
来源:互联网 发布:智能推荐算法有哪些 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 17:38



replacepublic String replace(char oldChar,             char newChar)Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string 
with newChar. If the character oldChar does not occur in the character sequence represented by this String object, then a 
reference to this String object is returned. Otherwise, a new String object is created that represents a character sequence identical to the character sequence represented by this String object, except that every occurrence of oldChar is replaced by an occurrence of newChar. Examples:  "mesquite in your cellar".replace('e', 'o')         returns "mosquito in your collar" "the war of baronets".replace('r', 'y')         returns "the way of bayonets" "sparring with a purple porpoise".replace('p', 't')         returns "starring with a turtle tortoise" "JonL".replace('q', 'x') returns "JonL" (no change) Parameters:oldChar - the old character.newChar - the new character. Returns:a string derived from this string by replacing every occurrence of oldChar with newChar.

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