《Hadoop: The Definitive Guide》读书笔记 -- Chapter 3 The Hadoop distributed Filesystem

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Chapter 3 The Hadoop distributed Filesystem


1. Very Large Files

2. Streaming Data Access (Write once, read-many-times)

3. Commodity Hardware


1. Low-latency data access(HBase is currently a better choice for low-latency)

2. Lots of small files

3. Multiple writers, arbitrary file modification(No support for multiple writters? Why? Reliabilit?)

HDFS Concepts

1. Blocks

Unlike a filesystem for a single disk, a file in HDFS that is much smaller than a single block not occupy a full block's worth underlying storage.

Why HDFS block large? minize the time of seek

2. Namenodes and Datanodes

Namenode(master): manage filesystem namespace, maintain filesystem tree and its metadata(persistently), blocks location(in memory, reconstruct)

Datanode(slave): blocks

Namenode(master) Resilient Mechanism:

a) Back up filesystem and metadata

b) secondary namenode

3. Block Caching

4. HDFS Federation

Problem: files number limit to single node. 

Solution: cluster of namenodes. ex: NodeA for /user, NodeB for /etc

5. HDFS High Availability


The Command Line interface

Hadoop Filesystems

Hadoop has an abstract notion of filesystem, of which HDFS is just one implementation.


Data Flow


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