来源:互联网 发布:数据库查找 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 10:37
 MySQL的表级锁有两种模式:表共享读锁(table read lock)和表独占写锁(table write lock)。

对MyISAM表的读操作,不会阻塞其他用户对同一表的读请求,但会阻塞对同一表的写请求;对 MyISAM表的写操作,则会阻塞其他用户对同一表的读

和写操作;MyISAM表的读操作与写操作之间,以及写操作之间是串行的!根据如表20-2所示的 例子可以知道,当一个线程获得对一个表的写锁后,只


 session1session2 --创建表mysql> create table film_text(file_id int,    ->        title varchar(20),primary key(file_id)    ->    )engine=myisam;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)mysql> insert into film_text values(1001,'update test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)  --获得file_text表的write锁mysql>  lock table film_text write;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) --当前的会话对表的查询、更新、插入操作都可以执行mysql> select * from film_text where file_id=1001;+---------+-------------+| file_id | title       |+---------+-------------+|    1001 | update test |+---------+-------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)                                                            --session2对锁定表的查询被阻塞,需要等待锁被释放(以便获得表级读锁)mysql> select * from film_text where file_id=1001;mysql> insert into film_text values(1003,'test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)mysql> update film_text set title='test' where file_id=1001;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0--释放锁mysql> unlock tables;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)                                                             --session2获得读锁,查询返回+---------+-------+| file_id | title |+---------+-------+|    1001 | test  |+---------+-------+1 row in set (1 min 25.25 sec)


加写锁,这个过程 并不需要用户手动干预,因此,用户一般不需要直接用lock table命令给myisam表显示加锁。例子中,显示加锁是为了方便说明问



 session1session2  --获得film_text的READ锁mysql> lock table film_text read;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)  --session1可以查询该表的记录mysql> select * from film_text where file_id=1001;+---------+-------+| file_id | title |+---------+-------+|    1001 | test  |+---------+-------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)                                                --session2也可以查询该表的记录mysql> select * from film_text where file_id=1001;+---------+-------+| file_id | title |+---------+-------+|    1001 | test  |+---------+-------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)--当前会话不能查询没有锁定的表mysql> select * from t1 where id=3;ERROR 1100 (HY000): Table 't1' was not locked with LOCK TABLES --session2可以查询或修改未锁定的表mysql> select * from t1 where id=3;+----+------+| id | name |+----+------+|  3 | sss  |+----+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> update t1 set name='huang' where id=3;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0  --当前会话更新或更新锁定的表都会提示错误mysql> insert into film_text values(1004,'huang');ERROR 1099 (HY000): Table 'film_text' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updatedmysql> update film_text set title='Test' where file_id=1001;ERROR 1099 (HY000): Table 'film_text' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated --session2更新锁定表会等待锁mysql> update film_text set title='Test' where file_id=1001;等待 --释放锁mysql> unlock tables;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) --session2获得锁,更新操作完成Query OK, 1 row affected (1 min 5.49 sec)Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0





Command-Line Format--concurrent_insert[=#]System VariableNameconcurrent_insertVariable ScopeGlobalDynamic VariableYesPermitted ValuesTypeenumerationDefaultAUTOValid ValuesNEVERAUTOALWAYS012

If AUTO (the default), MySQL permits INSERT and SELECT statements to run concurrently for MyISAM tables that have no free blocks in the middle of the data file. If you startmysqld with --skip-new, this variable is set to NEVER.

This variable can take the values shown in the following table. The variable can be assigned using either the name values or corresponding integer values.

