
来源:互联网 发布:android性能优化工具 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 01:12
#if 1
#include <stdio.h>
int globle_init = 0;
int globle_uinit;
static int globle_static = 0;

int main()
int local_init = 0;
static int local_static = 0;
int *local_ptr;

local_ptr = (int *)malloc(10);

printf("address of main is %p\n", main);
printf("address of globle_init is %p\n", &globle_init);
printf("address of globle_uinit is %p\n", &globle_uinit);
printf("address of globle_static is %p\n", &globle_static);
printf("address of local_init is %p\n", &local_init);
printf("address of local_static is %p\n", &local_static);
printf("address of &local_ptr is %p\n", &local_ptr);
printf("address of local_ptr is %p\n", local_ptr);
address of &local_ptr is0031FB70 stack
address of local_init is0031FB7C stack
address of local_ptr is00378820 heap
address of main is00AD1145 text
address of globle_init is   00AD8130  data
address of globle_static is 00AD8134data
address of local_static is  00AD8138data
address of globle_uinit is  00AD8160data

address of local_init is0x7fff4397784c stack
address of &local_ptr is0x7fff43977840 stack
address of local_ptr is0x828010         heap
address of globle_uinit is0x601064 data
address of local_static is0x601060 data
address of globle_static is 0x60105cdata
address of globle_init is0x601058 data
address of main is0x400650 text


return 0;


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