Qt 5.1 下实现串口通信

来源:互联网 发布:windows ce6.0模拟器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 23:40
// reference the code source in :
// the code upper is in linux platform
// I just change the file posix_qextserialport.cpp and it's .h file to win_qextserialport.cpp and .h respectively.
// Author: zeng bowei
// Date:   20150922
// Much thanks for the original developer of the main files about serial port.

具体参考: http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/59a015e3438564f795886561.html 

void MainWindow::readMyCOM()
    // read all data in serial port's buffer
    QByteArray temp = myCOM->readAll();
    // display data in the textBrowser
    if(!ui->HexDisplayCheckBox->checkState()) // hex display not select, in ascii
          ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText(temp); // in ascii
    else // select
        ui->textBrowser->insertPlainText(temp.toHex()); // in hex

void MainWindow::on_sendMsgBtn_clicked()
    // send data to device in the form of ascii
    if(!ui->HexSendCheckBox->checkState()) // no select, in ascii
    else // in hex
        QByteArray a;
        QString temp1 = ui->sendMsgLineEdit->text(); // get the msg to temp1
        bool b = true;
        for( int i=0; i<temp1.length(); i+=2) // one hex = two ascii
            a.append(((temp1.mid(i,2)).toInt(&b, 16)));
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