
来源:互联网 发布:绕过网络白名单限制 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 10:52
  • 基本理论
    1. 每个个体看作一个点(暂时用二维的点)【多维情况下,每一个维度都可以是对个人某一属性的描述】
    2. 点的走向作为个人的发展情况
    3. 社会初期随机发展,一定时间后个人发展受朋友影响
    4. 前一次的点与后一次的点构成一个线段
    5. 在某一时间内,A 对应的线段 与B对应的线段相交,则认定两人相识(成为朋友)
    6. 两点之间的距离作为两个人亲密度的度量,前提是成为朋友
    7. 在达到一定年龄之后 , 人们会选择与自己亲密度最佳(距离最小)的异性朋友作为伴侣(成为恋人),一定时间后产生新的人类
    8. 未完待续
  • 算法实现

Code: humans

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Thu Sep 24 10:48:48 2015# Human@author: Zhang_Jun"""import randomimport mathclass human(object):    def __init__(self,ID):        self.ID = ID  # 编号        self.sex = random.randint(1,2)  # 随机产生性别        self.x_before = 0 ; self.y_before = 0  # 个人状态描述(前)        self.x_after = 0  ; self.y_after = 0   # 个人状态描述(后)        self.vector = [self.x_after - self.x_before , self.y_after - self.y_before] # 个人生活方向        self.ability = 1 # 发展潜力,决定了个人发展方向的模长         self.age = 0  # 个人的年龄        self.friend = [(ID,self)]   #  个人的所有好友列表 (编号,包含好友所有信息的对象)        self.friend_distance_sex = [(ID,0,0)] # 好友的亲密度与性别属性 (编号、亲密度、性别同性与否[0:同性,1:异性])        self.mate = [ID,self,100000]  #  个人的配偶 ,配偶编号 以及 亲密度        self.stage = 1    # 个人的生存状况 1 为 生 0 为 死        self.time = 0  # 记录时间流逝,可以构造一个与年龄转换的函数 (自定义)    def initiate_grow(self,step):  # 社会刚形成期间,每个人随机发展,不受他人影响        for i in range(step):  # step 为控制发展次数的参数()            self.time = self.time + 1   # 每step一次,增加一个时间单位            self.x_before = self.x_after             angle = random.randint(0,360)/180.0 * math.pi            self.x_after = self.x_after + self.ability * math.cos(angle)            self.y_before = self.y_after            self.y_after = self.y_after + self.ability * math.sin(angle)            self.vector = [self.x_after - self.x_before , self.y_after - self.y_before]    def grow(self,step,coef_friend,coef_random):        self.time = self.time = self.time + 1        self.x_before = self.x_after        self.y_before = self.y_after        friend_effect  = [i * coef_friend for i in  norm(sum_direction(self.friend))]        angle = random.randint(0,360)/180.0 * math.pi        random_effect = [i*coef_random for i in norm([math.cos(angle) , math.sin(angle)])]        direction =[i * self.ability for i in norm(sum_list(friend_effect,random_effect))]        [self.x_after,self.y_after] = sum_list([self.x_before,self.y_before] , direction)        self.vector = [self.x_after - self.x_before , self.y_after - self.y_before]        self.ability = sigmoid(inverse_sigmoid(self.ability) + coef_random * random.randint(-5,5)+ coef_friend * inverse_sigmoid(friend_ability(self.friend,self.ability)))def sigmoid(x):  # 控制个人能力增长的幅度    return 2.0/(math.exp(-0.1*x)+1)def inverse_sigmoid(y):    return 10*math.log(y / (2.0-y) )def sum_list(a,b):                return [x+y for x,y in zip(a,b)]def sum_direction(friend_List):    direction =[0,0]    for friend  in friend_List:        direction = sum_list(direction,friend[1].vector)    return directiondef norm(L):    ss = 0 # 平方和    for i in L:        ss = ss + i*i    sss = math.sqrt(ss)    return [x/sss for x in L]def friend_ability(friend_List,self_ability):    fri_ability = [fri[1].ability for fri in friend_List]    return (1.0*sum(fri_ability)/len(fri_ability) - self_ability)*0.5 + 1#-------------相遇判断函数-------------------------# 线段的交点   ->  是否有交点/交点是否在线段上# -kx+y=bdef meet(human1,human2) :    delta =1e-10    P1 = [human1.x_before,human1.y_before]    P2 = [human1.x_after,human1.y_after]    P3 = [human2.x_before,human2.y_before]    P4 = [human2.x_after,human2.y_after]    if (P2[0]-P1[0])==0:  #  in case of denominator equals 0 (避免分母为0的情况)        if (P3[0]-P4[0])==0:            return 0        else:            k2 = 1.0*(P4[1]-P3[1])/(P4[0]-P3[0])            b2 = -k2*P3[0]+P3[1]            P = [P1[0],k2*P1[0]+b2]            if (P[0]-P1[0])*(P[0]-P2[0])<=0 and (P[0]-P3[0])*(P[0]-P4[0])<=0 \            and (P[1]-P1[1])*(P[1]-P2[1])<=0 and (P[1]-P3[1])*(P[1]-P4[1])<=0 :                return 1            else:                return 0    elif (P4[0]-P3[0])==0:  #  in case of denominator equals 0 (避免分母为0的情况)        if (P2[0]-P1[0])==0:            return 0        else:            k1 = 1.0*(P2[1]-P1[1])/(P2[0]-P1[0])            b1 = -k1*P1[0]+P1[1]            P = [P3[0],k1*P3[0]+b1]            if (P[0]-P1[0])*(P[0]-P2[0])<=0 and (P[0]-P3[0])*(P[0]-P4[0])<=0 \            and (P[1]-P1[1])*(P[1]-P2[1])<=0 and (P[1]-P3[1])*(P[1]-P4[1])<=0 :                return 1            else:                return 0    else:        k1 = 1.0 * (P2[1] - P1[1]) / (P2[0] - P1[0])        k2 = 1.0 * (P4[1] - P3[1]) / (P4[0] - P3[0])        b1 = -k1 * P1[0] + P1[1]        b2 = -k2 * P3[0] + P3[1]        if abs(k1 - k2) < delta:  #  if use k1=k2  will cause singular matrix 精确度问题            return 0        else: # 求解两直线交点            P=[0,0]            P[0] = (b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1)            P[1] = (k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2-k1)            # 判断交点是否在线段上            if (P[0]-P1[0])*(P[0]-P2[0])<=0 and (P[0]-P3[0])*(P[0]-P4[0])<=0 \            and (P[1]-P1[1])*(P[1]-P2[1])<=0 and (P[1]-P3[1])*(P[1]-P4[1])<=0 :                 return 1            else:                return 0

