action class, set to “/User” namespace, and redirect to the “pages/login.jsp” pages.

P.S Assume the Struts2Example is your context servlet name

@Namespace("/User")@Result(name="success",location="pages/login.jsp")public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport{}

Access it

Struts 2 will find the “login.jsp” result page from the default location


2. Custom ResultPath

If your JSP result pages are store in other location, you are allow to change it with @ResultPath annotation.

@Namespace("/User")@ResultPath(value="/")@Result(name="success",location="pages/login.jsp")public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport{}

Access it again

Now the Struts 2 will find the “login.jsp” result page from different location


Global @ResultPath
The @ResultPath is only apply to the class level. To apply it globally, you can configure it in the struts.xml file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
<constant name="struts.convention.result.path" value="/"/>

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