hdu 5491 Desiderium(扫描线)

来源:互联网 发布:屏蔽视频广告软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:03


Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 324    Accepted Submission(s): 130

Problem Description
There is a set of intervals, the size of this set is n.

If we select a subset of this set with equal probability, how many the expected length of intervals' union of this subset is?

We assume that the length of empty set's union is 0, and we want the answer multiply 2n modulo 109+7.

The first line of the input is a integer T, meaning that there are T test cases.

Every test cases begin with a integer n ,which is size of set.

Then n lines follow, each contain two integers l,r describing a interval of [l,r].



For every test case output the answer multiply 2n modulo 109+7

Sample Input
210 120 21 3

Sample Output
For the second sample, the excepted length is $\frac{0+2+2+3}{4}=\frac{7}{4}$.



#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <string>#include <map>#include <cstdlib>#include <cmath>#include <vector>#include <set>#include <queue>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int maxn=2e5+10;const ll mod=1e9+7;struct node {    int l,r;} a[maxn];int X[maxn],flag[maxn];int n;ll p[maxn];void init() {    p[0]=1;    for(int i=1; i<maxn; i++)        p[i]=p[i-1]*2%mod;}bool cmp(node a,node b) {    return a.l<b.l||(a.l==b.l&&a.r<b.r);}int main() {    int t;    init();    cin>>t;    while(t--) {        scanf("%d",&n);        ll ans=0;        ll sum=0;        int m=0;        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {            scanf("%d%d",&a[i].l,&a[i].r);            //  sum=(sum+(ll)(a[i].r-a[i].l)*p[n-1]%mod)%mod;            X[m++]=a[i].l;            X[m++]=a[i].r;        }        sort(X,X+m);        int k=0;        X[k++]=X[0]; ///去重        for(int j=1; j<m; j++)            if(X[j-1]!=X[j])X[k++]=X[j];        m=k;        sort(a,a+n,cmp);        int f=0;        memset(flag,0,sizeof flag);        for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {            int lx=lower_bound(X,X+m,a[i].l)-X;            int rx=lower_bound(X,X+m,a[i].r)-X;            flag[lx]++;            flag[rx]--;        }        for(int i=0; i<m-1; i++) {            ll len=X[i+1]-X[i];            f+=flag[i];            sum=(sum+len*(p[n-f])%mod*(p[f]-1)%mod+2*mod)%mod;        }        printf("%I64d\n",sum);    }    return 0;}

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