Code: simulate (待注释)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Thu Sep 24 11:14:11 2015@author: Zhang_Jun"""import humanimport mathimport pylab as pltimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport seabornseaborn.set()# -------------------------generate humans-----------------humans = []human_number = 1000 # number of  initiate humansfor i in range(human_number):    humans.append(human.human(i))#----------------------------------------------------------#-------------------- the initiate grows of humans---------Time = 2for people in humans:    people.initiate_grow(Time)#-----------------show the vector of humans--------------------V = [people.vector for people in humans ]human_V = np.array(V)#plt.plot(human_V[:,0],human_V[:,1],'.')#plt.figure()#---------------------------------------------def draw_grow(number):    Position =[[people.x_before,people.x_after,people.y_before,people.y_after] for people in humans]    X_Position = np.array(Position)[:,:2]    Y_Position =  np.array(Position)[:,2:]      for i in range(number):        plt.plot(X_Position[i],Y_Position[i])#---------------------------------------------------------for i in range(10):    for people in humans:        people.initiate_grow(1)    draw_grow(human_number)#  after initiate grow  , the growth of people should folow some rulemarrage_age_bottom = 20marrage_age_top = 40#--------------------------------------meet  -------------Meet=np.zeros(human_number*human_number).reshape(human_number,human_number)Meet_people=[]for t in range(10):    for people in humans:        people.grow(1,0.8,0.2)    #draw_grow(human_number)    for i in range(human_number):        for j in range(human_number):            if Meet[i,j]==0 and i != j:                Meet[i,j] = human.meet(humans[i],humans[j])            if Meet[i,j] == 1 and (i,j) not in Meet_people:                               Meet_people.append((i,j))    #print Meet_people    #print Meet    for fri in Meet_people:   # friend in Meet_people        if (fri[1],humans[fri[1]]) not in humans[fri[0]].friend:            humans[fri[0]].friend.append((fri[1],humans[fri[1]]))            distance = math.sqrt( math.pow(humans[fri[1]].x_after \            - humans[fri[0]].x_after , 2) + math.pow(humans[fri[1]].y_after \            - humans[fri[0]].y_after , 2))            sex_compare = 0 if humans[fri[0]].sex == humans[fri[1]].sex else 1            humans[fri[0]].friend_distance_sex.append((fri[1],distance,sex_compare))# --------------------------------------------------------    #draw_grow(human_number)       have_friend = set([p[0] for p in Meet_people])    for i in have_friend:        table1 = humans[i].friend  # 所有的朋友 (编号和对象)        table2 = humans[i].friend_distance_sex    # 朋友的属性(编号、亲密度、性别同性与否)         ID_OBJ = pd.DataFrame(table1,columns=('ID','OBJ'))   # 转化为pandas 格式        ID_DIS_Sex = pd.DataFrame(table2,columns=('ID','DIS','SEX'))    # 转化为pandas 格式        S_ID_DIS_SEX = ID_DIS_Sex.sort(columns='DIS')     # 按照亲密度排列        S_ID_DIS_HSEX = S_ID_DIS_SEX[S_ID_DIS_SEX.SEX == 1]   #  获取异性列表        if len(S_ID_DIS_HSEX)>0:            mate_DIS = S_ID_DIS_HSEX.DIS.values[0]  # 记录与配偶的亲密度            mate_ID = S_ID_DIS_HSEX.ID.values[0]   # 记录配偶ID            if mate_DIS < humans[mate_ID].mate[2]:   # A的理想配偶已经有配偶的情况判定及处理                humans[humans[mate_ID].mate[0]].mate=[humans[mate_ID].mate[0],humans[mate_ID].mate[1],100000]                humans[i].mate = [mate_ID,ID_OBJ[ID_OBJ.ID==mate_ID]['OBJ'].values[0],mate_DIS]                humans[mate_ID].mate =[i,humans[i],mate_DIS]have_mate = [i for i in have_friend if humans[i].mate[0]!=i]print len(have_mate)  #  拥有配偶的人数#-----------------show the vector of humans--------------------plt.figure()V = [people.vector for people in humans ]human_V = np.array(V)plt.plot(human_V[:,0],human_V[:,1],'.')plt.figure()#  draw friendsfor me in have_friend:    for number in range(len(humans[me].friend)):                Position =[humans[me].x_after,humans[me].friend[number][1].x_after,humans[me].y_after,humans[me].friend[number][1].y_after]         plt.plot(Position[:2],Position[2:],'g-',linewidth=0.3)





In [274]: have_mateOut[274]: [1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19...}In [277]: have_friendOut[277]: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, ...}In [281]: humans[11].mateOut[281]: [216, <human.human at 0x3c5a79e8>, 0.12324587994054474]In [282]: humans[216].mateOut[282]: [11, <human.human at 0x5fa5ee48>, 0.12324587994054474






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