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Chapter 2. Gradle Tasks

在Gradle构建文件里面,构建活动最基本的单元是任务(task)。任务被命名为Gradle完成一个构建时所执行的构建指令的集合。你已经在第一章中看到过了有关任务的例子,它们跟其他构建系统比看起来有点相似的抽象,但是Gradle提供了一个比你可能使用的构建系统更加丰富的模型。没有把构建活动赤裸裸的声明和依赖绑在一起,Gradle 任务是可用的顶级对象如果你想在构建中进行编程。

让我们看下不同的定义任务的方式、任务定义的两个关键方面以及我们可以用来执行我们自定义任务的task API。

2.1 Declaring a Task 声明一个任务

例2-1. Declaring a task by name only
task hello
你可以看到通过运行gradle tasks后的结果(例2-1).
例2-2. Gradle’s report of the newly created task
Root Project
Help tasks

dependencies - Displays the dependencies of root project ‘task-lab’.
help - Displays a help message
projects - Displays the subprojects of root project ‘task-lab’.
properties - Displays the properties of root project ‘task-lab’.
dependencies - Displays the dependencies of root project ‘task-lab’.
help - Displays a help message
projects - Displays the subprojects of root project ‘task-lab’.
properties - Displays the properties of root project ‘task-lab’.


2.2 Task Action 任务动作

然而,执行gradle hello 任务将不会产生任何结果,因为我们还没有分配动作给这个任务。之前,我们分配了一个动作给一个带有左移运算符的任务(例2-3).
例2-3. Giving a task a trivial action to perform

task hello <<{    println 'hello world'}

提示:在Groovy中,像 << 操作符(来自于Java的左移运算符)可以超载于根据被操作对象的类型而拥有不同的意思。在这种情况下,Gradle 重载 << 后面附加一个代码块来表示任务执行的动作列表。这就等价于我们稍后章节将会讲到的 doLast() 方法。

例2-4. Appending a task’s actions one at a time

task hellohello <<{    print 'hello,'}hello <<{    println 'world'}

例2-5. The output of the build with actions appended a piece at a time

$ gradle hellohello,world$


2.3 Task Configuration 任务配置

例2-6. A mix of task configuration and task action definition,文件命名为scratch.gradle

task initializeDatabaseinitializeDatabase<<{println 'connect to database'}initializeDatabase<<{println 'update database schema'}initializeDatabase{println 'configuration database connection'}

例2-7. The output of the preceding build file

$ gradle -b scratch.gradle initializeDatabaseconfiguring database connection:initializeDatabaseconnect to databaseupdate database schema$

提示:Groovy 使用 “closure” 闭包形式来引用来个花括号之间的代码块。一个闭包函数就像一个对象,可以作为参数传递给一个方法或赋值给一个变量,然后稍后才被执行。你将会看到在Groovy中到处都是闭包,因为它们完全适合配置代码块和构建动作。


提示:每一次Gradle执行一个build的时候,它要贯穿3个生命周期阶段:initialization(初始化),configuration(配置),以及execution(执行)。在执行阶段,构建任务按它们依赖要求的顺序执行。在配置阶段,任务对象被编译为一个内部的对象模型,通常称作有向无环图DAG(for directed acyclic graph)。在初始化阶段,Gradle决定了哪个项目(project)要参与构建。在多项目构建中靠后的阶段很重要。

例2-8. Appending configuration blocks

task initializeDatabaseinitializeDatabase << { println 'connect to database' }initializeDatabase << { println 'update database schema' }initializeDatabase { print 'configuring ' }initializeDatabase { println 'database connection' }



2.4 Tasks are Objects 任务即对象



2.4.1 Methods of DefaultTask


例2-9. Different ways of calling the dependsOn method

// Declare that world depends on hello// Preserves any previously defined dependencies as welltask loadTestData { dependsOn createSchema}// An alternate way to express the same dependencytask loadTestData { dependsOn << createSchema}// Do the same using single quotes (which are usually optional)task loadTestData { dependsOn 'createSchema'}// Explicitly call the method on the task objecttask loadTestDataloadTestData.dependsOn createSchema// A shortcut for declaring dependenciestask loadTestData(dependsOn: createSchema)

