
来源:互联网 发布:linux x86 x64区别 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 14:16

Creating a network bridge on the host

Install the bridge-utils package:

sudo apt-get install bridge-utils

We are going to change the network configuration1. To do it properly, you should first stop networking2:

sudo invoke-rc.d networking stop

If you are on a remote connection, and so cannot stop networking, go ahead with the following commands, and use sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart at the end. If you make a mistake, though, it won't come back up.

To set up a bridge interface, edit /etc/network/interfaces and either comment or replace the existing config with (replace with the values foryour network):

auto loiface lo inet loopbackauto eth0iface eth0 inet manualauto br0iface br0 inet static        address        network        netmask        broadcast        gateway        bridge_ports eth0        bridge_stp off        bridge_fd 0        bridge_maxwait 0

or to use DHCP

auto loiface lo inet loopbackauto eth0iface eth0 inet manualauto br0iface br0 inet dhcp        bridge_ports eth0        bridge_stp off        bridge_fd 0        bridge_maxwait 0

This will create a virtual interface br0.

Now restart networking:

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

If your VM host "freezes" for a few seconds after starting or stopping a KVM guest when using bridged networking, it is because a Linux bridge will take the hardware address of the lowest numbered interface out of all of the connected interface. To work around this, add the following to your bridge configuration:

post-up ip link set br0 address f4:6d:04:08:f1:5f

and replace f4:6d:04:08:f1:5f with the hardware address of a physical ethernet adapter which will always be part of the bridge.

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