
来源:互联网 发布:面试软件项目介绍 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 09:51
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">typedef struct _stritem {      struct _stritem *next;//item在slab中存储时,是以双链表的形式存储的,next即后向指针      struct _stritem *prev;//prev为前向指针      struct _stritem *h_next;//Hash桶中元素的链接指针      rel_time_t      time; //最近访问时间      rel_time_t      exptime;//过期时间      int             nbytes;//数据大小      unsigned short  refcount;//引用次数      uint8_t         nsuffix;    //不清楚什么意思?      uint8_t         it_flags;   //不清楚什么意思?      uint8_t         slabs_clsid;//标记item属于哪个slabclass下      uint8_t         nkey;       //key的长度      union {          uint64_t cas;          char end;      } data[];//真实的数据信息  } item;  </span>


注意:item数据结构分为两个部分:1.属性部分 2.数据部分

item 结构体的定义使用了一个常用的技巧: 定义空数组 data, 用来指向 item 数据部分的首地址, 使用空数组的

好处是 data 指针本身不占用任何存储空间, 为 item 分配存储空间后, data 自然而然就指向数据部分的首地址.


static size_t item_make_header(const uint8_t nkey, const int flags, const int nbytes,                     char *suffix, uint8_t *nsuffix) {    /* suffix is defined at 40 chars elsewhere.. */    *nsuffix = (uint8_t) snprintf(suffix, 40, " %d %d\r\n", flags, nbytes - 2);    return sizeof(item) + nkey + *nsuffix + nbytes;}
item *do_item_alloc(char *key, const size_t nkey, const int flags,                    const rel_time_t exptime, const int nbytes,                    const uint32_t cur_hv) {......    size_t ntotal = item_make_header(nkey + 1, flags, nbytes, suffix, &nsuffix);    if (settings.use_cas) {        ntotal += sizeof(uint64_t);    }    unsigned int id = slabs_clsid(ntotal);......






1. 惰性删除。memcached一般不会主动去清除已经过期或者失效的缓存,当get请求一个item的时候,才会去检查item是否失效。

2. flush命令。flush命令会将所有的item设置为失效。

3. 创建的时候检查。Memcached会在创建ITEM的时候去LRU的链表尾部开始检查,是否有失效的ITEM,如果没有的话就重新创建。

4. LRU爬虫。memcached默认是关闭LRU爬虫的。LRU爬虫是一个单独的线程,会去清理失效的ITEM

策略1 - 惰性删除


看一下do_item_get这个方法中,判断缓存数据是否失效的代码:item *do_item_get(const char *key, const size_t nkey, const uint32_t hv) {  //...code      if (it != NULL) {          //settings.oldest_live主要用来记录flush命令执行的时间          //it->time用来记录item最近set/add/replce等操作的时间(get操作不会改变)          //然后判断it->time是否在执行flush命令之前,如果是执行flush之前,说明该item已经失效          if (settings.oldest_live != 0 && settings.oldest_live <= current_time &&              it->time <= settings.oldest_live) {              //LRU链表和HASHTABLE上解除绑定              do_item_unlink(it, hv);              //删除该Item              do_item_remove(it);              it = NULL; //返回NULL              if (was_found) {                  fprintf(stderr, " -nuked by flush");              }          //检查是否过期,主要是检查有效期时间          //如果数据已经过期,则需要清除          } else if (it->exptime != 0 && it->exptime <= current_time) {              //LRU链表和HASHTABLE上解除绑定              do_item_unlink(it, hv);              //删除该Item              do_item_remove(it);              it = NULL;              if (was_found) {                  fprintf(stderr, " -nuked by expire");              }          } else {              it->it_flags |= ITEM_FETCHED;              DEBUG_REFCNT(it, '+');          }      }  //...code  }  

策略2 - flush命令



1. do_item_flush_expired方法。

Memcached会在接受到flush命令的时候,将设置全局参数settings.oldest_live =current_time - 1。然后去调用item_flush_expired方法。



