Linux kernel过滤网络数据包

来源:互联网 发布:程序员的逻辑题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 18:46


内核过滤数据包,第一个想到的是iptables,这个东西是用户层的, 深入点就是netfilter了。 netfilter的5个钩子点可以实现这个。
对内核熟悉点的人会知道layer7, 有的使用框架snort,layer7已经不更新,继承者是ipp2p, 这些都可以。还有Libpcap不知道怎么做,目前没有去深入研究过。





#include <linux/types.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>#include <linux/ip.h>#include <linux/tcp.h>#define DRIVER_AUTHOR "AlexKey"#define DRIVER_DESC "HTTP packets manipulations"#define DEBUG 1static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;static unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk_buff *skb, const struct net_device *in, const struct net_device *out, int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *)){    struct iphdr *ip_header;    struct tcphdr *tcp_header;    struct ethhdr *eth_header;    u32 saddr, daddr;    u16 source, dest;    int i = 0;    int found = 0;    struct ts_config *conf;    struct ts_state state;    const char *pattern = "GET / HTTP/1.1";    conf = textsearch_prepare("kmp", pattern, strlen(pattern),                                GFP_KERNEL, TS_AUTOLOAD);    if (IS_ERR(conf))    {        //err = PTR_ERR(conf);        return NF_ACCEPT;    }    /* Get all the headers */    eth_header = (struct ethhdr *)skb_mac_header(skb);    ip_header = (struct iphdr *)skb_network_header(skb);    skb_set_transport_header(skb, ip_header->ihl * 4);    tcp_header = (struct tcphdr *)skb_transport_header(skb);    /* If the packet source or dest are not 80 then the packet is not for us :) */    //if(tcp_header->source != ntohs(80) && tcp_header->dest != ntohs(80))    if(tcp_header->source == ntohs(80))    {        printk(KERN_INFO "Recv skb_len=%d, data_len=%d, truesize=%d\n", skb->len, skb->data_len,                 skb->truesize);        //if (skb->data_len > 0)        {            printk(KERN_INFO "\n[%s]\n", skb->data);        }        return NF_ACCEPT;    }    else if (tcp_header->dest == ntohs(80) && found == 0)    {        printk(KERN_INFO "Send skb_len=%d, data_len=%d, truesize=%d\n", skb->len, skb->data_len,                 skb->truesize);        /*if (skb->len > 0)        {            for (i=0; i < skb->len; i++)            {   //Below is 'GE' from "GET / HTTP/1.1"                if (0x47 == *(skb->data+i) && 0x45 == *(skb->data+i + 1))                {                    printk(KERN_INFO "===========Found GET===1==========\n");                    found = 1;                }                if (0x45 == *(skb->data+i) && 0x47 == *(skb->data+i + 1))                {                    printk(KERN_INFO "===========Found GET===2==========\n");                    return NF_ACCEPT;                }*/                //printk(KERN_INFO "%x ", *(skb->data+i));                //if (i % 8 == 0)                 //    printk("\nline=[%d]", i);                if (UINT_MAX != skb_find_text(skb, 0, skb->len, conf, &state))                {                    printk(KERN_INFO "skb_find_text find the test\n");                    //break;                }                else {                    printk(KERN_INFO "Not found anything\n");                }                //textsearch_destroy(conf);            //}        //}        return NF_ACCEPT;    }    else    {        printk(KERN_INFO "dest (%d) skb_len=%d, data_len=%d, truesize=%d\n", tcp_header->dest, skb->len, skb->data_len,                 skb->truesize);        return NF_ACCEPT;    }#if DEBUG > 0    printk(KERN_INFO "[HTTP] Got packet on %d from %d\n", htons(tcp_header->dest), htons(tcp_header->source));#endif    saddr = ip_header->saddr;    daddr = ip_header->daddr;    source = tcp_header->source;    dest = tcp_header->dest;    /* In link layer header change sender mac to our ethernet mac        and destination mac to sender mac :) ping-pong */    memcpy(eth_header->h_dest,eth_header->h_source,ETH_ALEN);    memcpy(eth_header->h_source,skb->dev->dev_addr,ETH_ALEN);    /* Set new link layer headers to socket buffer */    skb->data = (unsigned char *)eth_header;    skb->len += ETH_HLEN;    /* Setting it as outgoing packet */    skb->pkt_type = PACKET_OUTGOING;    /* Swap the IP headers sender and destination addresses */    memcpy(&ip_header->saddr, &daddr, sizeof(u32));    memcpy(&ip_header->daddr, &saddr, sizeof(u32));    /* If transmission suceeds then report it stolen        if it fails then drop it */    if(dev_queue_xmit(skb)==NET_XMIT_SUCCESS){#if DEBUG > 0printk(KERN_INFO "[HTTP] Successfully sent packet\n");#endif        return NF_STOLEN;    } else {#if DEBUG > 0printk(KERN_INFO "[HTTP] Sending failed\n");#endif        return NF_DROP;    }}static int __init init_main(void) {    nfho.hook = hook_func;    //nfho.hooknum = 0; = PF_INET;    nfho.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;    nfho.hooknum    = NF_INET_POST_ROUTING; /*NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING;*/    nf_register_hook(&nfho);#if DEBUG > 0    printk(KERN_INFO "[HTTP] Successfully inserted protocol module into kernel.\n");#endif    return 0;}static void __exit cleanup_main(void) {    nf_unregister_hook(&nfho);#if DEBUG > 0    printk(KERN_INFO "[HTTP] Successfully unloaded protocol module.\n");#endif}module_init(init_main);module_exit(cleanup_main);MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v3");MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR);MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_DESC);


初始化,是采用检测发送POSTROUTING 锚点,
后来找到了更高级的函数skb_find_text(). 非常实用, 由这个函数来寻找数据。



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