例2-10. Different ways of calling the dependsOn method for multiple dependencies

// Declare dependencies one at a timetask loadTestData { dependsOn << compileTestClasses dependsOn << createSchema}// Pass dependencies as a variable-length listtask world { dependsOn compileTestClasses, createSchema}// Explicitly call the method on the task objecttask worldworld.dependsOn compileTestClasses, createSchema// A shortcut for dependencies only// Note the Groovy list syntaxtask world(dependsOn: [ compileTestClasses, createSchema ])

(2) doFirst(closure)




例2-11. Calling the doFirst method on the task object

task setupDatabaseTests << { // This is the task's existing action println 'load test data'}setupDatabaseTests.doFirst { println 'create schema'}

例2-12. The results of the preceding build file

$ gradle setupDatabaseTests:setupDatabaseTestscreate schemaload test data$

例2-13. Calling the doFirst method inside the task’s configuration block

task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'load test data'}setupDatabaseTests { doFirst { println 'create schema' }}

例2-14. Repeated calls to doFirst are cumulative

task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'load test data'}setupDatabaseTests.doFirst { println 'create database schema'}setupDatabaseTests.doFirst { println 'drop database schema'}

例2-15 The output of the preceding example

$ gradle world:setupDatabaseTestsdrop database schemacreate database schemaload test data$


例2-16. Repeated calls to doFirst, refactored

// Initial task definition (maybe not easily editable)task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'load test data'}// Our changes to the task (in a place we can edit them)setupDatabaseTests { doFirst { println 'create database schema' } doFirst { println 'drop database schema' }}



doLast方法和doFirst非常类似,除了附加行为是附加到动作的结尾部分,而不是开始部分。如果你有想要运行在完成的将要执行的已存在任务之后的代码块,那么你可以按如下示例去做 例2-17:
例2-17. An example of the doLast method

task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'create database schema'}setupDatabaseTests.doLast { println 'load test data'}

例2-18. Repeated calls to doLast are additive

task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'create database schema'}setupDatabaseTests.doLast { println 'load test data'}setupDatabaseTests.doLast { println 'update version table'}




例2-19. A build file making use of the onlyIf method.

task createSchema << { println 'create database schema'}task loadTestData(dependsOn: createSchema) << { println 'load test data'}loadTestData.onlyIf {[''] == 'true'}

例2-20. Two invocations of the preceding build file. Note differing results.

$ build loadTestDatacreate database schema:loadTestData SKIPPED$ gradle loadTestData:createSchemacreate database schema:loadTestDataload test data$


2.4.2 Properties of DefaultTask


一个boolean属性表示任务是否成功完成。并不是所有的任务一旦完成就会设置didWork属性,但是一些内置的任务像Compile,Copy和Delete任务将会设置该属性来反应它们的动作成功与否。一个处理过的任务的评估是特定的任务。例如,当前的对Java Compiler实现返回为true的didWork属性如果至少有一个文件编译成功。你可以在你自己的任务动作中设置didWork属性来反映你写的build代码的执行结果。
例2-21 . Send an email upon successful compilation

apply plugin: 'java'task emailMe(dependsOn: compileJava) << { if(tasks.compileJava.didWork) { println 'SEND EMAIL ANNOUNCING SUCCESS' }}

例2-22. The results of the didWork build

$ gradle -b didWork.gradle emailMeSEND EMAIL ANNOUNCING SUCCESS$


例2-23. Disabling a task

task templates << { println 'process email templates'}task sendEmails(dependsOn: templates) << { println 'send emails'}sendEmails.enabled = false

例2-24. The build with a task disabled. Note that the dependency still runs.

$ gradle -b enabled.gradle sendEmails:templatesprocess email templates:sendEmails SKIPPED$

提示: -b命令选择指定特定的Gradle文件而非默认的构建文件build.gradle.


例2-25. A single-level build file that echoes its only task’s path

task echoMyPath << { println "THIS TASK'S PATH IS ${path}"}

例2-26. The results of the previous build file

$ gradle -b path.gradle echoMyPathTHIS TASK'S PATH IS :echoMyPath$



一个对内部Gradle logger对象的引用。Gradle logger对象实现了org.slf4j.Logger接口,但是添加了一些额外的日志层级。由logger支持的日志层级如下所述。

  • DEBUG.For high-volume logging messages which are of interest to the build developer, but should be suppressed during normal build execution. When this log level
    is selected, Gradle automatically provides a richer log formatter, including the
    timestamp, log level, and logger name of each message. All other log levels emit
    only the undecorated log message.