2. 惰性删除方法。


/*  * Flushes expired items after a flush_all call  */  void item_flush_expired() {      mutex_lock(&cache_lock);      do_item_flush_expired();      mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);  }  
/* expires items that are more recent than the oldest_live setting. */  void do_item_flush_expired(void) {      int i;      item *iter, *next;      if (settings.oldest_live == 0)          return;      for (i = 0; i < LARGEST_ID; i++) {          /* The LRU is sorted in decreasing time order, and an item's timestamp          * is never newer than its last access time, so we only need to walk          * back until we hit an item older than the oldest_live time.          * The oldest_live checking will auto-expire the remaining items.          */          for (iter = heads[i]; iter != NULL; iter = next) {              /* iter->time of 0 are magic objects. */              //iter->time 最近一次的访问时间              //这边为何是iter->time >= settings.oldest_live?              //因为在执行do_item_flush_expired方法前,已经上了cache锁,其它worker是不能操作的              //这边过程中,如果遍历每一个Item都去删除,那么这个遍历过程会非常缓慢,会导致客户端一直等待。              //              //Memcached就想出了一个聪明的办法,从设置settings.oldest_live到上锁之间,还是会有其它客户端              //操作item数据,那么Memcache就将这一部分数据先清理(这部分数据非常少量),这样就能加快flush的速度              //而剩余iter->time < settings.oldest_live的那大批量的item,会通过惰性删除的方式,在get请求中去判断处理              if (iter->time != 0 && iter->time >= settings.oldest_live) {                  next = iter->next;                  if ((iter->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0) {                      do_item_unlink_nolock(iter, hash(ITEM_key(iter), iter->nkey));                  }              } else {                  /* We've hit the first old item. Continue to the next queue. */                  break;              }          }      }  }  

策略3 - 分配Item的时候去检查


1. 先检查缓存存储空间大小。前几章我们讲到,memcached的命令中会将key的长度和value的长度带上,这样就可以计算出item总的占用空间的大小。

2. 通过缓存item的存储空间大小,就可以找到slabs class和slabs class的LRU双向链表。

3. 开始尝试分配内存,尝试次数为5次。

4. 尝试分配内存的过程中,会从LRU链表的尾部开始搜索,检查ITEM状态,如果item内容为空或者item被其它worker引用锁定等情况,则继续往LRU列表尾部搜索。

5. 如果尝试了5次,从LRU尾部搜索都没有找到符合预期的ITEM,则会slabs_alloc方法,申请创建一个新的内存块。

6. 如果从LRU尾部搜索找到符合预期的ITEM(没有锁定和有数据),首先会检查ITEM是否已经过了有效期,如果已经过了有效期,则将这个ITEM淘汰,占用该ITEM。

7. 如果ITEM还是有效的,则使用slabs_alloc分配一个新的ITEM,分配成功,则就用最新分配的ITEM

8. 如果使用slabs_alloc分配一个新的ITEM,分配失败,则开启了不使用LRU强制淘汰,返回ERROR;如果开启了强制淘汰,会将当前LRU链表尾部搜索到的ITEM强制进行淘汰(如果ITEM有效期还在或者设置了永久的也会被淘汰

