SnapChat 面试题:HTML Parser

来源:互联网 发布:企业即时通讯软件 免费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 00:35


给一个html文件,生成一个包含所有tag的树状结构。可以假设html格式是valid,即每一个tag一定有ending tag,而且tag的顺序也是valid。不会出现<div><span></div></span>的情况。

// This is the text editor interface. // Anything you type or change here will be seen by the other person in real time./*<html>    <head> </head>    <body>        <div>            <div>            </div>            <div>            </div>        </div>        <span>        </span>        <img>    </body></html>*/import java.util.*;class TreeNode {    String tag;    List<TreeNode> children;    TreeNode(String t) {        tag = t;        children = new ArrayList<>();    }}class HtmlParser {    public TreeNode dummyRoot = new TreeNode("");    public TreeNode parser(String document) {        findChildren(dummyRoot, document);        return dummyRoot;    }    public void findChildren(TreeNode root, String document) {        //need to find all the children here        int start = 0;        while(document.indexOf("<", start) != -1) {            int begin = document.indexOf("<", start);            int end = document.indexOf(">", start);            String tag = "";            if(begin != -1 && end != -1)                tag = document.substring(begin + 1, end);            else                return;            if(tag.equals("img")) {                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(tag);                root.children.add(node);                start = end + 1;                continue;            }            int i = end;            int count = 1;            while(document.indexOf(tag, i) != -1) {                int p = document.indexOf(tag, i);                if(document.charAt(p - 1) == '/') {                    count--;                    if(count == 0) {                        TreeNode node = new TreeNode(tag);                        root.children.add(node);                        findChildren(node, document.substring(end + 1, p - 2));                        i = p + tag.length() + 1;                        break;                    }                } else if(document.charAt(p - 1) == '<') {                    count++;                }                i = p + tag.length() + 1;            }            start = i;        }    }}public class Solution {    public static void main(String[] args) {        HtmlParser p = new HtmlParser();        String s = "<html><head></head><body><div><div></div><div></div></div><span></span><img></body></html>";        TreeNode root = p.parser(s);    }}


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