programing studying notes no.1--用processing描述球体碰撞

来源:互联网 发布:nginx tcp 域名重定向 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:48

i will use this blog to track down my programing life.

these days,i am focousing on to imitate balls colliding,this is what i am thinking.

and this below is what i get gradually:

--------------------------------------this is the first one i make ,only one ball-----------------------------------------

Circle mycircle;void setup(){  size(400,400);  smooth();  mycircle=new Circle();}void draw(){    background(255);  mycircle.move();  mycircle.judge();  mycircle.display();  }class Circle{  float x;  float y;  int r;  float angle; Circle()  {    x=100;    y=100;    r=20;    angle=HALF_PI-20;  }    void move()  {    x+=5*cos(angle);    y+=5*sin(angle);  }    void judge()  {    if(y+r>=400||y-r<=0)      angle=2*PI-angle;    if(x+r>=400||x-r<=0)      angle=3*PI-angle;  }    void display()  {    ellipse(x,y,2*r,2*r);  }}

------------------------------------the second one---------------------------------

Circle mycircle0;Circle mycircle1;Circle mycircle2;void setup(){  size(400,400);  smooth();  mycircle0=new Circle(200,200,60);  mycircle1=new Circle(250,320,160);  mycircle2=new Circle(100,150,250);  }void draw(){    background(0);  mycircle0.move();  mycircle0.judge();  mycircle0.display();  mycircle1.move();  mycircle1.judge();  mycircle1.display();  mycircle2.move();  mycircle2.judge();  mycircle2.display();  }class Circle{  float x;  float y;  int r;  float angle;Circle(int xx,int yy,int zz)  {    x=xx;    y=yy;    r=20;    angle=HALF_PI-zz;  }    void move()  {    x+=5*cos(angle);    y+=5*sin(angle);  }    void judge()  {    if(y+r>=400||y-r<=0)      angle=2*PI-angle;    if(x+r>=400||x-r<=0)      angle=3*PI-angle;  }    void display()  {    fill(255,0,0);    ellipse(x,y,2*r,2*r);  }}

------------------------------the third one--------------------------------

int M=5;int speed=5;Circle [] mycircle=new Circle[M];int k=0;int c=255;void setup(){  size(400,400);  smooth();  for(int i = 0; i < M; i ++)  {    mycircle[i] =new Circle(random(50,300),random(50,300),random(50,300));  }}void draw(){    background(0); for(int i = 0; i < M; i ++) {  mycircle[i].move();  mycircle[i].judge();  mycircle[i].display();    for(int j = 0; j < M; j ++)   {     if(i!=j)        {             if(dist(mycircle[i].x,mycircle[i].y,mycircle[j].x,mycircle[j].y)<=mycircle[i].r+mycircle[j].r)              {                    c=(int)random(20,240);                     k++;                    float m;                     m=atan((mycircle[i].y-mycircle[j].y)/(mycircle[i].x-mycircle[j].x));                     mycircle[i].angle=PI-mycircle[i].angle-2*m;                     mycircle[j].angle=PI-mycircle[j].angle-2*m;                     println("cash in NO "+k);                       }        }   } }  }class Circle{  float x;  float y;  int r;  float angle;Circle(float xx,float yy,float zz)  {    x=xx;    y=yy;    r=(int)random(12,20);    angle=HALF_PI-zz;  }    void move()  {    x+=speed*cos(angle);    y+=speed*sin(angle);  }    void judge()  {    if(y+r>=400||y-r<=0)      angle=2*PI-angle;    if(x+r>=400||x-r<=0)      angle=3*PI-angle;  }    void display()  {    fill(c,255,0);    ellipse(x,y,2*r,2*r);  }}

from this i learn:math is of great importance; learning can be intersting.

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