ValueDescriptionNEVER (or 0)Disables concurrent insertsAUTO (or 1)(Default) Enables concurrent insert for MyISAM tables that do not have holesALWAYS (or 2)Enables concurrent inserts for all MyISAM tables, even those that have holes. For a table with a hole, new rows are inserted at the end of the table if it is in use by another thread. Otherwise, MySQL acquires anormal write lock and inserts the row into the hole.



session1                                                       session2mysql> drop table if exists film_text;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> create table film_text(file_id int,     -> title varchar(20),primary key(file_id)    -> )engine=myisam;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)mysql> insert into film_text values(1001,'test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into film_text values(1002,sleep(10));                                                               mysql> select * from film_text where file_id=1001;                                                               +---------+-------+                                                               | file_id | title |                                                               +---------+-------+                                                               |    1001 | test  |                                                               +---------+-------+                                                               1 row in set (0.00 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (10.00 sec)



session1                                                       session2mysql> drop table if exists film_text;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> create table film_text(file_id int,     -> title varchar(20),primary key(file_id)    -> )engine=myisam;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)mysql> insert into film_text values(1001,'test'),(1002,'test2'),    -> (1003,'test3'),(1004,'test4'),(1005,'test5'),(1006,'test6');Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.00 sec)Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0mysql> delete from film_text where file_id<1005;Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into film_text values(1002,sleep(10));                                                            select * from film_text where file_id=1005;                                                            等待Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (10.00 sec)                                                            +---------+-------+                                                            | file_id | title |                                                            +---------+-------+                                                            |    1005 | test5 |                                                            +---------+-------+                                                            1 row in set (9.33 sec)




session1                                                       session2mysql> drop table if exists film_text;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> create table film_text(file_id int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,     -> title varchar(20),primary key(file_id)    -> )engine=myisam;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)mysql> insert into film_text(title) values('test test test test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)....重复执行上面的插入语句.....mysql> insert into  film_text(title) select title from film_text;Query OK, 8388608 rows affected, 1 warning (17.70 sec)Records: 8388608  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1mysql> select * from film_text where title like '%rrrrr%';                                                                 mysql> insert into film_text(title) values('test');                                                                 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)                                                                 没有等待Empty set (4.63 sec)


session1                                                       session2mysql> delete from film_text where file_id<1000000;Query OK, 999999 rows affected (9.42 sec)mysql> select * from film_text where title like '%rrrrr%';                                                               mysql> insert into film_text(title) values('test');                                                               等待Empty set (4.44 sec)                                                               Query OK, 1 row affected (3.81 sec)


mysql> show status like 'table%';+-----------------------+----------+| Variable_name         | Value    |+-----------------------+----------+| Table_locks_immediate | 59539047 || Table_locks_waited    | 2676     |+-----------------------+----------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MyISAM 的锁调度

前面讲过,MyISAM 存储引擎的读锁和写锁是互斥的,读写操作是串行的。那么,一个进程请求某个MyISAM 表的读锁,同时另一个进程也

请求同一表的写锁,MySQL 如何处理呢?答案是写进程先获得锁。不仅如此,即使读请求先到锁等待队列,写请求后到,写锁也会插到读

锁请求之前!这是因为MySQL 认为写请求一般比读请求要重要。这也正是MyISAM 表不太适合于有大量更新操作和查询操作应用的原因,


来调节MyISAM 的调度行为。
 ·通过指定启动参数low-priority-updates,使MyISAM引擎默认给予读请求以优先的权利。
 ·通过执行命令SET LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATES=1,使该连接发出的更新请求优先级降低。
虽然上面3 种方法都是要么更新优先,要么查询优先的方法,但还是可以用其来解决查询相对重要的应用(如用户登录系统)中,读锁等待







1、在LOCK TABLES时加上“LOCAL”选项,其作用就是在满足MYISAM表并发插入条件的情况下,允许其他用户在表尾并发插入记录。
2、在调用LOCAL TABLES 给表显示加锁时,必须同时取得所有涉及表的锁,并且MYSQL不支持锁升级。也就是说,在执行LOCK TABLES
3、当LOCK TABLES时,不仅需要一次锁定用到的所有表,而且,同一个表的SQL语句中出现多次,就要通过与SQL语句中相同的别名锁定


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