//创建一个新的Item  item *do_item_alloc(char *key, const size_t nkey, const int flags,                      const rel_time_t exptime, const int nbytes,                      const uint32_t cur_hv) {      uint8_t nsuffix;      item *it = NULL; //item结构      char suffix[40];      //item_make_header 计算存储数据的总长度      size_t ntotal = item_make_header(nkey + 1, flags, nbytes, suffix, &nsuffix);      if (settings.use_cas) {          ntotal += sizeof(uint64_t);      }        //通过ntotal 查询在哪个slabs_class上面      //Memcached会根据存储数据长度的不同,分为N多个slabs_class      //用户存储数据的时候,根据需要存储数据的长度,就可以查询到需要存储到哪个slabs_class中。      //每个slabs_class都由诺干个slabs组成,slabs每个大小为1M,我们的item结构的数据就会被分配在slabs上      //每个slabs都会根据自己slabs_class存储的数据块的大小,会被分割为诺干个chunk      //      //举个例子:      //如果id=1的slabs_class为存储 最大为224个字节的缓存数据      //当用户的设置的缓存数据总数据长度为200个字节,则这个item结构就会存储到id=1的slabs_class上。      //当第一次或者slabs_class中的slabs不够用的时候,slabs_class就会去分配一个1M的slabs给存储item使用      //因为id=1的slabs_class存储小于224个字节的数据,所以slabs会被分割为诺干个大小为224字节的chunk块      //我们的item结构数据,就会存储在这个chunk块上面      unsigned int id = slabs_clsid(ntotal);      if (id == 0)          return 0;        mutex_lock(&cache_lock);      /* do a quick check if we have any expired items in the tail.. */      int tries = 5;      /* Avoid hangs if a slab has nothing but refcounted stuff in it. */      int tries_lrutail_reflocked = 1000;      int tried_alloc = 0;      item *search;      item *next_it;      void *hold_lock = NULL;      rel_time_t oldest_live = settings.oldest_live;        //这边就可以得到slabs_class上第一个item的地址      //item数据结构通过item->next和item->prev 来记录链表结构      //这边是寻找LRU 链表的尾部地址      search = tails[id];        /* We walk up *only* for locked items. Never searching for expired.      * Waste of CPU for almost all deployments */      //tries = 5 这边只尝试5次循环搜索      //search = tails[id] 搜索从LRU链表 的尾部开始      for (; tries > 0 && search != NULL; tries--, search=next_it) {          /* we might relink search mid-loop, so search->prev isn't reliable */          next_it = search->prev;          if (search->nbytes == 0 && search->nkey == 0 && search->it_flags == 1) {              /* We are a crawler, ignore it. */              tries++;              continue;          }          uint32_t hv = hash(ITEM_key(search), search->nkey);          /* Attempt to hash item lock the "search" item. If locked, no          * other callers can incr the refcount          */          /* Don't accidentally grab ourselves, or bail if we can't quicklock */          if (hv == cur_hv || (hold_lock = item_trylock(hv)) == NULL)              continue;          /* Now see if the item is refcount locked */            //一般情况下search->refcount为1,如果增加了refcount之后,不等于2,说明item被其它的worker线程锁定          //refcount往上加1,是锁定当前的item,如果不等于2,说明锁定失败          if (refcount_incr(&search->refcount) != 2) {              /* Avoid pathological case with ref'ed items in tail */              do_item_update_nolock(search);              tries_lrutail_reflocked--;              tries++; //try的次数+1              refcount_decr(&search->refcount); //减去1              itemstats[id].lrutail_reflocked++;              /* Old rare bug could cause a refcount leak. We haven't seen              * it in years, but we leave this code in to prevent failures              * just in case */              if (settings.tail_repair_time &&                      search->time + settings.tail_repair_time < current_time) {                  itemstats[id].tailrepairs++;                  search->refcount = 1;                  do_item_unlink_nolock(search, hv);              }              if (hold_lock)                  item_trylock_unlock(hold_lock);                if (tries_lrutail_reflocked < 1)                  break;                continue;          }            /* Expired or flushed */          //这边判断尾部的Item是否失效,如果已经失效了的话,将当前的失效的item分配给最新的缓存          if ((search->exptime != 0 && search->exptime < current_time)              || (search->time <= oldest_live && oldest_live <= current_time)) {              itemstats[id].reclaimed++;              if ((search->it_flags & ITEM_FETCHED) == 0) {                  itemstats[id].expired_unfetched++;              }              it = search;              slabs_adjust_mem_requested(it->slabs_clsid, ITEM_ntotal(it), ntotal);              do_item_unlink_nolock(it, hv);              /* Iniialize the item block: */              it->slabs_clsid = 0;            //slabs_alloc方法是去分配一个新的内存块          } else if ((it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id)) == NULL) {              tried_alloc = 1;              //如果设置了不允许LRU淘汰,则返回ERROR              if (settings.evict_to_free == 0) {                  itemstats[id].outofmemory++;              } else {                  //这边设置了LRU淘汰                  //如果分配失败,则从LRU链表尾部,淘汰一个item                  //如果这个item设置了有效期为0,也会被淘汰                  itemstats[id].evicted++;                  itemstats[id].evicted_time = current_time - search->time;                  if (search->exptime != 0)                      itemstats[id].evicted_nonzero++;                  if ((search->it_flags & ITEM_FETCHED) == 0) {                      itemstats[id].evicted_unfetched++;                  }                  //这边直接将LRU尾部的ITEM淘汰,并且给了最新的ITEM使用                  it = search;                  //重新计算一下这个slabclass_t分配出去的内存大小                  //直接霸占被淘汰的item就需要重新计算                  slabs_adjust_mem_requested(it->slabs_clsid, ITEM_ntotal(it), ntotal);                  //从哈希表和lru链表中删除                  //it->refcount的值为2,所以item不会被删除,只是HashTable和LRU上的链接关系                  do_item_unlink_nolock(it, hv);                  /* Initialize the item block: */                  it->slabs_clsid = 0;                    /* If we've just evicted an item, and the automover is set to                  * angry bird mode, attempt to rip memory into this slab class.                  * TODO: Move valid object detection into a function, and on a                  * "successful" memory pull, look behind and see if the next alloc                  * would be an eviction. Then kick off the slab mover before the                  * eviction happens.                  */                  if (settings.slab_automove == 2)                      slabs_reassign(-1, id);              }          }            //解除引用锁定          refcount_decr(&search->refcount);          /* If hash values were equal, we don't grab a second lock */          if (hold_lock)              item_trylock_unlock(hold_lock);          break;      }        /* 如果分配了5次,结果LRU链表尾部的item都是被锁定的,则重新分配一个item */      if (!tried_alloc && (tries == 0 || search == NULL))          it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id);        if (it == NULL) {          itemstats[id].outofmemory++;          mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);          return NULL;      }        assert(it->slabs_clsid == 0);      assert(it != heads[id]);        /* Item initialization can happen outside of the lock; the item's already      * been removed from the slab LRU.      */      it->refcount = 1; //引用的次数 又设置为1   /* the caller will have a reference */      mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);      it->next = it->prev = it->h_next = 0;      it->slabs_clsid = id;        DEBUG_REFCNT(it, '*');      it->it_flags = settings.use_cas ? ITEM_CAS : 0;      it->nkey = nkey;      it->nbytes = nbytes;      //这边是内存拷贝,拷贝到item结构地址的内存块上      memcpy(ITEM_key(it), key, nkey);      it->exptime = exptime;      //这边也是内存拷贝      memcpy(ITEM_suffix(it), suffix, (size_t)nsuffix);      it->nsuffix = nsuffix;      return it;  }  

