
来源:互联网 发布:阿波波英语软件安卓版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 15:58

While working on a data problem, Curt, Bill, Ben, Mike, and Matt introduced a vast amount of corrupted
data into the database. Pablo has discovered this problem and he needs you to recover the database to
the point in time prior to the introduction of the corruption. The logical corruption was introduced at 6:30 p.m.
on September 6, 2008. Which of the following would be the correct commands to use to restore the
database to a point in time before the corruption?
A. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00’); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008
06:30:00’); alter database open;
B. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00’); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008
06:30:00’); alter database open resetlogs;
C. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55’); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008
18:29:55’); alter database open resetlogs;
D. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55’);
alter database open resetlogs;
E. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55’);
recover database;alter database open resetlogs;
Answer: C

当工作在一个数据出问题之时, Curt, Bill, Ben 迈克和马特
之前。 2008 年 9 月 6 日下午 6:30 导入了逻辑损坏。下列哪项是正确的命令,用来将数据库恢复到损坏之前

C.还原数据库,直到时间’06-九月-2008 18时29分55秒) ;恢复数据库,直到时间2008年9月6日18时29分55秒) ;改变数据库打开重置日志;

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