从什么是 Bluemix 说起

来源:互联网 发布:竞价排名优化方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 05:52


对于什么是Bluemix,网上三言两语,片片段段的解释有很多。当下,已经不能简单的用一句“Bluemix 是一个基于CloudFoundry的公有PaaS云平台“来解释了。因为Bluemix发布一年多以来,功能不断丰富,已经不再是一个单纯的PaaS云平台所能概括的了。从只支持CloudFoundry的应用发布方式,到现在全面支持虚拟机和容器,从单一的公有PaaS云平台,但现在支持公有云、专有云、私有云以及混合云的交付方式,Bluemix 平台在不断完善,目前,在国内使用Bluemix可能会碰到一些稳定性和网络方面的问题,随着产品的演化和发展,期待这些问题都能最终解决。铺垫有点多了,后面是重点:(中英文是两个版本)


IBM Bluemix 是新一代数字创新平台,同时也是一个开放的云平台(基于Cloud Foundry,支持混合云),提供整合的环境和开发管理工具,使得组织和开发人员能够快速而轻松的在云上创建、开发、部署和管理应用程序(WEB,移动,大数据,新型智能设备等),而不用被硬件,软件,网络等其他因素分心。通俗的讲 Bluemix 所提供的就是我们经常在云的世界里提到的“平台即服务”,简称 PaaS。
Bluemix 为云端应用带来的优势包括:
加速应用上线,从零到生产只需要一条命令;IBM、第三方和开源API服务,帮助    开发人员在几分钟内就能组合出一个应用程序,使其将所有的精力和时间放在code的编写和调优上,而不用去担心繁杂的平台基础架构和设施

What is Bluemix?

“IBM Bluemix is the NEW cloud platform to develop, manage and run web, mobile and other applications.”

Apps are everywhere and they're changing the way we interact with Technology. Employees, customers, students, children and even grandparents are interacting with technology from the comfort of their phones and tablets. They're reading a book, booking a hotel, ordering pizza, listening music or just browsing on social media and exchange points of view. Experience matters and cloud makes it possible.

Based on open source architecture of Cloud Foundry, Bluemix provides the flexibility to integrate development frameworks, runtimes and services that will let you rapidly build, manage and deploy your Applications.

You just need to take care of the code and data and let Bluemix deal with all of the Infrastructure like Networking, Storage, Servers, OS, runtimes, etc.

Time is money, with Bluemix you can go from zero to running code in just minutes, this great advantage brings products and services to the market at a lower cost. Create the APP, choose the framework and runtime and start coding.

Efficiency save money, with continuous delivery you can add new functionality to the applications while creating other new Apps or just simply automate the development and delivery process.

Extend your Apps with Services. You can choose from IBM, third party or community services to extend the functionality of your Apps and simplify the development. There is a wide range of Services from Mobile to quickly get started to create iOS or Android Apps up to Big Data Services like Insights for Twitter, IBM Analytics for Hadhoop and Geospatial Analytics. Passing through Watson services for Cognitive computing, DevOps for development and deployment, Data Management that provides structured and non-structured data bases, Security, Business Analytics and the new trend topic IoT (Internet of Things).


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