
来源:互联网 发布:小米手机照片导入mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 11:49

对比配置文件与配置文件、服务器与服务器 或者 配置文件与服务器 之前的参数差异。



 pt-config-diff [OPTION...] CONFIG CONFIG [CONFIG...]


[root@slave159 test]# pt-config-diff h= --user=huang --password=huang  h= --user=huang --password=huang35 config differencesVariable                  slave159                  kfpanda========================= ========================= =========================basedir                   /opt/mysql-5.5.41         /usr/local/mysqlcharacter_sets_dir        /opt/mysql-5.5.41/shar... /usr/local/mysql/share...datadir                   /u02/data_3307/           /home/opaqdata/data/event_scheduler           ON                        OFFexpire_logs_days          3                         0general_log               ON                        OFFgeneral_log_file          /u02/data_3307/slave15... /home/opaqdata/data/kf...hostname                  slave159                  kfpandainnodb_version            5.5.41-tokudb-7.5.5       5.5.30-tokudb-7.0.1lc_messages_dir           /opt/mysql-5.5.41/share/  /usr/local/mysql/share/log                       ON                        OFFlog_bin_trust_function... ON                        OFFlog_error                 /u02/data_3307/slave15... /home/opaqdata/data/kf...max_allowed_packet        5242880                   1048576max_long_data_size        5242880                   1048576open_files_limit          65534                     2500pid_file                  /u02/data_3307/slave15... /home/opaqdata/data/kf...plugin_dir                /opt/mysql-5.5.41/lib/... /usr/local/mysql/lib/p...query_cache_size          0                         33554432query_cache_type          OFF                       ONserver_id                 159                       1skip_name_resolve         ON                        OFFslow_query_log_file       /u02/data_3307/slave15... /home/opaqdata/data/kf...socket                    /tmp/mysqltwo.sock        /tmp/mysql.socksort_buffer_size          31457280                  2097152thread_stack              262144                    512000tokudb_analyze_time       5                         60tokudb_cache_size         16817350656               980219904tokudb_commit_sync        OFF                       ONtokudb_load_save_space    ON                        OFFtokudb_max_lock_memory    2102168832                122527488tokudb_read_block_size    65536                     131072tokudb_row_format         tokudb_fast               tokudb_defaulttokudb_version            tokudb-7.5.5              7.0.1version                   5.5.41-tokudb-7.5.5-log   5.5.30-tokudb-7.0.1-log
[root@slave159 test]# pt-config-diff /etc/my.cnf  h= --user=huang --password=huang2 config differencesVariable                  /etc/my.cnf slave159========================= =========== ========sort_buffer_size          16777216    31457280table_open_cache          510         512
[root@slave159 test]# pt-config-diff /etc/my.cnf  /opt/mysql-5.5.41/my.cnf 2 config differencesVariable                  /etc/my.cnf /opt/mysql-5.5.41/my.cnf========================= =========== ========================sort_buffer_size          16777216    31457280table_open_cache          510         512
[root@slave159 test]# pt-config-diff --helppt-config-diff diffs MySQL configuration files and server variables. CONFIG canbe a filename or a DSN.  At least two CONFIG sources must be given.  Likestandard Unix diff, there is no output if there are no differences.  For moredetails, please use the --help option, or try 'perldoc/usr/local/bin/pt-config-diff' for complete documentation.Usage: pt-config-diff [OPTIONS] CONFIG CONFIG [CONFIG...]Options:  --ask-pass            Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL  --charset=s       -A  Default character set  --config=A            Read this comma-separated list of config files; if                        specified, this must be the first option on the command                        line. (This option does not specify a CONFIG; it's                        equivalent to --defaults-file.)  --database=s      -D  Connect to this database  --defaults-file=s -F  Only read mysql options from the given file  --help                Show help and exit  --host=s          -h  Connect to host  --[no]ignore-case     Compare the variables case-insensitively (default yes)  --ignore-variables=a  Ignore, do not compare, these variables  --password=s      -p  Password to use for connection  --pid=s               Create the given PID file  --port=i          -P  Port number to use for connection  --[no]report          Print the MySQL config diff report to STDOUT (default                        yes)  --report-width=i      Truncate report lines to this many characters (default                        78)  --set-vars=A          Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of                        variable=value pairs  --socket=s        -S  Socket file to use for connection  --user=s          -u  MySQL user if not current user  --version             Show version and exit  --[no]version-check   Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit, MySQL,                        and other programs (default yes)Option types: s=string, i=integer, f=float, h/H/a/A=comma-separated list, d=DSN, z=size, m=timeRules:  This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details.DSN syntax is key=value[,key=value...]  Allowable DSN keys:  KEY  COPY  MEANING  ===  ====  =============================================  A    yes   Default character set  D    yes   Default database  F    yes   Only read default options from the given file  P    yes   Port number to use for connection  S    yes   Socket file to use for connection  h    yes   Connect to host  p    yes   Password to use when connecting  u    yes   User for login if not current user  If the DSN is a bareword, the word is treated as the 'h' key.Options and values after processing arguments:  --ask-pass            FALSE  --charset             (No value)  --config              /etc/percona-toolkit/percona-toolkit.conf,/etc/percona-toolkit/pt-config-diff.conf,/root/.percona-toolkit.conf,/root/.pt-config-diff.conf  --database            (No value)  --defaults-file       (No value)  --help                TRUE  --host                (No value)  --ignore-case         TRUE  --ignore-variables    (No value)  --password            (No value)  --pid                 (No value)  --port                (No value)  --report              TRUE  --report-width        78  --set-vars              --socket              (No value)  --user                (No value)  --version             FALSE  --version-check       TRUE

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