  • INFO.For lower-volume informative build messages which may be of optional
    interest during build execution.

  • LIFECYCLE.Low-volume messages, usually from Gradle itself, about changes in the
    build lifecycle and the execution of the build tool. When Gradle is executed without
    the -q command line option, this is the default logging level. Calls to the println
    method emit log statements at this level.

  • WARN.Low-volume but important messages, alerting the executor of the build of
    potential problems. When the log level is set to WARN, QUIET-level messages are not

  • QUIET. Messages which should appear even if the quiet switch was specified on the
    Gradle command line. (Executing Gradle with the -q command line option causes
    this to be the default log level.) System.out.println is directed to the logger at this
    log level. When the log level is set to QUIET, WARN-level messages are not emitted.

  • ERROR. Rare but critically important log messages which should be emitted in all
    cases. Intended to communicate build failures. If the log level is set to ERROR, calls
    to System.out.println will not show up in the console.

例2-27.A task illustrating the effects of each logging level. This slightly trickier Groovy code
sets the log level to each of the valid options, attempting to emit a log message at each log level each

task logLevel << { def levels = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'LIFECYCLE', 'QUIET', 'WARN', 'ERROR'] levels.each { level -> logging.level = level def logMessage = "SETTING LogLevel=${level}" logger.error logMessage logger.error '-' * logMessage.size() logger.debug 'DEBUG ENABLED' 'INFO ENABLED' logger.lifecycle 'LIFECYCLE ENABLED' logger.warn 'WARN ENABLED' logger.quiet 'QUIET ENABLED' logger.error 'ERROR ENABLED' println 'THIS IS println OUTPUT' logger.error ' ' }}

例2-28. The output generated by the preceding build file.

$ gradle -b logging.gradle logLevel 16:02:34.883 [ERROR] [org.gradle.api.Task] SETTING LogLevel=DEBUG 16:02:34.902 [ERROR] [org.gradle.api.Task] ---------------------- 16:02:34.903 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] DEBUG ENABLED 16:02:34.903 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.Task] INFO ENABLED 16:02:34.904 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.api.Task] LIFECYCLE ENABLED 16:02:34.904 [WARN] [org.gradle.api.Task] WARN ENABLED 16:02:34.905 [QUIET] [org.gradle.api.Task] QUIET ENABLED 16:02:34.905 [ERROR] [org.gradle.api.Task] ERROR ENABLED 16:02:34.906 [ERROR] [org.gradle.api.Task] SETTING LogLevel=INFO --------------------- INFO ENABLED LIFECYCLE ENABLED WARN ENABLED QUIET ENABLED ERROR ENABLED SETTING LogLevel=LIFECYCLE -------------------------- LIFECYCLE ENABLED WARN ENABLED QUIET ENABLED ERROR ENABLED SETTING LogLevel=QUIET ---------------------- QUIET ENABLED ERROR ENABLED SETTING LogLevel=WARN --------------------- WARN ENABLED ERROR ENABLED SETTING LogLevel=ERROR ---------------------- ERROR ENABLED $




例2-29. Setting the description and task behavior all in one

task helloWorld(description: 'Says hello to the world') << { println 'hello, world'}

例2-30. The two ways of declaring task behavior and description separately

task helloWorld << { println 'hello, world'}helloWorld { description = 'Says hello to the world' }// Another way to do ithelloWorld.description = 'Says hello to the world'


temporaryDir 属性返回一个File对象指向一个属于build文件的临时目录。这个目录生成可用于需要一个存储立即的任意工作结果的临时地方,或为了处理任务里面的临时文件。

2.4.3 Dynamic Properties



例2-31. Build file showing a dynamic task property

task copyFiles { // Find files from wherever, copy them // (then hardcode a list of files for illustration) fileManifest = [ 'data.csv', 'config.json' ]}task createArtifact(dependsOn: copyFiles) << { println "FILES IN MANIFEST: ${copyFiles.fileManifest}"}

例2-32. The output of the above build file

$ gradle -b dynamic.gradle createArtifact FILES IN MANIFEST: [data.csv, config.json]$

原版电子书下载地址:Build and Test with Gradle.pdf

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