
来源:互联网 发布:mac电脑重启方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:22

最近尝试着通过java api 远程访问hdfs,经过几天的努力终于找到一种方法了。

import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;public class OperatingFiles {    // initialization    static Configuration conf = new Configuration();    static FileSystem hdfs;    static {        UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation                .createRemoteUser("devdpp01");        try {            ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {                public Void run() throws Exception {                    Configuration conf = new Configuration();                    conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/");                    conf.set("hadoop.job.ugi", "devdpp01");                    Path path = new Path("hdfs://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/");                    hdfs = FileSystem.get(path.toUri(), conf);                    //hdfs = path.getFileSystem(conf); // 这个也可以                    //hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf); //这个不行,这样得到的hdfs所有操作都是针对本地文件系统,而不是针对hdfs的,原因不太清楚                    return null;                }            });        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    // create a direction    public void createDir(String dir) throws IOException {        Path path = new Path(dir);        if (hdfs.exists(path)) {            System.out.println("dir \t" + conf.get("fs.default.name") + dir                    + "\t already exists");            return;        }        hdfs.mkdirs(path);        System.out.println("new dir \t" + conf.get("fs.default.name") + dir);    }    // copy from local file to HDFS file    public void copyFile(String localSrc, String hdfsDst) throws IOException {        Path src = new Path(localSrc);        Path dst = new Path(hdfsDst);        if (!(new File(localSrc)).exists()) {            System.out.println("Error: local dir \t" + localSrc                    + "\t not exists.");            return;        }        if (!hdfs.exists(dst)) {            System.out.println("Error: dest dir \t" + dst.toUri()                    + "\t not exists.");            return;        }        String dstPath = dst.toUri() + "/" + src.getName();        if (hdfs.exists(new Path(dstPath))) {            System.out.println("Warn: dest file \t" + dstPath                    + "\t already exists.");        }        hdfs.copyFromLocalFile(src, dst);        // list all the files in the current direction        FileStatus files        [] = hdfs.listStatus(dst);        System.out.println("Upload to \t" + conf.get("fs.default.name")                + hdfsDst);        for (FileStatus file : files) {            System.out.println(file.getPath());        }    }    // create a new file    public void createFile(String fileName, String fileContent)            throws IOException {        Path dst = new Path(fileName);        byte[] bytes = fileContent.getBytes();        FSDataOutputStream output = hdfs.create(dst);        output.write(bytes);        System.out.println("new file \t" + conf.get("fs.default.name")                + fileName);    }    // create a new file    public void appendFile(String fileName, String fileContent)            throws IOException {        Path dst = new Path(fileName);        byte[] bytes = fileContent.getBytes();        if (!hdfs.exists(dst)) {            createFile(fileName, fileContent);            return;        }        FSDataOutputStream output = hdfs.append(dst);        output.write(bytes);        System.out.println("append to file \t" + conf.get("fs.default.name")                + fileName);    }    // list all files    public void listFiles(String dirName) throws IOException {        Path f = new Path(dirName);        FileStatus[] status = hdfs.listStatus(f);        System.out.println(dirName + " has all files:");        for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {            System.out.println(status[i].getPath().toString());        }    }    // judge a file existed? and delete it!    public void deleteFile(String fileName) throws IOException {        Path f = new Path(fileName);        boolean isExists = hdfs.exists(f);        if (isExists) { // if exists, delete            boolean isDel = hdfs.delete(f, true);            System.out.println(fileName + "  delete? \t" + isDel);        } else {            System.out.println(fileName + "  exist? \t" + isExists);        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        OperatingFiles ofs = new OperatingFiles();        System.out.println("\n=======create dir=======");        String dir = "/test12";        // ofs.createDir(dir);        // System.out.println("\n=======copy file=======");        String src = "D:/bigdata/test123.txt";        ofs.copyFile(src, dir);        // System.out.println("\n=======create a file=======");        // String fileContent = "Hello, world! Just a test.";        // ofs.appendFile(dir+"/word.txt", fileContent);    }}


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