策略4 - LRU爬虫

1. Memcached的LRU爬虫默认是关闭的。

2. Memcached会开一个单独的线程对失效的缓存数据进行处理。

3. 爬虫代码主要在item.c中,这边只看两个最重要的方法:

//LRU爬虫  static void *item_crawler_thread(void *arg) {      int i;        pthread_mutex_lock(&lru_crawler_lock);      if (settings.verbose > 2)          fprintf(stderr, "Starting LRU crawler background thread\n");      while (do_run_lru_crawler_thread) {      pthread_cond_wait(&lru_crawler_cond, &lru_crawler_lock);        while (crawler_count) {          item *search = NULL;          void *hold_lock = NULL;            for (i = 0; i < LARGEST_ID; i++) {              if (crawlers[i].it_flags != 1) {                  continue;              }              pthread_mutex_lock(&cache_lock);              search = crawler_crawl_q((item *)&crawlers[i]);              if (search == NULL ||                  (crawlers[i].remaining && --crawlers[i].remaining < 1)) {                  if (settings.verbose > 2)                      fprintf(stderr, "Nothing left to crawl for %d\n", i);                  crawlers[i].it_flags = 0;                  crawler_count--;                  crawler_unlink_q((item *)&crawlers[i]);                  pthread_mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);                  continue;              }              uint32_t hv = hash(ITEM_key(search), search->nkey);              /* Attempt to hash item lock the "search" item. If locked, no              * other callers can incr the refcount              */              if ((hold_lock = item_trylock(hv)) == NULL) {                  pthread_mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);                  continue;              }              /* Now see if the item is refcount locked */              if (refcount_incr(&search->refcount) != 2) {                  refcount_decr(&search->refcount);                  if (hold_lock)                      item_trylock_unlock(hold_lock);                  pthread_mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);                  continue;              }                /* Frees the item or decrements the refcount. */              /* Interface for this could improve: do the free/decr here              * instead? */              item_crawler_evaluate(search, hv, i);                if (hold_lock)                  item_trylock_unlock(hold_lock);              pthread_mutex_unlock(&cache_lock);                if (settings.lru_crawler_sleep)                  usleep(settings.lru_crawler_sleep);          }      }      if (settings.verbose > 2)          fprintf(stderr, "LRU crawler thread sleeping\n");      STATS_LOCK();      stats.lru_crawler_running = false;      STATS_UNLOCK();      }      pthread_mutex_unlock(&lru_crawler_lock);      if (settings.verbose > 2)          fprintf(stderr, "LRU crawler thread stopping\n");        return NULL;  }      int start_item_crawler_thread(void) {      int ret;        if (settings.lru_crawler)          return -1;      pthread_mutex_lock(&lru_crawler_lock);      do_run_lru_crawler_thread = 1;      settings.lru_crawler = true;      if ((ret = pthread_create(&item_crawler_tid, NULL,          item_crawler_thread, NULL)) != 0) {          fprintf(stderr, "Can't create LRU crawler thread: %s\n",              strerror(ret));          pthread_mutex_unlock(&lru_crawler_lock);          return -1;      }      pthread_mutex_unlock(&lru_crawler_lock);        return 0;  }  

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