Training ------- Getting Started

来源:互联网 发布:网络平台投稿 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 19:33

Getting Started (入门)

Welcome to Training for Android developers. Here you'll find sets of lessons within classes that describe how to accomplish a specific task with code samples you can re-use in your app. Classes are organized into several groups you can see at the top-level of the left navigation.

欢迎来到android开发者的培训。在这里你会发现一些列的课程,这些课程描述了如何使用可以在你的应用中重复使用的代码示例来完成指定的任务。 这些课程被分成若干组,你可以在左侧的导航栏看见 这些分组的顶级目录。

This first group, Getting Started, teaches you the bare essentials for Android app development. If you're a new Android app developer, you should complete each of these classes in order.
这里的第一组是入门,教你android 应用开发的基本要领。如果你是一个新的android 应用开发者,你应该按顺序完成这里的每一个课程。

If you prefer to learn through interactive video training, check out this trailer for a course about the fundamentals of Android development.
如果你喜欢通过交互式的视频学习,那么看看关于android 开发所需基础的预告片
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